65 research outputs found

    Medijski okviri Covid 19 pandemije

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    It has long been noticed that the problem of public information provision has shifted from collecting and selling information to protecting the public from disinformation, and to inability to follow all the information published about any topic. Media coverage in times of crisis, such as the pandemic, has revealed and heightened the extent of the problem of public information provision. In this paper, we present our belief that professional journalists have not responded well to their basic task ā€” providing accurate, impartial, reliable and important information to the public. Instead, the media has often published information based on assumptions, emotions and views of interest to certain social groups, rather than the general public. The banning of large gatherings and events that are a common source of information, limited movement of people and journalists, focus on official sources with limited ability for data verification, extensive use of social media and general disruption of daily editorial routines, have led to the non-compliance with the core principles of journalism. Instead of facts, the media were dominated by interpretations and emotions, which, in combination with poor general media literacy, has led to the spread of fear and distrust in media and institutions. In this paper, we advocate adherence to the Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on protecting freedom of expression and information in times of crisis (adopted in 2007), and improvement in general media literacy in society, so that the media can effectively perform their social role, and the citizens can critically evaluate information available in times of crisis.Odavno je uočeno da je problem javnog informisanja sa polja prikupljanja i prodaje informacija, preusmeren na problem zaÅ”tite od dezinformacija, kao i na poteÅ”koće da se proprate sve informacije objavljene o nekoj temi. Medijsko izveÅ”tavanje u doba krize kao Å”to je pandemija, izoÅ”trilo je i joÅ” snažnije markiralo razmere problema javnog informisanja. U radu iznosimo uverenje da novinarski profesionalci nisu dobro odgovorili svom osnovnom zadatku ā€“ da obezbede tačne, nepristrasne, pouzdane i za javnost važne informacije. Umesto toga objavljivane su informacije zasnovane na pretpostavkama, emocijama i stavovima u interesu određenih druÅ”tvenih grupa, a ne od koristi za građane. Zabrana velikih skupova i događaja koji su uobičajeni izvori informacija, ograničnje kretanja ljudi i novinara, usmerenost na zvanične izvore sa ograničenim mogućnostima provere informacija, velika upotreba druÅ”tvenih mreža, kao i opÅ”ta odstupanja od svakodnevnih redakcijskih rutina, uticali su na izostanak poÅ”tovanja osnovnih novinarskih načela. Umesto činjenica u medijima su dominirale interpretacije i emocije, Å”to je u situaciji skromne opÅ”te medijske pismenosti doprinelo Å”irenju straha i nepoverenja u medije i institucije sistema. U radu se zalažemo za poÅ”tovanje Smernica Komiteta ministara Saveta Evrope o zaÅ”titi slobode izražavanja i informisanja u vreme kriza (iz 2007. godine) i za opÅ”te medijsko opismenjavanje, kako bi mediji efikasno obavljali svoju druÅ”tvenu ulogu, a građani kritički procenjivali informacije koje su im dostupne, naročito u vreme kriza


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    Abstract- In this paper we deal with the connection between value system and innovativity of media students in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Research sample consisted of 426 students. Connection between value system of respondents and their attitude towards innovations is established. Research has also shown that there are significant statistical intercultural and intersex differences in relation of value and attitude towards innovations. The expressed intercultural and intersex differences, according to our opinion, reflect differences in the line traditionalism- modernism, where Bosnian students are closer to the pole of traditionalism, because they evaluate the tradition that leads to group harmony very much. In case of Serbian and Croatian students, viewpoint in closer to the pole of modernism, individualism and willingness to change are highly appreciated

    Characteristics of Housing in Rural Villages: The Case Northeastern Montenegro

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    The paper analyzes the basic characteristics of housing in rural areas of northeastern Montenegro, based on examples from Berane, Andrejevica and Plav. People in rural areas northeastern of Montenegro are in accordance with their modest lifestyle, built by the simple but functional living quarters. The chronology of the type of housing facilities is differentiated into morphological types of permanent residence: primitive forms of human habitats (dugouts - cave dwellings, semi dugouts); a more perfect forms of habitats (cottage) and contemporary residential facilities. Today, although of old houses in the rural area of northeastern Montenegro is not much else, nevertheless we can realize, what is the national builder was important in their construction. The tendency to revive the good old and functional forms of housing in rural areas of northeastern Montenegro today is fortunately more and more present. More and more people are that want to the existing old house renovation, both in regards to tradition, as well with oneself but appear and new architectural forms, which are inspired by the national architecture. What is required is a symbiosis of positive and negative forms and phenomena, which have to be that, pull out to light the strictly scientific analysis. Functional analysis of accelerated would stylistic synthesis the positive from the past and the negative the present

    Some Aspects of Geographic Views on Motivational Factor the Tourist Movements: The Case Northeastern Montenegro

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    The paper presents some aspects of geographical view of the motivational factor tourist movements in northeastern Montenegro on example, the municipality Berane, Andrejevica and Plav. Bjelasica, high mountain range Komova, spatial zone Berane and Mountain system Prokletija providing opportunities for development of various types of mountain tourism, such as the sports and recreation, health, summer pasture, hiking, hunting, fishing ā€¦ As another important group of attractive values of, appear attractive and social factors, which allow the counted among the following elements: cultural and historical monuments, cultural institutions, various cultural events ... Significant cultural and historical heritage of this part of north-eastern Montenegro, not yet adequately valorized. In order to achieve desired economic growth, change, renewal and improvement of the overall economy, it is understood and tourism, it is appropriate and adequate conception of development strategies. Assessment of the state of tourism is a prerequisite for defining the development goals, which fit into the overall vision of progress and active involvement in the immediate environment and the wider European mainstream

