154 research outputs found

    Pancreatite acuta e insufficienza renale acuta nel cane

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    La pancreatite acuta (PA) è una patologia comune nel cane caratterizzata da un ampio spettro di segni clinici, come anoressia, vomito, diarrea e dolore addominale. La PA può causare insufficienza renale acuta (AKI) tramite fenomeni ipovolemici, ischemia citochine-indotta, infiammazione e stress ossidativo. Lo scopo dello studio è quello di valutare la prevalenza di AKI in cani con PA e studiare il valore prognostico di alcuni parametri clinici e di laboratorio. Nello studio sono stati arruolati 65 cani con SNAP® cPL test anormale, parametri clinici, laboratoristici ed ecografici compatibili con PA. Sono stati esclusi cani con addome acuto di origine non pancreatica, con insufficienza renale cronica e cani con concomitante AKI trattati con emodialisi. I cani sono stati divisi in due gruppi: sopravvissuti e non sopravvissuti. Nei due gruppi sono stati valutati i seguenti parametri: leucociti totali, neutrofili, proteina C-reattiva, urea, creatinina, calcio totale, amilasi e colesterolo sierici. La gravità della PA è stata valutata utilizzando il clinical severity index (CSI) proposto da Mansfield (2008). I valori di urea e creatinina sieriche sono risultate significativamente differenti fra i gruppi sopravvissuti e non sopravvissuti (p <0.0001 e p 0.0002, rispettivamente). CSI ≥ 5 è risultato associato ad un outcome peggiore (p 0.0027). Diciannove (29.2%) cani su 65 venivano considerati in AKI ed avevano un tasso di mortalità del 63%, contro una mortalità totale del 27.7%. La presenza di AKI è risultata associata all’outcome dei pazienti (p 0.0002). Il CSI e l’iperazotemia potrebbero essere utilizzati per predire l’outcome nella PA canina. L’AKI è una possibile complicazione della PA nel cane e, come in medicina umana, lo sviluppo di AKI è associato ad una peggiore prognosi. Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common disease in dogs characterized by a wide spectrum of clinical signs, as anorexia, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdominal pain. AP can lead to acute kidney injury (AKI) via hypovolemia, cytokine-induced ischemia, inflammation and oxidative stress. The aim of the study is to evaluate the prevalence of AKI in dogs with AP and if some clinicopathological parameters may be associated with outcome. The study enrolled 65 dogs with abnormality to SNAP® cPL test, clinicopathological and ultrasonographic features compatible with/to AP. Dogs with non-pancreatic acute abdominal disease and chronic kidney disease were excluded dialisi. The patients were divided into two groups: survivors and non-survivors. Total leucocytes, neutrophil count, serum C-reactive protein, serum creatinine, urea, cholesterol, and amylase and total serum calcium were evaluated at diagnosis between the two groups. The magnitude of AP was assessed using the clinical severity index (CSI) as described by Mansfield (2008). Serum urea and creatinine were significantly different between survivors and non-survivors (p <0.0001 and p 0.0002, respectively). Dogs with CSI ≥ 5 have been associated with poor outcome (p 0.0027). AKI has been diagnosed in Nineteen (29.2%) of 65 dogs and it has been associated with a mortality rate of 63%, versus an overall mortality of 27.7%. Dogs with AKI have been associated with a poor outcome (p 0.0002). CSI and azotemia may be used to predict outcome in canine AP. AKI may be a complication of canine AP and, as in human medicine, the development of AKI it’s associated with a poor outcome

    The protective role of life satisfaction, coping strategies and defense mechanisms on perceived stress due to COVID-19 emergency: A chained mediation model

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    The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic represents a worldwide emergency, which may have harmful consequences on people's mental health. Parallel to research focused on risk factors, it could be useful to investigate the factors that help to cope with such crises at an emotional level. Therefore, this study aimed to strengthen the role of variables that protect from subjective distress during the COVID-19 pandemic, explore the pathways between satisfaction with life and perceived stress, and consider the role of coping strategies and defense mechanisms in this relationship. A sample of 1102 Italian participants who were experiencing the COVID-19 lockdown measures (Mage = 34.91, SD = 11.91) completed an online survey in which the Ten Item Perceived Stress Scale, Satisfaction with Life Scale, Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Inventory and Forty-Item Defense Style Questionnaire were included. The data were analyzed using Pearson's r correlations and moderation analysis. A chained-mediation model showed that the relationship between life satisfaction and perceived stress is partially mediated by approach coping, positive attitude and mature defenses. This study contributes toward gaining a better understanding of a protective pathway for mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings could be useful from both a preventive and an intervention perspective

    Retrospective Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Signs in Hypothyroid Dogs

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    Few observations about gastrointestinal (GI) signs in hypothyroid dogs (hypo-T dogs) are available. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of concurrent GI signs in hypo-T dogs, describe clinicopathological, hepato-intestinal ultrasound findings in hypo-T dogs, investigate changes in GI signs after thyroid replacement therapy (THRT). Medical records of suspected hypo-T dogs from two hospitals were retrospectively reviewed. The inclusion criteria were: (1) having symptoms and clinicopathological abnormalities related to hypothyroidism (i.e., mild anemia, hyperlipemia); (2) not being affected by systemic acute disease; (3) not having received any treatment affecting thyroid axis. Hypothyroidism had to be confirmed using low fT4 or TT4 with high TSH and/or inadequate TSH-stimulation test response; otherwise, dogs were assigned to a euthyroid group. Clinical history, GI signs, hematobiochemical parameters, and abdominal ultrasound findings were recorded. Hypo-T dogs were assigned to the GI group (at least 2 GI signs) and not-GI group (1 or no GI signs). Follow-up information 3-5 weeks after THRT was recorded. In total, 110 medical records were screened: 31 dogs were hypo-T, and 79 were euthyroid. Hypo-T dogs showed a higher prevalence of GI signs (44%), especially constipation and diarrhea (p = 0.03 and p = 0.001), than euthyroid dogs (24%) (p = 0.04). Among hypo-T dogs, no difference in hematological parameters between GI and non-GI groups was found. Hypo-T dogs had a higher prevalence of gallbladder alterations than euthyroid dogs (20/25; 80% and 32/61; 52% p = 0.04). The hypo-T GI group showed a significant improvement in the GI signs after THRT (p &lt; 0.0001). Specific investigation for concurrent GI diseases in hypo-T dogs was lacking; however, improvement in GI signs following THRT supports this association between GI signs and hypothyroidism

    Velocity-dependent quantum phase slips in 1D atomic superfluids

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    Quantum phase slips are the primary excitations in one-dimensional superfluids and superconductors at low temperatures but their existence in ultracold quantum gases has not been demonstrated yet. We now study experimentally the nucleation rate of phase slips in one-dimensional superfluids realized with ultracold quantum gases, owing along a periodic potential. We observe a crossover between a regime of temperature-dependent dissipation at small velocity and interaction and a second regime of velocity-dependent dissipation at larger velocity and interaction. This behavior is consistent with the predicted crossover from thermally-assisted quantum phase slips to purely quantum phase slips.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Observation of a disordered bosonic insulator from weak to strong interactions

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    We employ ultracold atoms with controllable disorder and interaction to study the paradigmatic problem of disordered bosons in the full disorder-interaction plane. Combining measurements of coherence, transport and excitation spectra, we get evidence of an insulating regime extending from weak to strong interaction and surrounding a superfluid-like regime, in general agreement with the theory. For strong interaction, we reveal the presence of a strongly-correlated Bose glass coexisting with a Mott insulator
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