2,159 research outputs found

    Use of modern electronic total stations in surveying engineering

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    Working in surveying has become easier with the development of modern technology. Instruments nowadays have better mechanical equipment, as well as many more user applications, that make working on terrain easier. This diploma paper describes useful applications that can be found in Leica TS06 FlexLine instrument, such as determining heights, measuring surfaces and determining deviations

    Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) through the time

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    Virus mozaika duhana (TMV) jedan je od najjednostavnijih i najbolje istraženih virusa uopće. O njegovoj strukturi napisan je velik broj znanstvenih članaka, a mnoga otkrića do kojih se dolazilo od 19. stoljeća, kada je virus otkriven, predstavljala su temelje za razvoj molekularne biologije. Zbog svoje jednostavnosti, neškodljivosti za čovjeka i mogućnosti izolacije u visokim koncentracijama iz zaraženih biljaka, TMV je bio odličan model u istraživanjima strukture proteina i RNA. TMV je prvi otkriveni virus, prvi koji je bio izoliran, prvi virus na kojem je uopće otkriveno načelo infektivnosti virusa. U ovom radu izložen je pregled otkrića vezanih uz TMV kroz povijest, njegov doprinos razvoju molekularne biologije, kratak pregled strukture kao i najnovije mogućnosti upotrebe TMV-a u medicini, odnosno u proizvodnji lijekova. Granice našeg znanja o TMV-u i dalje se stalno pomiču. On je i dalje u središtu istraživanja temeljnih bioloških procesa pogotovo u biljkama, ali i značajnim primijenjenim biomedicinskim istraživanjima tako da možemo očekivati da će ovaj povijesno značajan virus i dalje igrati važnu ulogu u razvoju znanosti.Tobacco mosaic virus is one of the simplest and the best researched viruses in general. Its structure is very well known and many discoveries since the end of the 19th century, when the virus was discovered, represented a basis for development of molecular biology. Because of its simplicity, harmlessnes to man and availability in high concentrations, as an isolate from infected tobacco plants, TMV has proved to be very useful tool in studies of protein and RNA macromolecular structures. In this work, a review of TMV related discoveries through history has been presented, as well as its contributions to the development of molecular biology, structural biology and the newest possibility of use in medicine. Our body of knowledge on TMV is steadily growing. It is widely used in elucidating fundamental biological processes, especially in plants, it underlines development of new strategies in biomedical research, so we can expect that this historically important virus will continue to play a pivotal role in further scientific breakthroughs

    Optimizacija porabe energije in stroškov sušenja lesa s kombinacijo različnih sušilnih tehnik

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    The time and energy required for wood drying and therefore drying costs are among the highest in wood products manufacturing. Analysis of the drying process costs is very complex and needs to evaluate the cost of investments, energy, labour as well as defects of lumber or added value. In the present research work, we upgraded the computer aided engineering (CAE) model of wood drying processes with the economic evaluation of different drying techniques. By analyzing and comparing the costs of different drying processes, the model is able to predict the transition wood moisture content (MCt) at which the alteration from one to another drying technique would get the best results. The model was verified on data from several air- and kiln-drying experiments on 38 mm thick beech wood (Fagus sylvatica L.) boards. Computer simulation predicted advantages of combined dying beech wood with air predrying and continued and finished with kiln drying. The MCt in the winter period was at about 40% MC and decreased to 23% in favourable climate conditions in spring and summer months. The model can be also used for optimising the combination of other drying techniques.Dolgotrajnost in energijska potratnost sušenja lesa povečuje tudi stroške, ki so med največjimi med lesnopredelovalnimi postopki. Analiza stroškov zahteva vsestransko obravnavo z vrednotenjem stroškov investicije, energije in dela kot tudi upoštevanje razvrednotenja zaradi napak ali dodane vrednosti kakovostnega osušenega lesa. V raziskavi smo nadgradili računalniški model sušilnega procesa z ekonomskim vrednotenjem različnih sušilnih tehnik. S primerjavo stroškov različnih sušilnih postopkov smo predpostaviti prehodno vlažnost lesa, pri kateri bi s kombinacijo več načinov sušenja dosegli najboljše ekonomske rezultate. Metoda je bila preverjena na sušenju bukovine debeline 38 mm s kombinacijo sušenja na prostem in komorskega sušenja. V zimskih mesecih je sušenje na prostem smotrno do vlažnosti 40 %, v najugodnejših klimatskih razmerah pa je optimalna vlažnost prehoda iz sušenja na prostem v komorsko sušenje 23 %. Predstavljeno metodo je mogoče uporabiti tudi za optimizacijo različnih tehničnih postopkov sušenja lesa

