11 research outputs found


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    Određenje je u Kominterni prema socijalnoj osnovi faÅ”ističkih pokreta dio njezina određenja prema faÅ”izmu, važan u koncipiranju komunističke teorije o faÅ”izmu. U socijalnoj je strukturi faÅ”ističkih pokreta srednje druÅ”tvene slojeve shvatila kao njegovu socijalnu osnovu, čije se potencijalno nezadovoljstvo građanskoliberalnim periodom u razvoju kapitalizma može iskoristiti i kao potencijalna snaga u komunističkim prevratima.The Comintern\u27s taking position toward the social basis of the fascist movement is the outcome of the global communist position toward fascism. The fascism has risen from the crisis of capitalism, and it is characterized by an open dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The Comintern distinguished between democratic and revolutionary wings of the fascist movement. Aiming at forming a common front against capitalism, it collaborated with the democratic one


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    Određenje je u Kominterni prema socijalnoj osnovi faÅ”ističkih pokreta dio njezina određenja prema faÅ”izmu, važan u koncipiranju komunističke teorije o faÅ”izmu. U socijalnoj je strukturi faÅ”ističkih pokreta srednje druÅ”tvene slojeve shvatila kao njegovu socijalnu osnovu, čije se potencijalno nezadovoljstvo građanskoliberalnim periodom u razvoju kapitalizma može iskoristiti i kao potencijalna snaga u komunističkim prevratima.The Comintern\u27s taking position toward the social basis of the fascist movement is the outcome of the global communist position toward fascism. The fascism has risen from the crisis of capitalism, and it is characterized by an open dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. The Comintern distinguished between democratic and revolutionary wings of the fascist movement. Aiming at forming a common front against capitalism, it collaborated with the democratic one


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    U raspravi se analizira struktura ideoloÅ”kih opredjeljenja Stjepana Radića u dosad neobjavljenom spisu Å”to ga je uputio vodstvu Seljačke internacionale kao uvod u moguće pregovore o učlanjenju HRSS u tu prokomunistički usmjerenu međunarodnu organizaciju. Autorica tvrdi kako je pojačani interes u Komunistič koj internacionali za pridobivanje HRSS na suradnju s komunistima u funkciji postupnog razbijanja interesnog jedinstva hrvatskog naroda i potiskivanja utjecaja HRSS-a. StrateÅ”ki je cilj Komunističke internacionale boljÅ”evizacija prostora Balkana i Podunavlja i zato zagovara razbijanje južnoslavenske monarhije kao velikosrpske tvorevine i stvaranje balkanske, ili balkanskopodunavske federacije sovjetskih socijalističkih republika, među njima i sovjetske republike Hrvatske. SrediÅ”nji je dio rasprave posvećen analizi ideoloÅ”kih opredjeljenja Stjepana Radića, koji brani interesno jedinstvo hrvatskog naroda pod vodstvom seljaÅ”tva, načelo samostalne i nacionalno suverene države hrvatskoga naroda i zagovara konfederalni odnos Hrvatske sa Srbijom i ostalim južnoslavenskim državama. Njegov interes za Seljačku internacionalu samo je taktički potez iznuđen datim odnosima u južnoslavenskoj monarhiji i u Europi.The paper analyses the structure of Stjepan Radić\u27s ideological attitudes, based on an unpublished text ā€” a letter to the leadership of the Peasants\u27 International ā€” which served as an ouverture to the possible membership of HRSS in that pro-communist international organization. The paper also includes the original text by Radić. The author claims that the increased interest of the Communist International for winning over HRSS was in the function of a gradual breakup of the unity of interests of the Croatian people and the curtailment od the influence of HRSS\u27 ideology and policies. The strategic aim of the Communist International was the bolshevization of the Balkans and the Danubian region and that is why it advocated the disbandment of the South-Slavonic federation and the creation of a Balkan or Balkan-Danubian federation of the Soviet Socialist Republics, including the Soviet Republic of Croatia. The central part of the text is devoted to the analysis of Stjepan Radić\u27s ideological attitudes. He upholds the unity of interests of the Croatian people under the leadership of peasants, the principle of an independent and nationally sovereign state of the Croatian people and is in favour of a confederal relationship of Croatia with Serbia and other South-Slavonic states. The Peasants\u27 International was only a tactical move exacted by the existing relationships in the South- Slavonic monarchy and Europe in general

