364 research outputs found

    A Robust Cooperative Modulation Classification Scheme with Intra sensor Fusion for the Time correlated Flat Fading Channels

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    Networks with distributed sensors, e.g. cognitive radio networks or wireless sensor networks enable large-scale deployments of cooperative automatic modulation classification (AMC). Existing cooperative AMC schemes with centralised fusion offer considerable performance increase in comparison to single sensor reception. Previous studies were generally focused on AMC scenarios in which multipath channel is assumed to be static during a signal reception. However, in practical mobile environments, time-correlated multipath channels occur, which induce large negative influence on the existing cooperative AMC solutions. In this paper, we propose two novel cooperative AMC schemes with the additional intra-sensor fusion, and show that these offer significant performance improvements over the existing ones under given conditions

    Modeling the Influence of Body Size on Weightlifting and Powerlifting Performance

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    The purpose of this study was to examine 1) if lifting performance in both the weightlifting (WL) and powerlifting (PL) scale with body mass (M) in line with theory of geometric similarity, and 2) whether there are any gender differences in the allometric relationship between lifting performance and body size. This was performed by analyzing ten best WL and PL total results for each weight class, except for super heavyweight, achieved during 2000–2003. Data were analysed with the allometric and second-order polynomial model, and detailed regression diagnostics was applied in order to examine appropriateness of the models used. Results of the data analyses indicate that 1) women’s WL and men’s PL scale for M in line with theory of geometric similarity, 2) both WL and PL mass exponents are gender-specific, probably due to gender differences in body composition, 3) WL and PL results scale differently for M possibly due to their structural and functional differences. However, the obtained mass exponents does not provide size-independent indices of lifting performances since the allometric model exhibit a favourable bias toward middleweight lifters in most lifting data analyzed. Due to possible deviations from presumption of geometric similarity among lifters, future studies on scaling lifting performance should use fat-free mass and height as indices of body size


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    Hepatic encephalopathy is a complication of liver cirrhosis and is defined as a neuropsychiatric disease, with a reversibile character. Besides classical ways of therapy, an increasing importance is attached to nutritional therapy that is an effective prevention of the onset and leads to an ease of symptoms in hepathic encephalopathy that already exists. After the patient's nutritional status evaluation, the prescription of diet that includes adequate protein, calories and vitamins is assessed. The greatest importance is attached to the zinc intake as well as branched chain amino acids (BCAA therapy) supplementation. It is believed that further development of science in terms of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics will give detailed guidance on further developments since the possibility of clinical investigation in these patients is limited

    On Possible Cryptographic Optimization of Mobile Healthcare Application

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    The paper deals with a possible SOA based m-healthcare online system with secure mobile communication between patients and medical professionals with medical and insurance organizations. An example of an Android-based secure mobile client application is presented which can be used in the described secure m-healthcare model and it is experimentally evaluated. In the paper, we focus on possible optimization of cryptographic algorithms implemented in the secure Android mobile client application. The presented experimental results justify that security operations related to X.509v3 digital certificate generation and XML/WSS digital signature creation/verification are feasible on some current smart phones and justify the use of the proposed optimization techniques for implemented cryptographic algorithms

    On the recall of a mayor in Republika Srpska

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    In this paper, the author analyzes the institution of recall of a mayor in the legal system of the Republika Srpska by critically examining the provisions of two legislative acts: The Election Act of Republika Srpska and the Local Self-government Act of Republika Srpska. The institution of recall has a serious democratic potential because it is an instrument enabling political control of mayors by citizens. However, the current legal solutions in Republika Srpska limit this potential because they do not encourage citizens to use this instrument of political control, which is not the case with political parties. Given the fact that the decision on initiating the recall procedure depends on a local assembly, recall has very often been used as a tool for political confrontation between a local assembly and a mayor, while the citizens have remained a second-class political subject. The Election Act of Republika Srpska does not contain adequate provisions on the protection of rights of citizens and political subjects during the recall procedure. In fact, this issue is relatively unregulated or underregulated. The Local Self-government Act of Republika Srpska protects a local assembly which triggers an unsuccessful recall procedure since there is no legal guarantee that such a local assembly would be dissolved. The author proposes different solutions which should improve the regulation of this legal institute and reduce the possibility of turning it into a tool for political manipulation

    Materials handling equipment selection using integrated fuzzy AHP and VIKOR methods

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    By combining the methods for determining the relative weights of the criteria and standard methods of ranking of alternatives, one makes optimal decisions about a certain issue, regardless of the nature of the parameters that describe it. Selection of materials handling equipment for typical conditions and working environment is one of the problems of multi-criteria analysis, i.e. the selection procedure is not sufficiently structured, dependent on broad areas of knowledge, and requires the application of efficient and effective tool for decision making. The proposed methodology of equipment selection is a combination of positive experiences in the application of known methods of decision-making and their modifications (Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR). In this case, process of the forming of system alternatives and defining criteria are illustrated in a numerical example of the equipment (device) selection within the transport and handling mechanization (trucks - forklift)

    Relationship between knee extensor muscle strength and movement performance: the effect of load and body size