    Procjena obilježja ksilita - dio 2. Karakterizacija grešaka sušenja

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    Xylite very much has the appearance of precious wood species with dark heartwood and also has some physical and aesthetical properties of wood, required nowadays for making valuable products. Xylite, with well recognizable and preserved wood structure, was used for studying the drying kinetics and drying quality. The drying experiments were carried out at 20 °C and 40 °C using constant relative air humidity ranging from 34 % to 87 %, on elements 6 mm, 12 mm and 18 mm thick. The visual assessment of the drying quality was additionally made by light microscopy fracture analysis. The drying time increased with the increase of relative humidity and thickness of specimens. The yield of dry material decreased with the increase of drying time and with the increase of specimen thickness. End-splitting and bowing were the most common drying defects on tangentially oriented specimens. The failure usually occurred in collapsed earlywood, in disoriented tissue or in places with soil or mineral inclusions.Ksilit izgledom podsjeća na dragocjene vrste drva tamne srži i još posjeduje relevantna fizikalna i estetska svojstva drva koja su poželjna za izradu vrijednih proizvoda. Na uzorcima ksilita dobro vidljive i očuvane strukture drva istraživana je kinetika sušenja i kvaliteta osušenih elemenata. Eksperimenti sušenja izvedeni su s elementima ksilita debljine 6, 12 i 18 mm, pri temperaturama 20 i 40 °C u intervalu relativne vlažnosti zraka od 34 do 87 %. Vizualna procjena kvalitete dodatno je ispitana primjenom frakturne analize i svjetlosnog mikroskopa. Vrijeme sušenja produžavalo se s povećanjem relativne vlažnosti zraka i debljine elemenata, a kvalitativno iskorištenje materijala smanjivalo se s produljenjem vremena sušenja i s povećanjem debljine elemenata. Glavne greške sušenja bile su čeone pukotine i uzdužno zakrivljenje tangencijalno orijentiranih uzoraka. Najčešće mjesto grešaka sušenja bilo je kolabirano rano drvo, na mjestima velike dezorijentacije vlakanaca te tkiva s mineralnim i zemljanim inkluzijama. Savijanje osušenih uzoraka ksilita dodatno se pripisuje povećanju gustoće tog materijala

    Experts in Times of Pandemic:Reframing the Debate in the Context of Structural Transformations of the Public Sphere

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the important yet controversial role of scientific expertise in public life. While existing debates focus mostly on necessary changes to (1) how experts are involved in public and political debates or (2) the way science itself is conducted, we conceptualise role of digital technology and the rise of the “new” social media through the theoretical framework provided by Jürgen Habermas. Drawing on Habermas’s recent reflections on the new “structural transformation” of the digital public sphere, we identify two areas where science and its interaction in the public sphere can be improved to address declining trust in scientific expertise: namely, digital design and user education. On the one hand, democracies need to focus on the architecture of the public sphere when trying to re-establish trust in science. On the other hand, individual user education addresses the choices individuals are making regarding which information they use when they engage in public debates.</p

    Experts in Times of Pandemic:Reframing the Debate in the Context of Structural Transformations of the Public Sphere

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the important yet controversial role of scientific expertise in public life. While existing debates focus mostly on necessary changes to (1) how experts are involved in public and political debates or (2) the way science itself is conducted, we conceptualise role of digital technology and the rise of the “new” social media through the theoretical framework provided by Jürgen Habermas. Drawing on Habermas’s recent reflections on the new “structural transformation” of the digital public sphere, we identify two areas where science and its interaction in the public sphere can be improved to address declining trust in scientific expertise: namely, digital design and user education. On the one hand, democracies need to focus on the architecture of the public sphere when trying to re-establish trust in science. On the other hand, individual user education addresses the choices individuals are making regarding which information they use when they engage in public debates.</p

    Experts in Times of Pandemic:Reframing the Debate in the Context of Structural Transformations of the Public Sphere

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the important yet controversial role of scientific expertise in public life. While existing debates focus mostly on necessary changes to (1) how experts are involved in public and political debates or (2) the way science itself is conducted, we conceptualise role of digital technology and the rise of the “new” social media through the theoretical framework provided by Jürgen Habermas. Drawing on Habermas’s recent reflections on the new “structural transformation” of the digital public sphere, we identify two areas where science and its interaction in the public sphere can be improved to address declining trust in scientific expertise: namely, digital design and user education. On the one hand, democracies need to focus on the architecture of the public sphere when trying to re-establish trust in science. On the other hand, individual user education addresses the choices individuals are making regarding which information they use when they engage in public debates.</p

    Characterization of anatomical structure and basis physical properties of Velenje xylite

