519 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional interactive maps: theory and practice

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    Let the Judge Speak: Reconsidering the Role of Rehabilitation in Federal Sentencing

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    (Excerpt) This Note contends that the importance of rehabilitation as a valid and necessary principle of punishment is overlooked in § 3582(a) of the SRA and further argues that a judge should be permitted to consider rehabilitation when deciding to sentence a defendant to a term of imprisonment, so long as rehabilitation is not a dominant factor in coming to that decision. Part I outlines the principles of punishment and the rise and decline of the rehabilitative system of punishment in the United States. It also discusses the importance of rehabilitation and how society could benefit from a system that does not leave rehabilitation by the wayside. Part II discusses the Supreme Court’s ruling in Tapia v. United States and the resulting circuit split concerning the degree to which rehabilitation can be considered when sentencing a criminal defendant to a term of imprisonment in accordance with § 3553(a)(2)(D) and § 3582(a) of the SRA. Finally, Part III recommends that the Supreme Court resolve the circuit split by adopting the Fifth Circuit’s additional justification and dominant factor tests, or alternatively, that Congress amend § 3582(a) so as to permit judges to consider and talk about potential rehabilitation, without fear of being overruled for such discussions, when sentencing a defendant to prison

    Let the Judge Speak: Reconsidering the Role of Rehabilitation in Federal Sentencing

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    (Excerpt) This Note contends that the importance of rehabilitation as a valid and necessary principle of punishment is overlooked in § 3582(a) of the SRA and further argues that a judge should be permitted to consider rehabilitation when deciding to sentence a defendant to a term of imprisonment, so long as rehabilitation is not a dominant factor in coming to that decision. Part I outlines the principles of punishment and the rise and decline of the rehabilitative system of punishment in the United States. It also discusses the importance of rehabilitation and how society could benefit from a system that does not leave rehabilitation by the wayside. Part II discusses the Supreme Court’s ruling in Tapia v. United States and the resulting circuit split concerning the degree to which rehabilitation can be considered when sentencing a criminal defendant to a term of imprisonment in accordance with § 3553(a)(2)(D) and § 3582(a) of the SRA. Finally, Part III recommends that the Supreme Court resolve the circuit split by adopting the Fifth Circuit’s additional justification and dominant factor tests, or alternatively, that Congress amend § 3582(a) so as to permit judges to consider and talk about potential rehabilitation, without fear of being overruled for such discussions, when sentencing a defendant to prison

    Коры выветривания доюрских отложений Западно-Сибирской геосинеклизы

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    Доюрские (вендские, палеозойские) отложения юго-восточной части Западно-Сибирской геосинеклизы прошли преобразования последовательно: диагенез и первичный катагенез во время и сразу после окаменения; орогенный этап развития и формирования кор выветривания в перми-триасе; вторично-катагенетические преобразования, начиная с юрского периода. Коры выветривания развиты по всей площади выхода на доюрскую поверхность палеозойских пород в виде маломощной приповерхностной зоны улучшенных коллекторских свойств, в виде кремнисто-глинистых щебнистых масс по отложениям аналогичного состава, а по измененным эффузивам основного состава и туфам развиты бокситы, в том числе переотложенные. В образованиях коры выветривания сформированы коллекторы, совокупность которых именуется нефтегазоносный горизонт зоны контакта. Геометрия сформированных ловушек нефти и газа имеет линейно-вытянутую плащеобразную форму

    Klinische, radiologische und ganganalytische Ergebnisse nach endoprothetischem Kniegelenksersatz Attune vs. LCS

