24 research outputs found

    Once More about the Terminology of Political Illusionism: Inaugural Paradox

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    Rad predstavlja detaljnije objaÅ”njenje pojma inauguralnog paradoksa kojega je autorica obradila u djelima Utopija i inauguralni paradoks i Ime utopije, a kojega smatra ključnim za (pogreÅ”no) razumijevanje karaktera socijalističkih sustava propalih u procesima tranzicije. Zalažući se za preciznije određenje pojmova komunizma i socijalizma, nastoji pokazati neopravdanu primjenu tih naziva za danaÅ”nje političke sustave i režime koji s tim pojmovima nemaju nikakve veze jer su totalna devijacija njihova smisla i porijekla. U članku se kritizira neadekvatan tretman filozofskog i drugog promiÅ”ljanja realizacije tzv. socijalističkog sustava i posebno medijska upotreba pridjeva komunistička kao nazivlja nekih zemalja. Zaključno, autorica predlaže da inauguralizam pored ideologije postane kategorija kritičke analitike tzv. Ā»socijalističkihĀ« sustava.The paper presents a more detailed explanation of the notion of inaugural paradox which the author investigated in her works Utopia and Inaugural Paradox and The Name of Utopia. The author considers it to be an essential notion for the (wrong) understanding of the character of socialist systems that collapsed in the processes of transition. Endorsing a more precise definition of the terms communism and socialism, the author attempts to show the unjustified use of these terms for contemporary political systems and regimes that have nothing to do with the notions because they are a total deviation of their meaning and origin. The paper serves to criticize an inadequate treatment of philosophical and other investigation of the realization of soĀ­called socialist systems, and especially the use of the attribute communist for some countries in media. Finally, the author proposes to use the term inauguralism, next to ideology, and turn it into a category for a critical analysis of the soĀ­called ā€œsocialistā€ systems


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    The existence and appreciation of so-called universal values inevitably extends conceptual-logical framework of the phenomenon that was known as problem of universalities in European philosophical tradition. The conceptual-logical order was attributed (or implicitly understood) with the order of value generalities that function in a logical manner, i.e. by force of general validity. Besides that, universalities in the value field do not have to have logical function (the possible alternatives being: artistic, sensible, affectionate). Indeed, the logical function of tokening is replaced with the function of the identification of belonging to something. The distinct feature of human beings\u27 belonging to humanity as an universal value (subsequently, to universals of particular order) must be proven repeatedly. This is precisely due to the fact there is only outer and no inner criteria, although Heraclitus claims: Ā»Logos is one and the same for all, although everyone believes that they have their own reason.Ā« However, the logos of the human kind is not recognized in itself. The process of proving the belonging of human beings (women, the coloured, the deprived) to humankind radicalizes the issue of an Ā»equal world for allĀ« and especially the question of the way in which the gender/sex difference destruct the universality of humanity

    VzaimotnoŔčenie kineziologij i antropologii v sisteme sovremennyh nauk (obŔčie epistemologičeskie predpoloženija)

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    Sustav modernih znanosti razvija znanstvene diskurse tako da svaka znanost postaje dio cjeline znanja. Tradicionalnu granicu između velikih skupina znanosti, prirodno-tehničke, druÅ”tvene i humanističke, izbrisala je upotreba jedinstvenog epistemioloÅ”kog načela - empirijska metoda. Antropologija kao znanost o ljudskom biću ima kineziologiju u samom centru teorijskog i praktičnog interesa.The rank of every science with the system of modern sciences does not depend only on the traditional origin of its subjects matter. Moreover, the criterion less and less structures the building of modern sciences which are not only classified according to methods but, even so, they themselves are coming nearer to one another by their methodologic procedures and treatment of the subject and are thus restructured in a new way. In this way has kinesiology in relation to anthropology acquired the status of a science which collect the largest number of anthropology as well as its scientific orientation. Since the Marxist approach to the study of human beings is most deeply interested in those dimensions which liberate man in the possible historic space, kinesiology is, by directing research with that interest in view, in the very center of the scientific and practical effort of making possible the apparent possibilities of human freedom

    Discussion on "Utopia and Inaugural Paradox", a Book by Gordana Bosanac

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    Ova četiri teksta prilagođena su izlaganja o knjizi Gordane Bosanac "Utopija i inauguralni paradoks", održana prigodom njezina predstavljanja. Predstavljanje se, uz raspravu, odvijalo u Klubu sveučiliÅ”nih nastavnika u Zagebu 24. listopada 2005.These four contributions are adapted talks on Gordana Bosanac\u27s book "Utopija i inauguralni paradoks" ("Utopia and Inaugural Paradox"), delivered on the occasion of its presentation. This presentation took place at the Croatian University Teacher\u27s Club in Zagreb on 24th October 2005

    Complications of Pulmonary AVMs in a Patient with Rendu-Osler-Weber Disease

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    Rendu-Osler-Weber Disease, also called hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), is a rare, genetically determined complex disease with a spectrum of associated manifestations which extend beyond the typical pathology of arteriovenosus malformations (AVMs). Our subject, a 54-year old male patient with a long history of HHT has a typical mucocutaneous telangiectasias and bleeding from the nose, but the most important manifestations of the disease are those related to pulmonary AVMs. A variety of complications, such as hypoxemia, polycythemia, cyanosis, clubbing fingers and brain abscesses, have developed over time as a consequence of a-v shunt in the pulmonary AVMs. A large pulmonary AVM necessitated a surgical intervention when the patient was in his thirties, and two more surgeries followed later, due to brain abscesses. Despite intensive manifestations of the disease and episodes of life threatening complications, the patient has adjusted well to his chronic medical condition and lives a near-normal life