23 research outputs found

    Logic in the tradition of Prabhacandra

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    The characterization of truth-preserving arguments is a core issue in India and received the detailed attention of philosophers. This chapter presents Prabhācandra’s theory of inference from the eleventh century, stressing its uniqueness and detailed critique of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti. In Prabhācandra’s framework, the inferential evidence has not three but just one characteristic, “being impossible otherwise.” The epistemological problem of the means to know when evidence has this characteristic is solved without regress by appeal to a non-inferential source of knowing, the “discernment of universals” (tarka). Finally, important advances in the role of negation in logical inference are related to a greater emphasis on linguistic form

    The taste of the mango: a Jaina-Buddhist controversy on evidence

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    In the classical framework of Indian philosophy, the different schools of thought agree on the fact that the correctness of an inference relies on a special necessary relation standing between the evidence-property and the target-property. The aim of this paper is to give a presentation of these discrepancies between the Jain and the Buddhist theories of inference, as they are found in Māṇikyanandi’s Parīkṣāmukham, the Introduction to Philosophical Investigation, a digest of Akalaṅka’s mature philosophy on one side, and in Dharmakīrti’s Pramāṇavārttikasvavṛtti, his Auto-commentary on the Essay on Knowledge on the other side

    The legitimation of an authoritative discourse in Jainism

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    Jaina Scriptures and Philosophy : an essential contribution to the history of philosophy in Jainism

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    This paper is a review of the nine chapters more directly concerned with philosophy of the volume Jaina Scriptures and Philosophy. Edited in 2015 by Peter Flügel and Olle Qvarnström, this interdisciplinary volume in philosophy, philology, linguistics, literary studies and history is presented as an essential contribution to the study of Jaina philosophy inasmuch as it offers a collection of cutting-edge analyses on the emergence and development of philosophical concepts such as the Self and its epistemic faculties, with a focus on early Jaina canonical literature and commentaries thereof

    Dialogique temporelle et hybridation

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    L’objectif de cet article est de donner une interprétation dialogique de la logique temporelle standard. Dans ce cadre, nous utiliserons les langages hybrides dont Patrick Blackburn s’est servi pour caractériser la logique modale comme logique dialogique.The aim of the paper is to offer a dialogical interpretation of standard temporal logic. This interpretation will use hybrid languages which were used by Patrick Blackburn to characterize modal logic as dialogical logic


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