    Anti-fraction Conceptions of Josip Broz in 1928

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    The author analyses rather concisely one important moment in life and revolutionary work of Josip Broz. The central point is laid on bringing out the basical characteristics of Tito\u27s ideas in his standing up against streams of fractionizing existing inside the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPT) which were leading CPT towards decline because of constant disagreement on a number of essential programatic problems. The decisive fight was fought at the Eighth Conference of the Organization of CPT, held in town of Zagreb in February 1928 - Tito was then elected the new political secretary of the Zagreb Party Organization. This election represented the acknowledgement of Zagreb proletariat for Tito\u27s anti-fraction work as well as their strong decision not to permit the Zagreb Party Organization turn into the centre for ultra left actions of fractionizing. The Eighth Local Conference of Zagreb communists was the first great political affirmation of Josip Broz in the lines of CPT and his first important contribution to guarding the entity of communist movement of Yugoslav people

    Anti-fraction Conceptions of Josip Broz in 1928

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    The author analyses rather concisely one important moment in life and revolutionary work of Josip Broz. The central point is laid on bringing out the basical characteristics of Tito\u27s ideas in his standing up against streams of fractionizing existing inside the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (CPT) which were leading CPT towards decline because of constant disagreement on a number of essential programatic problems. The decisive fight was fought at the Eighth Conference of the Organization of CPT, held in town of Zagreb in February 1928 - Tito was then elected the new political secretary of the Zagreb Party Organization. This election represented the acknowledgement of Zagreb proletariat for Tito\u27s anti-fraction work as well as their strong decision not to permit the Zagreb Party Organization turn into the centre for ultra left actions of fractionizing. The Eighth Local Conference of Zagreb communists was the first great political affirmation of Josip Broz in the lines of CPT and his first important contribution to guarding the entity of communist movement of Yugoslav people

    The influence of material quality on power plant reliability

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    Značajan broj otkaza termoenergetskih postrojenja, prema statističkim podacima, je posledica neodgovarajućeg kvaliteta materijala od koga je neka komponenta izrađena. Interesantno je pitanje kako materijal može da bude neodgovarajući, kada se s jedne strane, pri projektovanju izabiraju materijali koji, po svojim standardizovanim osobinama, zadovoljavaju mogućnost eksploatacije pri poviÅ”enim parametrima za određeni radni vek, dok se s druge strane uz specifikaciju isporučenih materijala dostavljaju i atesti kao nepobitni dokazi o kvalitetu materijala. Međutim, mnogobrojna ispitivanja, koja su na naÅ”im postrojenjima usledila nakon havarijskih ispada, su kao rezultat imala jednoznačan zaključak: polazni materijal nije bio zadovoljavajućeg kvaliteta. Namera u ovom radu je da predloži klasifikaciju mogućih greÅ”aka kod komponenti termoenergetskih postrojenja čime bi bila pojednostavljena i olakÅ”ana procedura svih vidova kontrola ali i otkrivanje uzroka pojave oÅ”tećenja i razaranja. Takođe su prikazani neki od konkretnih slučajeva razaranja komponenti termoenergetskih postrojenja koja su usledila zbog nezadovoljavajućeg polaznog kvaliteta materijala, ne ulazeći u tehno-ekonomsku analizu Å”tete koja bi bila kruna svakog ovakvog nalaza.According to statistics, a substantial number of shutdowns occurring in power plant components, have resulted from inadequate material quality. It is interesting to know how this particular material proves to be inappropriate when it satisfies conditions of high temperature and service life, and is delivered with an asserted quality specification as proof of its quality. Numerous tests performed on domestic components after breakdowns all lead to a common conclusion: the initial material quality was poor. The aim of this paper is to present a proposal of possible flaws classification of power plant components which can ensure easier control of material during inspection as well as reveal possible causes of flaws/damages and failures. Some specific cases of component damages provoked by inadequate material quality are also presented