8 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary ENVIROMIS conference: New experience

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    A forced by the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) approach to organization of multidisciplinary conference is described. A hybrid format combining both online and offline presentations is presented and advantages and disadvantages of the used approach are evaluated as well as the received feedback. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The use of laser radiation in cardiac surgery allows to provide more effective and targeted care for patients with ischemic heart disease. The article summarizes the multistage teamwork of several research centers in Tomsk on determination of the most effective type of laser and techniques of cardiac surgery using lasers. The study had an experimental and a clinical phase. In the experimental phase, effectiveness of various laser types for indirect laser myocardial revascularization was assessed, including carbon dioxide, neodymium, and a semiconductor laser types. During clinical phase, efficacy of clinical use of semiconductor laser in various timepoints after surgery was evaluated. The experimental phase revealed that semiconductor laser provides the best neoangiogenesis efficiency, minimal myocardial damage and ease of use. During clinical phase, its safety for a patient was established and a significant clinical benefit was observed.Применение лазерного излучения в кардиохирургии позволяет оказать более эффективную и целевую помощь больным ишемической болезнью сердца. В обзоре авторы обобщили результаты многоэтапной работы коллективов нескольких научных центров г. Томска по определению наиболее эффективного типа лазера и методики выполнения кардиохирургической операции с использованием лазерного излучения. Исследование было разделено на экспериментальный и клинический этапы. На экспериментальном этапе изучали эффективность для непрямой лазерной реваскуляризации миокарда различных типов лазеров: углекислотного, неодимового и полупроводникового. На клиническом этапе оценивали эффективность клинического применения полупроводникового лазера в разные сроки после операции. На экспериментальном этапе выявлено, что по эффективности неоангиогенеза, минимальности повреждения миокарда и удобству эксплуатации наилучшим является полупроводниковый лазер. На клиническом этапе установлена его безопасность для пациента, отмечен значительный положительный клинический эффект

    Autodyne lidar for environmental DIAL applications

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    Autodyne lidar with CO2-laser is a good system for remote measurements of environmental gases 1 as a number of them have absorption bands in spectral region 9-11 km. In this report we present an analytical approach for calculation of the parameters of a parametric autodyne lidar for environmental DIAL applications. This approach allows one to express analytically the parameters of the atmosphere, such as the absorption coefficient and the distance to remote target, through experimentally measured values. A model of parametric autodyne lidar based on two level laser scheme has been considered. The aim is to derive analytical dependencies of lidar field on parameters of the atmosphere. Two nonlinear differential equations for laser field amplitude at resonator mirrors are derived. Using reflectivity of the remote mirror as a small parameter (it can reach 10i 9 in field experiments) a perturbation theory has been built, which allows one to reduce nonlinear lidar equations to a couple of linear differential equations with diving force. These equations have been solved both analytically, using proper approximations, and numerically. From the analytical solution two important expressions for the absorption coefficient and the distance to the target have been derived. Two types of lidar mirror modulation mostly used in experiments have been considered, harmonic-like oscillation and a saw-tooth-like oscillation. Comparison of the two mirror modulation schemes leads one to conclusion that the harmonic modulation has two apparent disadvantages. The first one is that in this case one has to deal with specific and short time intervals when the mirror passes its equilibrium point in order to filter out the maximal beating frequency, whereas the saw-tooth modulation results in a fixed beating frequency and then there is no need to deal with a wide signal spectrum. The second (probably minor) disadvantage is that the maximal beating frequency in case of harmonic-like modulation is higher than the constant beating frequency in case of saw-tooth-like modulation (provided both amplitude and frequency of mirror oscillations are identical in both cases). This difference however may become important when very large distances should be measured. For instance, assume the distance is about 300km and the mirror oscillation amplitude and frequency are 11m and 1kHz respectively. Then the maximal beating frequency in case of harmonic modulation is about 600MHz, while in case of saw-tooth modulation the beating frequency is about 350MHz

    Summary and outstanding scientific challenges for research of environmental changes in Siberia

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    This chapter summarizes the volume content focusing on land change in Siberia. The volume is compilation of results of the most recent international studies of Earth's system interactions including biogeochemical and water cycles, natural ecosystems changes, and human impacts on environment. Outstanding scientific challenges are outlined as they were discussed in each chapter

    Development of information-computational infrastructure for environmental research in Siberia as a baseline component of NEESPI studies

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    This chapter provides a brief description of the information resources currently supporting environmental studies of Siberia including key references and points of contact. It describes environmental, hydrological, and meteorological datasets available for Siberia as well as the tools developed to organize and seamlessly deliver these data to the international research community for studying regional environmental and climatic dynamics of the ongoing global changes. Three-hour and daily datasets of major meteorological characteristics measured at the Siberian weather stations and relevant metadata sets are the first tangible resources available to the researchers. However, most of the Siberian territory is sparsely populated and the observational networks that provide regional in situ observations are also sparse. Therefore, other information resources described below are based upon, or include as their integral part, remote sensing and model output data. These resources are (a) land information system for Siberia that includes cartographical materials, data of different inventories and surveys, diverse databases of in situ measurements and remote sensing products, and numerous auxiliary models for assessment of relevant biophysical indicators of Siberian ecosystems; (b) remote sensing Earth observation products and tools for data search, data access, data visualization, and analysis over Siberia; and (c) a suite of online systems to monitor, process, visualize, analyze, and access Earth science remote sensing products and regional climatic and meteorological geospatial datasets, as well as a variety of geospatial data on climate, climate forecast, hydrology, hydrological forecast, environmental remote sensing, socioeconomic information, etc