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    Ksilit je litotip lignita, ki ga poznamo predvsem kot kurivo. Les, iz katerega je nastal, je v obdobju skoraj dveh milijonov let doživel drastične spremembe, struktura lesa pa je delno še prepoznavna. Ksilit po videzu pogosto spominja na lesne vrste s temno jedrovino. Opravili smo karakterizacijo ksilita z vidika anatomije lesa, iz katerega je nastal, raziskali njegovo ohranjenost in določili osnovne fizikalne značilnosti. Prepoznali smo osnovno tkivo iz traheid, enoredno in homocelularno trakovno tkivo, taksodioidne piknje v križnih poljih in obilico aksialnega parenhima z vključki. To nakazuje, da je ksilit nastal iz lesa golosemenk (iglavcev) iz družine Taxodiaceae (taksodijevke) ali Cupressaceae (cipresovke). Barvnometrično je ksilit v sistemu CIELab* primerljiv z jedrovino lesa ebenovine ali wengeja. Proučeni ksilit je imel gostoto v absolutno suhem stanju 1216 kg/m3, zaradi velikega volumenskega skrčka (v povprečju 28.2 %) paje bila srednja osnovna gostota samo 873 kg/m3. Celotni linearni skrčki so veliki, kar se kot posledica kaže v neugodnih kazalnikih dimenzijske stabilnosti (qT = 0.65 %/%, qR = 0.30 %/%). Nadpovprečno visoke so tudi ravnovesne vlažnosti ksilita v procesu desorpcije, sorpcijska kapaciteta v procesu adsorpcije pa je podobna kot pri lesnih vrstah z visoko gostoto. Sorpcijski model GAB se je izkazal kot primeren za izravnavo sorpcijskih podatkov.Xylite is a lithotype of lignite, mainly used for fuel. The wood from which it was formed in a long term process (duration ca. 2 millions of years) was subjected to drastic changes. We conducted anatomical characterization of xylite, evaluated preservation of wood from which it was formed, defined its basic physical properties, and compared it with modern wood. We recognized ground tissue composed of tracheids, uniseriate and homocellular rays, taxodioid like cross-field pits, and abundant axial parenchyma with inclusions. The observed features are typical of coniferous wood species of the Taxodiaceae and Cupressaceae families. Colourimetric properties of xylite in CIELab* system are comparable to those of heartwood of ebony or wenge. The xylite had high oven dry density (1,216 kg/m3), but due to very high volumetric shrinkage (28.2 % on average), its basic density was much lower (873 kg/m3). Total linear shrinkage was considerable in all anatomical directions. Consequently it was characterized by low dimensional stability (qT= 0.65 %/%, qR = 0.30 %/%). The equilibrium moisture content (EMC) in desorption process was high, and that of adsorption was comparable to EMCs of high density wood species. GAB sorption model proved to be appropriate for fitting the data obtained in the sorption process

    Spreminjanje pH-vrednosti jesenovine pri konvektivnem sušenju

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    Changes of pH of sawn wood during conventional drying were studied. Green ashwood boards (Fraxinus excelsior L.), 25.4 mm in thickness, were exposed to 1 month air drying and to kiln drying using 7 schedules, reached by varying temperature (20°C, 30°C and 65°C) and relative air humidity (33% to 90%). Wood samples for pH and moisture content (MC) determination were taken in successive time interval at 3 board`s depths (1/10, 1/3 and 1/2 of thickness).MC was established gravimetrically. pH-value determination of solid wood water system by suspending wood dust into distilled water was used. The lowest used temperature and duration of drying procedure had not significant influence on wood pH. Wood acidification was confirmed at higher drying temperatures (30°C and 65°C), particularly with lower drying rates and prolongation of the procedure. Among all the factors, drying temperature had the greatest impact on the pH-value of wood.Raziskovano je bilo spreminjanje pH-vrednosti lesa med procesom naravnega in komorskega sušenja žaganega lesa. Les velikega jesena (Fraxinus excelsior L.), debeline 25 mm, je bil sušen pod sedmimi konstantnimi sušilnimi režimi, z uporabo 3 temperatur (20°C, 30°C in 65°C) in relativnih zračnih vlažnosti med 33% in 90%. Vzporedno je potekalo zračno sušenje jesenovine v spomladanskih kontinentalnih klimatskih razmerah. Določanje pH vrednosti in lesne vlažnosti je potekalo z odvzemanjem vzorcev v zaporednih časovnih intervalih na 3 globinah žaganic (1/10, 1/3 in 1/2 debeline). Lesna vlažnost je bila določena gravimetrično, pH-vrednost lesa pa z vodno ekstrakcijsko metodo. Vrednosti pH jesenovine se pri sušenju z najnižjo temperaturo niso spremenile. Z višanjem temperature sušenja (30°C in 65°C) se je pH jesenovine značilno zmanjšala, še posebej pri daljšem sušenju in ob uporabi vlažnejših klimatskih razmer v komori. Temperatura sušenja je imela med vsemi dejavniki najbolj izrazit vpliv na pH lesa

    Salmonella Ovarian Abscess in Young Girl Presented as Acute Abdomen – Case Report

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    Ovarian abscess in young sexually non-active girls can represent a diagnostic challenge. 15-years old girl was admitted to the Clinic for Gynaecology and Obstetrics under the suspicion of torsion of an ovarian cyst. Her clinical status deteriorated after the admission with development of acute abdomen. Laparoscopic exploration was performed and unilateral ovarian abscess was found without involvement of other pelvic structures. The surgical proceedure was minimal invasive for a young girl and Salmonella staleyville was isolated from pus. Solitary ovarian abscess can be of hematogenous origin and the causative pathogens are different from pathogens usually involved in pelvic inflammatory disease. To avoid later fertility problems it is of great importance to treat infections in pelvic region correctly according to the isolated microorganism and that surgery is the least invasive