5 research outputs found

    Smjernice za poboljŔavanje kvalitete vojnog sustava

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    Ovim se radom istražuju mogućnosti sustavnog poboljÅ”avanja sustava kvalitete u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske, odnosno definiraju se smjernice za stalno poboljÅ”avanje sustava kvalitete, poglavito u opremanju Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske sredstvima naoružanja i vojne opreme. Cilj rada je postavljanje teorijskih pretpostavki za razvoj modernog sustava kvalitete koji bi stvorio povjerenje u kvalitetu sredstava naoružanja i vojne opreme, te definiranje politike kvalitete Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske u skladu s politikom kvalitete NATO saveza. PolaziÅ”ta za razvoj sustava kvalitete u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske predstavljaju norme upravljanja kvalitetom niza ISO 9000, te norme za osiguravanje kvalitete NATO saveza. Analiziraju se postojeći sustavi kvalitete u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske i NATOu, i stvaraju pretpostavke za povećanje kompatibilnosti, interoperabilnosti i međusobne razmjene naoružanja i vojne opreme. Na konkretnom primjeru prikazuje se sustav kvalitete u hrvatskoj vojnoj proizvodnji, mogućnosti prihvaćanja normi NATO sustava kvalitete, te mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja sustava kvalitete, kako u hrvatskoj vojnoj proizvodnji, tako i u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske u cjelini

    Comparative Analysis Of Three Largest World Models Of Business Excellence

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    Poslovna izvrsnost je postala najjače sredstvo postizanja konkurentske prednosti kompanija, a cjelovito upravljanje kvalitetom put koji osigurava podržavanje izvrsnih rezultata u budućnosti, Å”to su prepoznale mnoge kompanije svijeta. Unatoč mnogim razlikama zaključujemo kako modeli imaju mnogo zajedničkih elemenata. DP i MBNQA su revizijom 2005. godine pomaknuli težiÅ”te sa izvrsnosti proizvoda odnosno usluge na izvrsnost kvalitete cjelokupnog organizacijskog procesa. Kvaliteta je na taj način umjesto tehničke poprimila strateÅ”ku dimenziju, a naglasak je preÅ”ao s tehničke kvalitete na cjelokupnu izvrsnost svih organizacijskih procesa. Zajedničko kretanje ide u smjeru dobrog vođenja i aprecijacije sistemskog razmiÅ”ljanja. Sama struktura kriterija EFQM modela prilagođena je strateÅ”koj dimenziji kvalitete, stoga je model doživio samo kratke revizije unutar kriterija dok je zapravo ostao nepromijenjen. U svim modelima naglasak je stavljen na zadovoljstvo kupaca, djelatnika i zajednice. Nacionalne nagrade za kvalitete imaju važnu ulogu u promociji i nagrađivanju izvrsnosti u organizacijskim performansama. Å toviÅ”e one podižu standarde kvalitete kompanija i profila zemlje u cjelini. S obzirom na BDP per capita i postotak certificiranosti tvrtki, Hrvatska ima sve predispozicije za uvođenje EFQM modela poslovne izvrsnosti s osnovnim ciljem smanjivanja deficita vanjskotrgovinske bilance i jačanja konkurentnosti kao nužne predradnje za ulazak na konkurentno tržiÅ”te tvrtki EU. Upravljanje kvalitetom uvedeno je u mnoge organizacije, metode koje su se pritom koristile razvijale su se tokom niza godina, a predviđa se nastavak evolucijskog puta modela kao i metoda poslovne izvrsnosti.Business excellence has become the strongest means of achieving competitive advantage of companies while total management of quality has become the road that ensures support of excellent results recognized by many world companies. Despite many differences, we can conclude that models have many common elements. By the audit in 2005, the DP and MBNQA moved the focus from excellence of product, i.e service, onto the excellence of quality of the entire organization process. Thus, the quality got strategic dimension instead of technical one and the accent passed from the technical quality on the total excellence of all organization processes. The joint movement goes to the direction of good management and appreciation of systems thinking. The very structure of EFOM model criteria itself is adjusted to strategic dimension of quality and that is why the model underwent only short audits within the criteria themselves. Essentially, the model remained unchanged. In all models, the accent is on the satisfaction of buyers, employees and community. National rewards for quality have an important role in promotion and giving a prize to excellence in organization performances. Moreover, they raise quality standards of companies and the country profile as a whole. Considering the GDP per capita and the percentage of certification level of companies, Croatia has all the predispositions for introduction the EFQM model of business excellence with the basic aim of deficit decrease in foreign trade balance and strengthening of competitiveness as the necessary preliminary work for the entrance in the competitive market of the EU. Quality management was introduced in many organizations. The methods used at that time developed in the course of years, and what are to predict is the continuation of the evolution road model as well as the method of business excellence

