24 research outputs found

    Fitness Profiling in Handball: Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Elite Players

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the structural and functional characteristics of elite Croatian handball players and to evaluate whether the players in different positional roles have different physical and physiological profiles. According to the positional roles, players were categorized as goalkeepers (n=13), wing players (n=26), backcourt players (n=28) and pivot players (n=25). The goalkeepers were older (p<0.01), and the pivot players were more experienced (p<0.01) than the backcourt players. The wings were the shortest players in the team. The pivots were tallest and heavier than the backcourt and wing players (p<0.01), whereas the backcourt players were tallest then wings (p<0.01). Goalkeepers had more body fat than the backcourt and wing players (p<0.01). The backcourt players had a lower percentage of body fat. The backcourt players were the quickest players in the team when looking at values of maximal running speed on a treadmill. The Goalkeepers were the slowest players in the team (p<0.01). The best average results concerning maximal heart rate were detected among the backcourt players. There were no statistically significant differences between the players’ positions when measuring blood lactate and maximal heart rate. A strong negative correlation was found between body fat and maximal running speed (r=–0.68, p<0.01). Coaches are able to use this information to determine which type of profile is needed for a specific position. Experienced coaches can used this information in the process of designing a training program to maximize the fitness development of handball players, with one purpose only, to achieve success in handball

    Implementacija mjera energetske učinkovitosti i primjena obnovljivih izvora energije na farmi mliječnih krava

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    Poljoprivredna proizvodnja ima značajan utjecaj na okoliš. Odlaganje ekskrementa sa goveđih farmi predstavlja veliki izazov. Bioplinsko postrojenje sa anaerobnim digestorom predstavlja idealno rješenje odlaganja biootpada sa mljekarskih i drugih farmi. Izvršene je energetski pregled mliječne farme od 470 grla u slavonskom selu Ivanovci. Ukupna potrošnja električne energije na farmi iznosi 74.669 kWh godišnje, a tropi se i 36.000 litara plavog dizela. Predložene su tri mjere energetske učinkovitosti čijom bi se implementacijom uštedilo 110.000 kWh energije. Osim poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti razmatrani su i projekti primjene obnovljivih izvora energije. Predložena su dva projekta, 100 kW bioplinsko postrojenje na temelju izračunatog bioplinskog potencijala farme. Drugi projekt je fotonaponski sustav od 30 kW. Za oba projekta izvršena je tehno-ekonomska analiza kojom je utvrđeno da su oba projekta isplativa

    Fitness Profiling in Handball: Physical and Physiological Characteristics of Elite Players

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the structural and functional characteristics of elite Croatian handball players and to evaluate whether the players in different positional roles have different physical and physiological profiles. According to the positional roles, players were categorized as goalkeepers (n=13), wing players (n=26), backcourt players (n=28) and pivot players (n=25). The goalkeepers were older (p<0.01), and the pivot players were more experienced (p<0.01) than the backcourt players. The wings were the shortest players in the team. The pivots were tallest and heavier than the backcourt and wing players (p<0.01), whereas the backcourt players were tallest then wings (p<0.01). Goalkeepers had more body fat than the backcourt and wing players (p<0.01). The backcourt players had a lower percentage of body fat. The backcourt players were the quickest players in the team when looking at values of maximal running speed on a treadmill. The Goalkeepers were the slowest players in the team (p<0.01). The best average results concerning maximal heart rate were detected among the backcourt players. There were no statistically significant differences between the players’ positions when measuring blood lactate and maximal heart rate. A strong negative correlation was found between body fat and maximal running speed (r=–0.68, p<0.01). Coaches are able to use this information to determine which type of profile is needed for a specific position. Experienced coaches can used this information in the process of designing a training program to maximize the fitness development of handball players, with one purpose only, to achieve success in handball

    Impact of Body Composition on Performance in Fitness Tests among Personnel of the Croatian Navy

