4 research outputs found


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    Sejak itu, pemerintah telah mengambil serangkaian langkah untuk mengurangi dampak epidemi Covid-19 pada berbagai industri. Pembatasan kegiatan masyarakat berdampak pada kegiatan usaha yang pada gilirannya berdampak pada perekonomian sektor ketenagakerjaan. Dalam rangka mengatasi dampak pandemi Covid-19, bantuan diberikan kepada desa adat Gelgel untuk membantu ekonomi masyarakat dan memenuhi kebutuhan hidup keluarganya. Bantuan yang diberikan dalam acara ini adalah untuk mendapatkan bantuan kredit murah dari Lembaga Perkreditan Desa (LPD) di desa adat Gelgel di Kabupaten Klungkung dan kabupaten dengan memberikan dana pinjaman untuk pekerja yang di-PHK karena penutupan perusahaan mereka. Bekerja. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis situasi di masyarakat. Acara ini bertujuan untuk membantu kelangsungan ekonomi masyarakat desa adat Gegel

    Misuse of Personal Data as a Crime from a Cyber Law Perspective

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    The purpose of this research report is to establish legal protection rules for the use of personal data to ensure legal certainty for the community and the role of law enforcement in preventing future crimes related to misuse of personal data. on personal criminal law the right to reform. The research method uses normative legal research. Opinion of these comments, to guarantee legal certainty, it is necessary to stipulate a special Perpu that establishes and harmonizes the protection of personal data in a detailed, clear, systematic and comprehensive manner, in order to create a coordinating mechanism. law enforcement agency. In this context, the researcher proposes to make rules governing the application of criminal sanctions with a warning effect, as well as restructuring and drafting rules related to current regulations in the field of personal data

    Economic Empowerment of Gelgel Indigenous Village Communities Due to the Impact of Covid-19 Through Village Credit Institutions

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    Since then, the government has taken a number of steps to mitigate the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic in a number of industries. Restrictions on community activities affect business activities which in turn have an impact on the economy in the employment sector. To overcome the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, assistance was held for the Gelgel Indigenous Village community in order to help the community's economy in order to meet the needs of their family life. The assistance provided in this activity is to obtain cheap credit bailouts from the Gelgel Village Traditional Village Financial Institution (LPD) in the Klungkung Regency and District by providing loan capital for workers who have been dismissed due to the closure of the company where they work. work. This activity aims to help the Gelgel Traditional Village community in their economic sustainability. The method used is the method of analyzing the community situation. The results show that of the three indicators, namely interpersonal roles, information-related roles, decision-making roles, it can run well

    Strategic Effort for Tourism Guide Tourism Development in Besakih Village Area Post-Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Efforts are made to the development of sectors of the economy, business, and tourism in promoting the needed strategy which aims to determine the effectiveness of the campaign that carried the Department of Tourism Village Besakih in improving return the number of visits wisatawannya to the village of Besakih post pandemic Covid 19 In this method of community service activities, namely using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Based on the results of the study the data in the above can be concluded that the strategy of promotion of the Office of Tourism and the village of Besakih in increasing the number of travelers per week experienced peningkatan.hal it can be seen from the data visit travel Desa Besakih on the chart above