5 research outputs found

    Comparative study of Cs-137 distribution in broilers and pheasants and possibilities for protection

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate distribution of Cs-137 in leg and breast meat of broilers and pheasants following single alimentary contamination and administration of two protectors (AFCF and clinoptilolite). The birds were administered a single dose of (CsCl)-Cs-137, with an activity of 750 Bq. Protectors were given via gastric tube or mixed in the forage pellets. AFCF given via gastric tube decreased the Cs-137 concentration by a factor of 7.8 in broilers leg meat and 7.4 in broilers breast meat. When AFCF was mixed in pellets, the Cs-137 concentration was 19.5 times lower in broilers leg meat and 22.1 times lower in broilers breast meat, than in the control group. In pheasants, AFCF administered via gastric tube decreased the Cs-137 concentration by a factor of 12.4 in leg meat and by a factor of 13.7 in breast meat, respectively. In group 4, where pheasants were administered AFCF mixed in pellets, the Cs-137 concentration was 3.7 times lower in leg and breast meat, than in the control group. For comparison, clinoptilolite administered via gastric tube decreased the Cs-137 concentration 1.8 times in broilers leg meat and 2.0 times in breast meat, compared to the control group. In pheasants, Cs-137 concentration was 2.9 times lower in leg meat and 2.6 times lower in breast meat. Clinoptilolite mixed in the feed had relatively low efficiency of protection in broilers (Cs-137 concentration was 1.4 times lower in leg meat and 1.6 lower in breast meat). A similar trend was observed in pheasants (Cs-137 concentration was 1.6 lower in leg and breast meat)

    The effect of clinoptilolite on 137 Cs binding in broiler chickens

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the 137 Cs binding capacity of clinoptilolite.In the first in vitro experiment we investigated sorption of 137 Cs to natural and modified forms of clinoptilolite in highly acid solution,prepared to be similar to that of the gut of pigs (pH =2 3)at 37 ºC.In the second in vivo experiment 137 Cs binding to a modified form of clinoptilolite was studied in orally contaminated broiler chickens.137 Cs sorption in the high acidity solution depended on clinoptilolite concentration and varied between 30 85 %of the init ial activity.In the chickens,three hours after 137 Cs administration,there was 67%and 63%lower accumulation of 137 Cs in meat and edible organs (respectively)and seven hours after 137 Cs administration,there was 69% and 49% lower accumulation of 137 Cs in meat and edible organs (respectively)compared to the controls with no clinoptilolite added in food. Natural and modified forms of clinoptilolite have been shown to high sorption efficiency towards 137 Cs ions and could be recommended as possible radiocaesium binders in domestic animals.vo

    Radioactive contamination of food chain around coal mine and coal-fired power stations

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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the impact of the coal mine in Lazarevac, and the coal-fired power stations in Obrenovac, on the activity concentrations of radionuclides 40K, 238U, 232Th, and 137Cs in some parts of human food chain of people living in the surrounding area. The obtained results showed that natural environment around the examined coal mine and the coal-fired power stations are not significantly affected by the emission of primordial radionuclides. The activity concentrations of 238U in the soil around the open coal mine and the coal processing installations (66.4-76.0 Bq/kg) and in the soil around the coal-fired power stations (55.5-61.2 Bq/kg) were not significantly higher than the average values in Serbia. The significant increase in the activity concentrations of natural radioisotopes in the samples of soil, vegetation, and animal products, was not confirmed. Food of animal origin used in human consumption is safe, i. e. not contaminated by radiation.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita uticaj procesa vađenja i prerade uglja iz otvorenog rudnog kopa u Lazarevcu, kao i sagorevanja uglja tokom proizvodnje električne energije u termoelektranama u Obrenovcu, na prisustvo radionuklida 40K, 238U, 232Th kao i 137Cs u lancu ishrane ljudi koji žive u okolini ovih postrojenja. Nivo ispitivanih radionuklida meren je gamaspektrometrijski, u uzorcima zemljišta, stočne hrane (lucerka, kukuruz), mleka krava i koza, kravljeg sira, jaja i mesa goveda, ovaca, svinja i živine. Uzorci su uzimani od lokalnog stanovništva i to po tri uzorka na svakom lokalitetu. Na području Lazarevca, uzorkovanje je izvršeno na lokalitetima Šopići, Stepojevac i Vreoci, a na području Obrenovca na lokalitetima Konatica i Ušće. Dobijeni rezultati pokazali su da se nivo aktivnosti 238U u zemljištu, na području oko rudnika uglja (Lazarevac) kretao u rasponu 66,4-76,0 Bq/kg, a na području oko termoelektrana u Obrenovcu 55,5-61,2 Bq/kg. Ove, kao i vrednosti dobijene za ostale radionuklide, nisu bile značajno više od prosečnih vrednosti za Srbiju. U uzorcima stočne hrane i animalnih proizvoda, nivo aktivnosti, ispitivanih radionuklida bio je veoma nizak i često na granici detekcije. Na osnovu svega, može se zaključiti da rudnik uglja, postrojenja za preradu uglja kao i termoelektrane, nemaju značajnog uticaja na povećanja nivoa aktivnosti primordijalnih radionuklida u životnoj sredini Lazarevca i Obrenovca

    Natural and anthropogenic radioactivity of feedstuffs, mosses and soil in the Belgrade environment, Serbia

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    By gamma spectroscopic measurement a content of natural radio-nuclides ((40)K, (238)U, (226)Ra, (232)Th) and (137)Cs was determined in samples of soil, alfalfa, maize and moss on six sites in the surroundings of Belgrade. Natural radio-nuclides in the soil were at the level characteristic for Serbia, whereas a relatively high level of activity of (137)Cs (around 30 Bq kg(-1)) was determined. On the other hand, in plant samples mostly used as feed (such as alfalfa and maize) the concentration of natural radio-nuclide activity and (137)Cs was relatively low, i.e. below the range of detection. The content of natural radio-nuclides in moss was within the standard range of values specific for Serbia. However, the activity level of (137)Cs in moss gathered from the wider area around Belgrade, was high, the highest measured level being in the Avala-Zuce area (158-221 Bq kg(-1)). Our results show that this radio-nuclide is still present in the living environment of Belgrade even 20 years after the Chernobyl disaster, and that moss is a good indicator of living environment (137)Cs contamination