10 research outputs found

    Unevenness of air-jet spun yarn comparison with ring and rotor spun yarn made from micro modal fibers

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    Uspoređeni su parametri nejednolikosti (ukupna nejednolikost, nejednolikosti na različitim mjernim dužinama 1, 3 i 10 m dužine mjerenja dlakavosti aerodinamičke predene pređe iz mikro modalnih vlakana ispredene na aerodinamičkoj predilici J20 s parametrima nejednolikosti rotorske i konvencionalne prstenaste predene pređe iz istih vlakana. Kako bi se smanjio broj ulaznih utjecajnih parametara na parametre nejednolikosti, uspoređivanje je izvrÅ”eno na pređama jednakih namjena (pletenje) te jednakih finoća od 20 tex (Nm 50). Pod pretpostavkom da distibucija mase u pređama slijedi normalnu (Gausovu) krivulju proveden je t-test za nejednolikost pređa. Pokazalo se da je ukupna nejednolikost aerodinamičke pređe manja od nejednolikosti rotorske, a veća od nejednolikosti konvencionalne prstenaste pređe, dok je na većim mjernim duljinama (1 m, 3 m i 10 m) manja od obiju pređa, rotorske i prstenaste pređe. Broj tankih mjesta aerodinamičke pređe na osjetljivosti mjerenja -30 % je veći od broja ovih graÅ”aka na prstenastoj pređi za 9,2 puta, dok u odnosu na rotorsku pređu manji je za 4,2 %. Aerodinamička pređa na razini osjetljivosti +50 % ima najmanji broj debelih mjesta. U pogledu dlakavosti, aerodinamička pređa je razmjerno bolje kvalitete.All unevenness parameters (overall unevenness, unevenness on different cut lengths of 1 m, 3 m and 10 m and hairiness) of the air-jet yarn produced from micro modal fibers spun on the J20 air jet machine using the unevenness parameters of the rotor spun and conventional ring spun yarn produced form the same fibers were compared. In order to reduce the number of input influencing parameters on the unevenness properties, the comparison was performed on yarns for the same end-use (knitting) and with an equal count of 20 tex (Nm 50). Assuming that the mass distribution in the yarns follows a normal (Gauss) curve a t-test of yarn unevenness was carried out. It was shown that the overall unevenness of the air-jet-spun yarn is smaller than that of the rotor spun yarn and is greater than the unevenness of the conventional ring spun yarn, while over larger cut lengths (1 m, 3 m and 10 m) it is smaller than in both yarns, rotor and ring spun yarns. The number of thin places in air-jet-spun yarns at a sensitivity level -30% is higher than the number of these faults in the ring spun yarn by 9.2 times and compared with the rotor spun yarn lower by 4.2%. The air-jet-spun yarn at a sensitivity level +50 % has the smallest number of thick places. In terms of hairiness, the air-jet-spun yarn has a relatively higher quality

    Study on Physical-mechanical Parameters of Ring-, Rotor- and Air-jet-spun Modal and Micro Modal Yarns

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    The main physical-mechanical parameters of modal yarns (unevenness, faults, hairiness and spectrograms) were compared with the parameters of micro modal yarns of the same fineness and end-use. The difference in tenacity and elongation at break of different types of modal and micro modal-spun yarns is determined by yarn structure. The highest tenacity was achieved in the oriented structure of ring-spun yarn, followed by air-jet-spun and rotor-spun yarn, in the case of both modal and micro modal fibres. All types of modal yarns differ in overall unevenness and in terms of micro modal fibres. The values of the overall unevenness of ring-, rotor- and air-jet-spun modal yarns are greater than or equal to the same values of micro modal yarns. The spinning technique, and thus the yarn structure, determine the level of overall yarn evenness. The number of faults at different levels of sensitivity measurement to detect the highest number of thin and thick places and neps (ā€“30%, +35% and +140%) is greater in rotor- and air-jet-spun yarn than in ring-spun yarn for both levels of fibre fineness. Periodic faults of short wavelengths with significant amplitude increase the number of yarn faults to a certain extent. Rotor-spun micro modal yarn shows the highest deviation from ideal unevenness, while ring-spun modal yarn shows the lowest deviation. Yarn hairiness depends on the spinning technique. Finer fibres cause lower hairiness in all yarn types