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    Als ein wesentlicher Parameter hat sich die Ganganalyse als ein objektives Instrument zu Beurteilung des Bewegungsablaufes etabliert. Ziel dieser Studie ist die Beurteilung des Attune-Implantates als Weiterentwicklung des LCS- Implantates, welches seit Jahren seinen Stellenwert auf dem Markt belegt hat, hinsichtlich Patientenzufriedenheit, klinische, radiologische und ganganalytische Aspekte. Methodik: In einer retrospektiven Vergleich Studie wurden 2015 bis 2016 in einem universitären EPZmax 63 Patienten, bei denen bei primärer Gonarthrose ein Oberflächenersatz in Balance Gap Technik implantiert worden ist, eingeschlossen. Die Parameter der Ganganalyse mit dem Knie TEP versorgten Patienten wurden denen einer gesunden Vergleichsgruppe von 50 Probanden gegenüber gestellt. Es wurden 30 Patienten mit einer Attune-KTEP und 33 Patienten mit einer LCS-KTEP versorgt. Die Nachbeobachtungszeit betrug mindestens 1 Jahr. Die Ganganalysen wurden mit dem 3D-Bewegungsanalysesystem Vicon (Vicon, Oxford, GB) mit 10 Infrarotkameras mit 3 Kraftmessplatten durchgeführt. Prä- und postoperativ wurden eine Ganzbeinaufnahme und Knie seitlich angefertigt. Zur klinischen Evaluation wurden die folgenden Scores erhoben: Knee Society Score (KSS), Forgotten Joint Score (FSJ 12), WOMAC und Patientenzufriedenheit-Test. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung: Der Einsatz von Attune Kniesystems führt zu einem physiologischeren Gangbild und besserem Bewegungsumfang gegenüber dem LCS Kniesystem. Der Bewegungsumfang war in der Attune Gruppe mit 129°+- 16° signifikant höher als in der LCS Gruppe 109°+- 15°, p<0,001. Bei den 29 Fällen signifikanter Unterschiede lagen die Mittelwerte der Parameter für Attune 27 mal näher an den Werten der Gesunden und nur 2 mal für die Gruppe LCS. Diese Studie konnte keine besseren klinischen und/oder radiologischen Ergebnisse des neuen Prothesendesign des Attune Kniesystems aufzeigen. Auch eine bessere Patientenzufriedenheit als beim LCS Kniesystem fand sich nicht

    Experimental studies on shear connection between steel and lightweight concrete using studs

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    This contribution describes Standard Push-Out Tests carried out at University of Minho (UM) and the Single Push-Out Tests performed at the Institute of Structural Concrete at RWTH Aachen University using high strength lightweight concrete (HSLWC). The test configuration follows the EC4 recommendations and repeats some dispositions referred by other authors. The experimental studies carried out at RWTH and UM include tests on studs with diameters of 19, 22 and 25 mm and also tests on studs of 19 mm diameter, which are grouped in pairs. The purpose of the experiments conducted is to determine the load-bearing capacity as well as the deformation capacity of commonly used headed shear stud when using high strength lightweight concrete. The results from these tests are compared to those from the tests performed with high strength normal weight concrete (NWC)

    Intrapleural hemorrhage after administration of tPA: A case report and review of the literature

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    Objective: Intrapleural fibrinolytic enzymes have been used for over 60 years in the treatment of complicated pleural effusions to lyse loculations and promote resolution. Despite this extensive history of use, however, little is known about complications that may arise with the use of this therapy. Here we discuss a patient with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis who developed an intrapleural hemorrhage after the administration of intrapleural tPA to treat a complicated parapneumonic effusion. A review of the literature examines the efficacy and safety of this therapy, focusing on bleeding complications. Specific attention is paid to patients who have underlying coagulopathies or who are receiving anticoagulation. Data sources: A review of the literature, as indexed in PubMed, was undertaken using the following search terms in combination: tPA, pleural effusion, complications of thrombolytics, and intrapleural hemorrhage. The search was inclusive of patients under the age of 18, but was limited by English language and human subjects. Study selection/data extraction: All relevant articles identified during the search were reviewed. Those studies that reported on bleeding complications, or lack thereof, were included in this review. Limitations of each article are noted in the text. Conclusions: Multiple studies, including a 2000 ACP consensus statement and a 2008 Cochrane review, indicate the need for further investigations to evaluate the safety and efficacy of intrapleural thrombolytics for the treatment of complicated pleural effusions and empyemas. Limited studies specifically address bleeding complications, especially in subpopulations of patients receiving concurrent anticoagulant therapy

    Breathing easier: Addressing the challenges of aerosolizing medications to infants and preschoolers

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    An increasing number of patients are dependent on aerosolized therapy to manage pulmonary diseases, including asthma, cystic fibrosis, and pulmonary arterial hypertension. An aerosol therapy is only useful if it can be appropriately and consistently delivered in the desired dose to the lower respiratory tract. Many factors affect this deposition in young children, including anatomical and physiologic differences between adults and children, patient-mask interface issues, the challenge of administering medication to uncooperative children, and behavioral adherence. Moreover, the techniques used to assess aerosol delivery to pediatric patients need to be carefully evaluated as new therapies and drug-device combinations are tested. In this review, we will address some of the challenges of delivering aerosolized medications to pediatric patients