851 research outputs found

    Experimental Limit on the Cosmic Diffuse Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Flux

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    We report results from 120 hours of livetime with the Goldstone Lunar Ultra-high energy neutrino Experiment (GLUE). The experiment searches for <10 ns microwave pulses from the lunar regolith, appearing in coincidence at two large radio telescopes separated by 22 km and linked by optical fiber. Such pulses would arise from subsurface electromagnetic cascades induced by interactions of >= 100 EeV neutrinos in the lunar regolith. No candidates are yet seen, and the implied limits constrain several current models for ultra-high energy neutrino fluxes.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, revtex4 style. New intro section, Fig. 2, Fig 4; in final PRL revie

    Search for gamma-rays from M31 and other extragalactic objects

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    Although the existence of fluxes of gamma-rays of energies 10 to the 12th power eV is now established for galactic sources, the detection of such gamma-rays from extragalactic sources has yet to be independently confirmed in any case. The detection and confirmation of such energetic photons is of great astrophysical importance in the study of production mechanisms for cosmic rays, and other high energy processes in extragalactic objects. Observations of m31 are discussed. It is reported as a 10 to the 12th power eV gamma-ray source. Flux limits on a number of other extragalactic objects chosen for study are given

    Search for gamma-rays above 400 GeV from Geminga

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    Observations of Geminga made at the Whipple Observatory using the atmospheric Cherenkov technique during the moonless periods of November 1983 to February 1984 and November 1984 till February 1985 were examined for evidence for the emission of gamma rays with energy in excess of approx 400 GeV. Evidence of either a steady flux or a flux pulsed with a period near 60 seconds were studied. In neither case was any significant effect observed, enabling the establishment 3 of sigma upper limits of 5.5 x 10 to the -11th power photons/sq cm/s and 2.0 x 10 to the -11th power photons/sq cm/s for the steady and pulsed emission respectively. The limit to the pulsed flux is approximately a factor of six below that predicted

    Application of imaging to the atmospheric Cherenkov technique

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    Turver and Weekes proposed using a system of phototubes in the focal plane of a large reflector to give an air Cherenkov camera for gamma ray astronomy. Preliminary results with a 19 element camera have been reported previously. In 1983 the camera was increased to 37 pixels; it has now been routinely operated for two years. A brief physical description of the camera, its mode of operation, and the data reduction procedures are presented. The Monte Carlo simultations on which these are based on also reviewed

    Observations of the Crab Nebula at energies 4.10(11)

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    Since the development of gamma-ray astronomical telescopes, the Crab Nebula has been a prime target for observations. From 100 to 1000 MeV, the pulsar PSR0531 is the dominant source with a light-curve similar to that seen at lower energies; there is also some evidence for longterm amplitude variations but none for emission from the Nebula itself. In the very high energy gamma-ray region there have been reported detections of pulsed emission with longterm time variations from minutes to months. Recently a pulsed flux has been reported that resisted over a long time interval. The detection of a flux from the Nebula at the 3 sigma level at energies of 3x1011eV was reported; there was no evidence of periodic emissions on any time scale during the three years of observations. A new measurement of very high energy gamma rays from the Crab Nebula is reported using the imaging system on the Whipple Observatory 10m reflector

    Variability in the high energy gamma ray emission from Cyg X-3 over a two-year period (1983 - 1984) at E 4 x 10(11) eV

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    Cygnus X-3 is observed to emit gamma rays with energies in excess of 4 x 10 to the 11th power eV during two out of 9 observational categories over an 18 month time span. The emissions are observed at the 0.6 phase of the characteristic 4.8 hr light curve for this binary system. We estimate a peak flux at phase 0.6 of 5 x 10 to the minus 10th power photons cm-2s-1 at a software threshold of 8 x 10 to the 11th power eV for Oct/Nov 1983. A flux for the June 84 effect cannot be reliably calculated at present due to lack of Monte Carlo simulations for the energy range and spectral region. For the other 7 observational categories the observations are consistent with zero source emission. The light curve would appear to be variable on a time scale of a couple of weeks at these categories. Selection of compact images in accordance with Monte Carlo simulations combined with empirical optimization techniques have led to an enriched gamma ray light curve for the Oct/Nov 1983 data. Selection on the basis of shower orientation, however, has not led to any notable enhancement of the gamma ray content. Individual Cherenko images can be reliably sorted on an event by event basis into either proton-induced or photon-induced showers