    Carotid Cavernous Fistulas in Postmenopausal Women

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    U razdoblju od posljednjih pet godina na Klinici za očne bolesti Kliničke bolnice "Sestre milosrdnice" osam bolesnica je hospitalizirano radi obrade i terapije kavernozne karotidne fistule. Cilj ove studije bio je prikazati naÅ”a iskustva u dijagnostici, terapiji i praćenju bolesnika s kavernoznim karotidnim fistulama. Svi pacijenti bile su žene u menopauzi srednje životne dobi 69,75Ā±7,3 godina, bez ikakve traume u anamnezi. NajčeŔći simptomi bili su proptoza, pad vida i kemoza. Od dijagnostičkih metoda rabili smo ultrazvuk, magnetsku rezonanciju (NMR) i angiografiju. Endovaskularna balonska okluzija bila je terapija izbora kod svih bolesnica, ali je kod jedne doÅ”lo do spontanog zatvaranja fistule, dok je jedna odbila takvu vrstu liječenja. Na prvom pregledu, mjesec dana nakon terapije, doÅ”lo je do poboljÅ”anja očnog statusa. Simptomi kao bol, Å”um, kemoza, pulsacije bulbusa, glavobolje i dvoslike nisu bili prisutni. Zamijećen je mnogo manji periorbitalni edem, proptoza i dilatacija retinalnih vena, te niže vrijednosti intraokularnog tlaka. Razdoblje praćenja bilo je Å”est mjeseci i nije zamijećena ponovna pojava fistule. Takve spontane fistule opisane u ovoj studiji su duralni Å”antovi s predilekcijom u postmenopauzalnih žena, najvjerojatnije zbog ateroskleroze, hipertenzije i promjena u zgruÅ”avanju krvi povezanih s hormonskim statusom.During the last five-year period, eight patients were hospitalized at University Department of Ophthalmology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, for elaboration and therapy of spontaneous indirect carotid cavernous fistulas. The aim of this report is to present our experiences in the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of patients with carotid cavernous fistulas. All patients were postmenopausal women, mean age 69.75Ā±7.3 years, without any trauma in their history. The most common symptoms were proptosis, low vision and chemosis. Ultrasound, computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and angiography were used as diagnostic methods. Endovascular balloon occlusion was the treatment of choice in all patients except for one with spontaneous closure of the fistula, whereas another one refused this mode of treatment. The first follow up examination at one month after therapy showed improvement of ocular status. There was no pain, bruit, chemosis, pulsations of the globe, headache or double vision, while periorbital edema, proptosis, dilatation of retinal veins and intraocular pressure were reduced. During the six-month follow up period, no recurrence was recorded. Spontaneous fistulas described in this study tend to be dural shunts. These shunts have a predilection to develop in postmenopausal women, possibly due to atherosclerosis, hypertension and alterations in blood coagulation associated with hormonal changes

    Opportunistic screening for colorectal cancer in high-risk patients in family medicine practices in the Republic of Croatia

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    Colorectal cancer is a malignant neoplasm which has an increasing incidence and represents a global public health problem. The majority of patients are diagnosed after the age of 50, and the risk of developing it over lifetime is 5%. Development of preventive, diagnostic and treatment methods has resulted in a significant reduction in mortality and other negative clinical outcomes. Precisely because of the efficient method of prevention and early detection of this disease, numerous countries, including Croatia, have organized national colorectal cancer screening and monitoring programs. However, these programs are primarily organized for the population with the usual, i.e. average risk of developing colorectal cancer. High-risk groups include persons with endoscopically detected and removed colon polyps, persons surgically treated for colon cancer, persons with a positive family history of colorectal cancer, persons with inflammatory bowel diseases, individuals and families with hereditary disorders or genetic mutations that increase the risk of this disease several fold, persons with acromegaly, and patients who have undergone ureterosigmoidostomy. Recommendations for the detection and monitoring of high-risk groups are often not defined clearly, and some of the existing ones are based mostly on scarce scientific evidence. It is commonly accepted that screening in high-risk groups should start at an earlier age, with shorter intervals between follow-ups. The basic diagnostic method for screening and monitoring in these patient groups is endoscopic monitoring, or colonoscopy. The aim of this review paper is to present the characteristics of the abovementioned risk groups and provide clear screening recommendations

    Sigurnost i učinkovit ostfiksne kombinacije (travoprost 0,004%/timolol 0,5%) umjesto monoterapije u Å”estomjesečnom periodu praćenja