    BraŔno - Kruh '15

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    Proceedings contains 28 original research articles presented at 8th International Congress Flour ā€“ Bread ā€™15 and 10th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists BraÅ”no ā€“ Kruh ā€™1

    Smjernice za poboljŔavanje kvalitete vojnog sustava

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    Ovim se radom istražuju mogućnosti sustavnog poboljÅ”avanja sustava kvalitete u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske, odnosno definiraju se smjernice za stalno poboljÅ”avanje sustava kvalitete, poglavito u opremanju Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske sredstvima naoružanja i vojne opreme. Cilj rada je postavljanje teorijskih pretpostavki za razvoj modernog sustava kvalitete koji bi stvorio povjerenje u kvalitetu sredstava naoružanja i vojne opreme, te definiranje politike kvalitete Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske u skladu s politikom kvalitete NATO saveza. PolaziÅ”ta za razvoj sustava kvalitete u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske predstavljaju norme upravljanja kvalitetom niza ISO 9000, te norme za osiguravanje kvalitete NATO saveza. Analiziraju se postojeći sustavi kvalitete u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske i NATOu, i stvaraju pretpostavke za povećanje kompatibilnosti, interoperabilnosti i međusobne razmjene naoružanja i vojne opreme. Na konkretnom primjeru prikazuje se sustav kvalitete u hrvatskoj vojnoj proizvodnji, mogućnosti prihvaćanja normi NATO sustava kvalitete, te mogućnosti daljnjeg razvoja sustava kvalitete, kako u hrvatskoj vojnoj proizvodnji, tako i u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske u cjelini.This work researches possibilities of systematic improvement of quality system in Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia, that is to define guidelines for continual improvement of quality system, especially in procurement of armament, military equipment and supplies for Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia. The goal of this work is to postulate theoretical premises for development of modern quality system which will support confidence in armament and equipment quality, and to define quality policy of Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia compliant with NATO quality policy. Starting points for quality system development in Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia are to be found in quality management standards of ISO 9000 family, as well as quality assurance standards of NATO treaty. Existing quality systems, in Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia and NATO, are analyzed and presumptions are created to increase compatibility, interoperability and mutual exchangeability of armament and military equipment. A case study is made of Croatian military equipment manufacturing, showing possibilities for implementation of NATO quality system standards, and further development of quality system in Croatian military equipment manufacturing, as well as in Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia

    The role of the acute octreotide suppression test in detecting patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms

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    Background: Serum chromogranin A (CgA) is routinely used as a biomarker in patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs). Several conditions and comorbidities may be associated with falsely elevated CgA, often leading to extensive diagnostic evaluation, which may be costly and harmful. The aim of this study was to analyze the effectiveness of the acute octreotide suppression test (AOST) in differentiating falsely elevated serum CgA. ----- Methods: Our prospective study enrolled 45 patients from two different patient cohorts: (1) 29 patients with suspicion or presence of NENs (extensive workup and subsequent biopsy confirmed 16 NENs); (2) 16 consecutive patients admitted via the Emergency Department without NENs (non-NENs). AOST was performed after an overnight fast. Baseline CgA was measured, after which 0.25 mg of octreotide was administered subcutaneously. CgA was measured 3 and 6 h after administration. ----- Results: Baseline CgA levels were similar in NENs and non-NENs. At the end of the AOST, CgA decreased by a median of 83.3% (41.0-127.4) in non-NENs and 13.8% (0.0-43.6) in NENs (p < 0.001). In patients with increased baseline CgA, a decrease in CgA at the 6th hour of < 51.3% had 90.0% sensitivity and 88.9% specificity in detecting NENs. In patients with normal baseline serum CgA, a decrease in CgA at the 3rd hour of < 17.6% had 83.3% sensitivity and 81.8% specificity in detecting patients with NENs. The diagnostic accuracy of the AOST in the entire study population was 86.7%. ----- Conclusions: AOST is a promising tool to increase the diagnostic accuracy of serum CgA