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of body weight on fitness tests among the personnel of the Croatian navy. Forty two naval personnel (age 27±4.1 years; body mass 86.2±4.9 kg; height 184.6±7.4 cm; body fat percentage 17.3±5.2) participated in this study. In order to evaluate the fitness of the naval servicemen, we applied a testing procedure that included measurements of 7 fitness tests and 15 body anthropometric tests. A negative correlation was found between the body fat percentage and all the analyzed sprint tests and three anaerobic power tests (r), SP5 (r=–0.42), SP10 (r=–0.51), SP20 (r=–0.53), SJ (r=–0.45), CM (r=–0.57), SLJ (r=–0.67). Also a negative correlation was found between the body fat percentage and VO2max (r=–0.44). A positive correlation was found between the sprint test and the power performance test and thigh and calf girth. Spiriting ability is influenced by the strength of a person. This is one of the reasons why we found a positive correlation between the sprint test (SP5, SP10 and SP20) and thigh and calf girth. In this study we found a negative correlation between body fat percentages and all the sprint tests and three anaerobic power tests and VO2max. The ectomorph somatotypes have positive correlations with all variables. The mesomorph somatotypes have the greatest positive correlations with all variables. The endomorph somatotypes have negative correlations with all variables. According to the body composition of Croatian naval servicemen we can conclude that they need a sufficient level of strength and endurance for everyday tasks. The effectiveness of a weight-management program is determined by the success of the participants in losing the necessary amount of weight and being able to maintain that weight loss. This requires long-term tracking of these individuals in a naval environment

    Are There any Differences in Power Performance and Morphological Characteristics of Croatian Adolescent Soccer Players according to the Team Position?

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    The aim of the study was to analyze differences in power performance and morphological characteristics of young Croatian soccer players with respect to their team positions and to establish correlations between the power performance variables. Anthropometric characteristics and jumping and sprint performances were analyzed for 45 soccer players (age 14–15; mean body height 175.4±6.61 cm; body weight 63.6±8.06 kg) according to their team positions (defender, midfielder, forward). Pearsons coefficient of correlation was used to determine the relationship between the power performance variables. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the power performance of players according to their team position. The only significant differences between players were in some of the anthropometric characteristics, such as height and weight linear relationship was determined between almost all the power performance variables. Since the players in this study were very young and their sports careers have not reached their peak performance, it is possible that their nominal team positions may change during their soccer careers

    Are There any Differences in Power Performance and Morphological Characteristics of Croatian Adolescent Soccer Players according to the Team Position?

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    The aim of the study was to analyze differences in power performance and morphological characteristics of young Croatian soccer players with respect to their team positions and to establish correlations between the power performance variables. Anthropometric characteristics and jumping and sprint performances were analyzed for 45 soccer players (age 14–15; mean body height 175.4±6.61 cm; body weight 63.6±8.06 kg) according to their team positions (defender, midfielder, forward). Pearsons coefficient of correlation was used to determine the relationship between the power performance variables. There were no significant differences (p>0.05) in the power performance of players according to their team position. The only significant differences between players were in some of the anthropometric characteristics, such as height and weight linear relationship was determined between almost all the power performance variables. Since the players in this study were very young and their sports careers have not reached their peak performance, it is possible that their nominal team positions may change during their soccer careers

    Izloženost osoblja nuklearne medicine ionizirajućem zračenju u 18F-FDG PET/CT dijagnostici – preliminarna retrospektivna studija