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    Purpose: To assess the safety and efficacy of changing antiglaucoma therapy to the travoprost 0,004%/timolol 0,5% (TTF C) fixed combination from previous monotherapies. Methods: Prospective, open-label, observational, multicenter cohort. A change was done from prior monotherapy at day 0 to TTF C dosed once a day, regardless in the evening or in the morning, without washout period. Active evaluation of systemic and local tolerability (adverse events), and efficacy ie. intraocular pressure (IOP) lowering was done at control 1 (day 30), control 2 (day 90) and control 3 (day 120). Results: 40/155/170 patients (79/309/339 eyes) completed the study (120 days/ 90 days/baseline, respectfully). At control 1 excluded were patients with low tolerability (severe hyperemia (6 patients), discomfort (4), chest pain (1)) and non responders (IOP lowering less than 15% from baseline IOP or target IOP >18 mmHg (4 patients)). Mean IOP at control 1 was 15,92Ā±1,85 mm Hg (21,66% reduction) for 155 patients (non responders excluded), at control 2 was for 155 patients 15,67Ā±2,17 mm Hg (21,14% reduction), and at control 3 for 40 patients 16,28Ā±1,59 mm Hg (19,86% reduction). At control 2 analysis of IOP reduction by 4 groups of previous monotherapy (timolol 0,5% (N=33/66), latanoprost 0,005% (N=49/98), betaxolol 0,5% (N=30/60), and travoprost 0,004% (N=43/85) was performed. 40 patients/79 eyes endured to control 3 (after day 90 free samples were not available for all patients). Analysis of IOP reduction by 4 groups of previous monotherapy medications was performed (timolol 0,5%(N=7/14), latanoprost 0,005% (N=14/28), betaxolol 0,5% (N=7/14), travoprost 0,004% (N=12/23)). Conclusions: Changing patients from prior monotherapy to TTF C can provide on average a further reduction in IOP, while demonstrating a favorable safety profile.CILJ: Zabilježiti sigurnost i učinkovitost promjene antiglaukomske terapije u travoprost 0,004%/timolol 0,5% (TTF C) fiksnu kombinaciju s prethodnih monoterapija. METODE: Prospektivna, otvorena, opservacijska, multicentrična populacija. Promjena s prethodne monoterapije na dan 0 u TTF C, doziran jednom dnevno, ili ujutro ili navečer, bez perioda ispiranja. Aktivno je ocijenjena sistemska i lokalna podnoÅ”ljivost (popratne pojave), i učinkovitost tj.sniženje intraokularnog tlaka (IOT) na prvoj kontroli (dan 30), drugoj kontroli (dan 90) i trećoj kontroli (dan 120). REZULTATI: 40/155/170 bolesnika (79/309/339 očiju) zavrÅ”ilo je studiju (120 dana/ 90 dana/početak). Na prvoj kontroli isključeni su svi bolesnici koji su slabo podnosili lijek: ozbiljna hiperemija (6 bolesnika), neugoda (4), bol u prsiÅ”tu (1) i ne- responderi tj. sniženje IOT-a manje od 15% od početnog IOT ili ciljnog IOT >18 mmHg (4 bolesnika). Prosječni IOT na prvoj kontroli je bio 15,92Ā±1,85 mm Hg (21,66% sniženja) kod 155 bolesnika (isključeni ne-responderi), na drugoj kontroli je kod 155 bolesnika bio 15,67Ā±2,17 mm Hg (21,14% sniženja), i na trećoj kontroli kod 40 bolesnika 16,28Ā±1,59 mm Hg (19,86% sniženja). Na drugoj kontroli je učinjena analiza sniženja IOT-a u 4 grupe prethodno koriÅ”tene monoterapije: timolol 0,5% (N=33/66), latanoprost 0,005% (N=49/98), betaxolol 0,5% (N=30/60), i travoprost 0,004% (N=43/85). 40 bolesnika/79 očiju praćeno je do treće kontrole. Učinjena je analiza sniženja IOT-a u 4 grupe prethodno koriÅ”tene monoterapije: timolol 0,5% (N=7/14), latanoprost 0,005% (N=14/28), betaxolol 0,5% (N=7/14), travoprost 0,004% (N=12/23). Zaključak: Promjena terapije s prethodne monoterapije u TTF C može u prosjeku omogućiti dodatno sniženje IOT-a, uz zadovoljavajući profil sigurnosti