    Plant and animal production in Montenegro with overview of the food industry

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    The subject of this paper is to consider the causes of the condition and systematization of the main problems of agricultural development in Montenegro. Bearing in mind the structure of agricultural production, available resources and achieved the level of productivity, we estimate that the change must take place in the direction of growth, yield stabilization and production structure changes in crop production and achieving greater representation of livestock in the value of agricultural production. The future development of the agrarian sector of Montenegro should be directed towards modernizing and changing the production structure towards market orientation and improve overall efficiency. Agriculture Montenegro in its very important role, should fulfill several strategic objectives: produce sufficient amounts of safe food that will be accepted by consumers at home and abroad, provide a higher level of self-sufficiency and improve the trade balance of the country, creating value that will provide income to farmers and the gross domestic product growth magnify the overall economy of the country and to keep population in the countryside and thus contribute to the protection and promotion of these areas

    Some geographical aspects of sustainable development with view on Montenegro: a review

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    Sustainable Development refers to the creation and maintenance of social and economic development. In order to achieve this it is necessary to provide interaction between environmental, social and economic components of the system, synchronized in time and space. Each of these interactions has its specific dynamics, requires the involvement of certain resources. Greening the of society expands the array of environmental requirements that are in opposition to traditional economic needs of the accumulation of material wealth and production, which does not take account of the environment. Despite the economic crisis, according to the results of the Euro barometer survey conducted in late March and early April 2014, which included 28,000 respondents from different social and demographic groups, and the 28 members of the European Union, showed that 96% of people said how they care for the environment, personal matters. To ensure the inclusion of sustainability requirements into development policies and their implementation in practice, Montenegro has prepared and implemented by the National Strategy for Sustainable Development, based on the principles of the Declaration of Rio de Janeiro and Agenda 21, as well as the principles contained in the Declaration and the Johannesburg Plan by implementation

    Some Aspects of Geographic View on Economy: The Case Northeastern Montenegro

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    Text which follows represents geographical contribution to the study of the economy of northeastern Montenegro, on example of municipalities Berane, Andrijevica and Plav. Temporal frame for the study covers the period from prehistoric of our time. The focus of research directed on two sets of questions, it is on: the characteristics of economic development to the Second World War and on characteristics of the development of the economy after the Second World War. By the beginning World War II, analyzed the geographical space was one of the underdeveloped areas of Montenegro. Prevailing is mostly agricultural production. After the Second World War former Yugoslavia, in whose composition is entered and Montenegro, started is in process accelerated industrialization. High measure of job security prevented activity mechanism of competition and the market economy. There was no pressure on employed workers to increase efficiency, which led to such situations that for exercise same scale of production engaged considerably more workers than in the classical (an entrepreneurial) firms. The economic consequences were are expected: since the mid-of the seventies years ago the last century up to the complete collapse of the economic system at the end of the eighties years ago the last century, productivity Labour is mobiles falls while is hidden unemployment grew. Development problems and irrational economic system retain all the professional and scientific opinions, without the possibility of that the any particular conduct proceedings. I then, appearance and now we did not manage to elevate above observation. Therefore, thus conclude that is necessary develop a special economic innovative strategy for regional policy, adapted on the hilly-mountainous regions what, kind of is exactly and analyzed geo-space

    Some Aspects of Economic Geographic Views at the Geological Makeup: The Case Northeastern Montenegro

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    This paper discusses some aspects of the economic and geographic look at the geological structure of northeastern Montenegro. The geological structure of part all three groups of rocks metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary. When viewing certain kinds of rock and emphasized their economic importance. The considered area has excellent possibilities for development of mining, particularly as Berane basin contains significant reserves of brown coal and lignite (176.231.197 tons). Since metallic materials have be discovered bearing the following metals: lead, zinc, copper, iron and pyrite. A deposit of non-metallic building materials: gravel, sand and decorative stone. Northeastern Montenegro has exceptional opportunities for the development of industry, whose focus should be about n Berane coal production in the basin, which would cause intense regrouping and integration of industrial enterprises, which would undoubtedly affect the entire economic life of the considered geographic space

    Historical-geographical view of rural village Gnjili Potok: which road to renewal and development

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    Through this work, who examines rural village Gnjili Potok points out the importance of the historical and geographical components, as well as essential guidelines to preserve the identity and authenticity of the village? Villages are still the only places where it is possible to agriculture as a life interest, but there are fewer of those who live from it. Agriculture the other activity that is linked to be village and rural area, but there is less activity that ensures the development and future of this area. Experience of the EU shows that designed rural development policy, supported financially, resulting in a successful rural economy, with employment opportunities. In Montenegro, unfortunately, until now there was no consistent and long-term rural development policy. Namely, Montenegro is a big deal to all their strategies complies with international and European principles, and planned actions and activities, with the priority ranking, to enable the realization of the vision of rural development and its competitive participation in the global and European trends

    Structural changes utilization agricultural land and plant production: the case northeastern Montenegro

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    Among the growth, potential of northeastern Montenegro primary importance is agricultural land. The structure of agricultural land according to the use, by applying the method of alternating splitter in the system 6/6, we found type of secondary representation meadows, with a greater share of pasture and arable land P3L2O1 participation. Type the equal participation of vegetables, animal fodder and grain products and share uncultivated arable land Po2Sk2Å¢1No1, characterized by the use of the structure of arable land. Judging by the size of the total area planted, production volumes, as well as other indicators, crop production northeastern Montenegro mainly serves to meet the needs of the household. A smaller part of are intended market
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