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    This retrospective study provides an insight into the levels of radiation exposure of six nuclear medicine (NM) staff (four technologists and two nurses) performing routine diagnostic 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET/CT) at the University Clinical Centre of the Republic of Srpska, Department of Nuclear Medicine and Thyroid Disorders, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Data analysis included monthly staff exposure measured with personal thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD) between June and December 2018, quantified in terms of normalised dose for the whole body [Hp(10)] and dominant hand [Hp(0.07)] and their comparison between each staff member and between the two groups (technologists and nurses). The study goal was to establish how our Department compared with reports from other PET/CT centres worldwide in terms of annual number of procedures and exposure limits and whether there could be room for further improvements in radiation protection. The number of procedures rose considerably from 208 in 2016 to 876 in 2019 and was 423 in the observed seven-month period. Mean individual wholebody exposure dose per GBq of injected 18F-FDG activity, [Hp(10)/A] was 18.55 μSv/GBq for the four technologists and 15.61 μSv/GBq for the two nurses. Mean dominant-hand exposure dose per GBq of injected 18F-FDG activity [Hp(0.07)/A] was 16.99 μSv/GBq and 25.44 μSv/GBq for the two groups, respectively. The average annual cumulative dose for all staff was (1.06±0.29) mSv for Hp(10) and (1.15±0.32) mSv for Hp(0.07). These results are comparable with those of similar studies. Staff doses were well below the annual limits. Nurses received slightly higher extremity doses than technologists. In view of the increasing trends in the number of PET/CT procedures, dose monitoring should be continued to identify exposure hotspots and maintain doses as low as possible.Ova retrospektivna studija pruža uvid u razinu izloženosti ionizirajućem zračenju za šestero zaposlenih (četiri radiološka tehničara i dvije medicinske sestre) koji izvode rutinska dijagnostička ispitivanja primjenom 18F-FDG na PET/CT-u u Kliničkom zavodu za nuklearnu medicinu i bolesti štitne žlijezde Univerzitetskoga kliničkog centra Republike Srpske (Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina). Analiza podataka obuhvatila je mjesečnu izloženost osoblja, koja je od lipnja do prosinca 2018. mjerena osobnim termoluminiscentnim dozimetrima (TLD-ima), a izražena je normaliziranom dozom za cijelo tijelo [Hp(10)] te dozom za dominantnu ruku [Hp(0,07)]. Također, u obzir je uzeta i usporedba tih veličina između svakoga člana osoblja te između dviju skupina (radiološki tehničari i medicinske sestre). Cilj studije bio je usporediti izvješća našega Zavoda i drugih PET/CT centara u svijetu u pogledu godišnjega broja postupaka, granica izloženosti osoblja te mogućnosti uvođenja dodatnih poboljšanja mjera zaštite od zračenja. Ustanovljeno je da se broj postupaka znatno povećao (s 208 u 2016. na 876 u 2019. godini), a tijekom praćenoga sedmomjesečnog razdoblja iznosio je 423. Srednja vrijednost pojedinačne doze za cijelo tijelo po jedinici aplicirane aktivnosti 18F-FDG [Hp(10)/A] iznosila je 18,55 μSv/GBq za četvero radioloških tehničara i 15,61 μSv/GBq za dvije medicinske sestre. Srednja vrijednost doze za dominantnu ruku po jedinici aplicirane aktivnosti 18F-FDG [Hp(0,07)/A] iznosila je 16,99 μSv/GBq i 25,44 μSv/GBq za te dvije skupine. Srednja vrijednost godišnje kumulativne doze za svih šestero zaposlenih iznosila je (1,06±0,29) mSv za Hp(10) i (1,15±0,32) mSv za Hp(0,07). Ovi su rezultati usporedivi s rezultatima sličnih studija. Doze za osoblje bile su znatno ispod propisanih godišnjih limita. Medicinske sestre imale su nešto više vrijednosti doza za ekstremitete (ruke) nego radiološki tehničari. Imajući u vidu tendenciju povećanja broja PET/CT postupaka, potrebno je nastaviti monitoring doza za osoblje kako bi se identificirale faze radnoga procesa koje dovode do najveće izloženosti osoblja, a zatim smanjile doze za osoblje

    Design of the air supply system for the high range humidity generator

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    U ovom radu se obrađuje problematika umjeravanja higrometara pomoću generiranja relativne vlažnosti. Daje se teorijski opis procesa umjeravanja kao i eksperimentalni izrazi za izračunavanje parcijalnih tlakova zasićenog zraka. Nadalje, opisana je linija za umjeravanje sa posebnim osvrtom na projektiranu komoru za umjeravanje higrometara. Na kraju rada dan je opis procesa umjeravanja higrometara