    Comparison of Visual Evoked Potentials, Automated Perimetry and Frequency-Doubling Perimetry in Early Detection of Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss

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    The present study compares frequency-doubling perimetry (FDP), automated perimetry (AP) and visual evoked potentials (VEP) for their ability to diagnose early glaucoma. In present study 224 patients of Clinic for Eye Diseases, Clinical Hospital Ā»Sestre MilosrdniceĀ« that had diagnosis of open angle glaucoma and glaucomatous visual field loss proven by automated static perimetry on only one eye were performing all three tests. Visual evoked potentials, automated perimetry and frequency-doubling perimetry were performed four times in each patient with six months period in between testing. Significant difference was proven between frequency-doubling perimetry and automated perimetry in favor for FDP in early detection of glaucomatous field loss. There was no significant difference between FDP and VEP neither between VEP and AP measurements. The results of this study indicate that frequency-doubling perimetry is significantly better method for early detection of glaucomatous visual field loss than automated static perimetry

    Comparison of Visual Evoked Potentials, Automated Perimetry and Frequency-Doubling Perimetry in Early Detection of Glaucomatous Visual Field Loss

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    The present study compares frequency-doubling perimetry (FDP), automated perimetry (AP) and visual evoked potentials (VEP) for their ability to diagnose early glaucoma. In present study 224 patients of Clinic for Eye Diseases, Clinical Hospital Ā»Sestre MilosrdniceĀ« that had diagnosis of open angle glaucoma and glaucomatous visual field loss proven by automated static perimetry on only one eye were performing all three tests. Visual evoked potentials, automated perimetry and frequency-doubling perimetry were performed four times in each patient with six months period in between testing. Significant difference was proven between frequency-doubling perimetry and automated perimetry in favor for FDP in early detection of glaucomatous field loss. There was no significant difference between FDP and VEP neither between VEP and AP measurements. The results of this study indicate that frequency-doubling perimetry is significantly better method for early detection of glaucomatous visual field loss than automated static perimetry

    Oportunistički probir raka debelog i zavrŔnog crijeva u visokorizičnih bolesnika u ordinacijama obiteljske medicine u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    Kolorektalni karcinom zloćudna je novotvorina incidencija kojega je u stalnom porastu i koja predstavlja globalni javnozdravstveni problem. U većine bolesnika ova se bolest dijagnosticira nakon 50. godine života, a rizik od njenog razvoja tijekom životnog vijeka iznosi oko 5%. Razvoj preventivnih, dijagnostičkih i terapijskih metoda rezultirao je značajnim smanjenjem smrtnosti i drugih negativnih kliničkih ishoda. Upravo zbog učinkovite metode prevencije i ranog otkrivanja ove bolesti u brojnim državama pa tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj organizirani su nacionalni programi probira i praćenja kolorektalnog karcinoma. Međutim, navedeni su programi prvenstveno organizirani za populaciju s uobičajenim, odnosno prosječnim rizikom obolijevanja od kolorektalnog karcinoma. Visokorizične skupine obuhvaćaju osobe u kojih su endoskopski otkriveni, odnosno uklonjeni polipi debelog crijeva, osobe kirurÅ”ki liječene zbog karcinoma debelog crijeva, osobe s pozitivnom obiteljskom anamnezom za kolorektalni karcinom, osobe oboljele od upalnih bolesti crijeva, pojedinci i obitelji s nasljednim poremećajima, odnosno genetskim mutacijama koje viÅ”estruko povećavaju rizik za razvoj ove bolesti, osobe oboljele od akromegalije te bolesnici u kojih je učinjen zahvat ureterosigmoidostomije. Preporuke za otkrivanje i praćenje visokorizičnih skupina često nisu jasno definirane, a neke od postojećih se temelje na uglavnom oskudnim znanstvenim dokazima. Opće je prihvaćeno miÅ”ljenje da bi probir u visokorizičnih skupina trebao započeti u ranijoj životnoj dobi uz kraće vremenske intervale između pojedinih pregleda. Osnovna dijagnostička metoda probira i praćenja u ovih skupina bolesnika je endoskopsko praćenje, odnosno kolonoskopija. Cilj ovoga preglednog rada je prikazati značajke navedenih rizičnih skupina i dati jasne preporuke za probir