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    The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of external loading on the relationship between leg muscle strength and vertical jump performance. Sixty-six physically active men performed maximal countermovement jumps (CMJ) under five loading conditions: body weight (BW), negative loads (85% BW and 70% BW) and positive loads (115% BW and 130% BW), on a force plate. CMJ was followed by the measurement of subjects’ maximal concentric knee extension torque at 60ºs-1 by an isokinetic dynamometer. The relationship between knee extensor strength and jumping performance with various loads was assessed by Pearson’s correlation coefficients and partial correlation coefficients after controlling for body mass. Knee extensor muscle strength correlated significantly (r=.78-.79; all p<.01) with peak power output during CMJ under all loading conditions. Considerably lower correlation coefficients (r=.18-.43; p=.01-.15) were observed between knee extensor strength and CMJ height under all loading conditions, which tended to be higher after the effect of body mass had been removed (r=.37-.51; all p<.01). These results contradict the general belief that an increase in external load is associated with the increased role of leg muscle strength in maximizing power output and jump height. Furthermore, the results suggest that relative strength is a better predictor of jumping performance than absolute strength, independently of external loads used

    Ekstremne padavine u Republici Srpskoj - analiza 2010. i 2011. godine

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    One of the consequences of global and regional climate changes is the alterations in the intensity and frequency of precipitation in certain areas and on local levels. This paper presents monthly precipitation in 2010 and 2011, with deviations that are measured in millimeters and given in percentage and in accordance to percentiles, based on which we estimated the category of rainfall/aridity that is further connected with probability, i.e. reassurance period. Based on the analysis of precipitation, it was estimated that 2010 was extremely rainy regarding the period of past 60 years and that 2011 was most arid over the period of interest. The results implied the necessity to include data on risks of extreme climate phenomena, in this case, precipitation, when it comes to creating plans and strategic documents of Republika Srpska. Besides, frequent shifts of extremely rainy and arid years and their influence on floods and drains affect the complexity of technical and technological solutions for irrigation and drainage systems. In other words, extreme precipitation should be a crucial parameter of the integral management of the water resources in Republika Srpska.Jedna od posljedica globalnih i regionalnih klimatskih promjena su i promjene intenziteta i frekvencija padavina u pojedinim oblastima ili lokalno. U radu su prikazane mjesečne količine padavina tokom 2010. i 2011. sa odstupanjima u milimetrima i procentualno kao i prema pripadajućem percentilu, na osnovu čega se i utvrđuje kategorija kišnosti/sušnosti a koji je u vezi s vjerovatnoćom tj povratnim periodom. Na bazi analiza količine padavina utvrđeno je da je 2010. godina bila ekstremno kišna u posljednjih 60 godina a da je 2011. godina bila najsušnija u instrumentalnom periodu. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na neophodnost uključivanja podataka o rizicima ekstremnih klimatskih pojava, u ovom slučaju padavina, kod izrade planskih i strateških dokumenata Republike Srpske. Sem toga, česte smjene ekstremno kišnih i sušnih godina i njihov uticaj na pojavu poplava i suša utiču i na kompleksnost kod tehničkih i tehnoloških rješenja za izgradnju sistema za navodnjavanje ali i odvodnjavanja voda. Drugim riječima, ekstremne padavine treba da budu veoma bitan parametar integralnog upravljanja vodnim resursima Republike Srpske

    Materials handling equipment selection using integrated fuzzy AHP and VIKOR methods

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    By combining the methods for determining the relative weights of the criteria and standard methods of ranking of alternatives, one makes optimal decisions about a certain issue, regardless of the nature of the parameters that describe it. Selection of materials handling equipment for typical conditions and working environment is one of the problems of multi-criteria analysis, i.e. the selection procedure is not sufficiently structured, dependent on broad areas of knowledge, and requires the application of efficient and effective tool for decision making. The proposed methodology of equipment selection is a combination of positive experiences in the application of known methods of decision-making and their modifications (Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR). In this case, process of the forming of system alternatives and defining criteria are illustrated in a numerical example of the equipment (device) selection within the transport and handling mechanization (trucks - forklift)

    Fitness Profile of Elite Croatian Female Taekwondo Athletes

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    The aim of the study was to assess fitness profile of elite Croatian female taekwondo athletes and to determine which physical, physiological and motor characteristics differentiate mostly the successful from the less successful fighters. Thirteen national taekwondo champions were divided into two groups according to their senior international competitive achievements. Physiological characteristics, including maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), were assessed during a continuous progressive treadmill test. The measured motor abilities included explosive and elastic leg strength, maximal strength, muscular endurance, anaerobic alactic power, agility and flexibility. Differences between the successful and less successful athletes were determined using independent t-test. Even though the differences were not statistically significant, the successful athletes had somewhat less fat (2.3%) and were taller by 5.8 cm. The successful athletes achieved significantly higher maximum running speed (15.8 ± 0.5 versus 14.9 ± 0.7 km h–1; p<0.05), their ventilatory anaerobic threshold was significantly higher (41.4 ± 4.1 versus 37.6 ± 2.0 ml kg–1 min–1; p<0.05) at a significantly lower heart rate (166.8 ± 6.8 versus 171.0 ± 8.2 beats min–1; p<0.05) than in the less successful athletes. Significant differences were also found in three tests of explosive power (p<0.05), anaerobic alactic power (p<0.01), and lateral agility (p<0.05). The performance of taekwondo female athletes primarily depends on the anaerobic alactic power, explosive power expressed in the stretch-shortening cycle movements, agility and aerobic power