    Observation of the Askaryan Effect: Coherent Microwave Cherenkov Emission from Charge Asymmetry in High Energy Particle Cascades

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    We present the first direct experimental evidence for the charge excess in high energy particle showers predicted nearly 40 years ago by Askaryan. We directed bremsstrahlung photons from picosecond pulses of 28.5 GeV electrons at the SLAC Final Focus Test Beam facility into a 3.5 ton silica sand target, producing electromagnetic showers several meters long. A series of antennas spanning 0.3 to 6 GHz were used to detect strong, sub-nanosecond radio frequency pulses produced whenever a shower was present. The measured electric field strengths are consistent with a completely coherent radiation process. The pulses show 100% linear polarization, consistent with the expectations of Cherenkov radiation. The field strength versus depth closely follows the expected particle number density profile of the cascade, consistent with emission from excess charge distributed along the shower. These measurements therefore provide strong support for experiments designed to detect high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos via coherent radio emission from their cascades.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Hercules X-1: Pulsed gamma-rays detected above 150 GeV

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    The 1.24 second binary pulsar Her X-1, first observed in X-rays in 1971 by UHURU has now been seen as a sporadic gamma ray source from 1 TeV up to at least 500 TeV. In addition, reprocessed optical and infrared pulses are seen from the companion star HZ Herculis. Thus measurements of the Her X-1/HZ Herculis system span 15 decades in energy, rivaling both the Crab pulsar and Cygnus X-3 in this respect for a discrete galactic source

    Markarian 421's Unusual Satellite Galaxy

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope (HST) imagery and photometry of the active galaxy Markarian 421 and its companion galaxy 14 arcsec to the ENE. The HST images indicate that the companion is a morphological spiral rather than elliptical as previous ground--based imaging has concluded. The companion has a bright, compact nucleus, appearing unresolved in the HST images. This is suggestive of Seyfert activity, or possibly a highly luminous compact star cluster. We also report the results of high dynamic range long-slit spectroscopy with the slit placed to extend across both galaxies and nuclei. We detect no emission lines in the companion nucleus, though there is evidence for recent star formation. Velocities derived from a number of absorption lines visible in both galaxies indicate that the two systems are probably tidally bound and thus in close physical proximity. Using the measured relative velocities, we derive a lower limit on the MKN 421 mass within the companion orbit (R \sim 10 kpc) of 5.9 \times 10^{11} solar masses, and a mass-to-light ratio of >= 17. Our spectroscopy also shows for the first time the presence of H\alpha and [NII] emission lines from the nucleus of MKN 421, providing another example of the appearance of new emission features in the previously featureless spectrum of a classical BL Lac object. We see both broad and narrow line emission, with a velocity dispersion of several thousand km s^{-1} evident in the broad lines.Comment: LaTeX (aaspp4 style), 28 pages, 8 figures, to appear in AJ. Revised text from ref. comments; new & modified figures; new photometry included; minor corrections of typos. Color version of Fig. 1 to appear in Feb. 2000 Sky & Telescop

    Status of ANITA and ANITA-lite

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    We describe a new experiment to search for neutrinos with energies above 3 x 10^18 eV based on the observation of short duration radio pulses that are emitted from neutrino-initiated cascades. The primary objective of the ANtarctic Impulse Transient Antenna (ANITA) mission is to measure the flux of Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) neutrinos and search for neutrinos from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We present first results obtained from the successful launch of a 2-antenna prototype instrument (called ANITA-lite) that circled Antarctica for 18 days during the 03/04 Antarctic campaign and show preliminary results from attenuation length studies of electromagnetic waves at radio frequencies in Antarctic ice. The ANITA detector is funded by NASA, and the first flight is scheduled for December 2006.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, to be published in Proceedings of International School of Cosmic Ray Astrophysics, 14th Course: "Neutrinos and Explosive Events in the Universe", Erice, Italy, 2-13 July 200
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