5 research outputs found

    MetaDIP: Accelerating Deep Image Prior with Meta Learning

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    Deep image prior (DIP) is a recently proposed technique for solving imaging inverse problems by fitting the reconstructed images to the output of an untrained convolutional neural network. Unlike pretrained feedforward neural networks, the same DIP can generalize to arbitrary inverse problems, from denoising to phase retrieval, while offering competitive performance at each task. The central disadvantage of DIP is that, while feedforward neural networks can reconstruct an image in a single pass, DIP must gradually update its weights over hundreds to thousands of iterations, at a significant computational cost. In this work we use meta-learning to massively accelerate DIP-based reconstructions. By learning a proper initialization for the DIP weights, we demonstrate a 10x improvement in runtimes across a range of inverse imaging tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that a network trained to quickly reconstruct faces also generalizes to reconstructing natural image patches

    BiHMP-GAN: Bidirectional 3D Human Motion Prediction GAN

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    Human motion prediction model has applications in various fields of computer vision. Without taking into account the inherent stochasticity in the prediction of future pose dynamics, such methods often converges to a deterministic undesired mean of multiple probable outcomes. Devoid of this, we propose a novel probabilistic generative approach called Bidirectional Human motion prediction GAN, or BiHMP-GAN. To be able to generate multiple probable human-pose sequences, conditioned on a given starting sequence, we introduce a random extrinsic factor r, drawn from a predefined prior distribution. Furthermore, to enforce a direct content loss on the predicted motion sequence and also to avoid mode-collapse, a novel bidirectional framework is incorporated by modifying the usual discriminator architecture. The discriminator is trained also to regress this extrinsic factor r, which is used alongside with the intrinsic factor (encoded starting pose sequence) to generate a particular pose sequence. To further regularize the training, we introduce a novel recursive prediction strategy. In spite of being in a probabilistic framework, the enhanced discriminator architecture allows predictions of an intermediate part of pose sequence to be used as a conditioning for prediction of the latter part of the sequence. The bidirectional setup also provides a new direction to evaluate the prediction quality against a given test sequence. For a fair assessment of BiHMP-GAN, we report performance of the generated motion sequence using (i) a critic model trained to discriminate between real and fake motion sequence, and (ii) an action classifier trained on real human motion dynamics. Outcomes of both qualitative and quantitative evaluations, on the probabilistic generations of the model, demonstrate the superiority of BiHMP-GAN over previously available methods

    Investigating Information Inconsistency in Multilingual Open-Domain Question Answering

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    Retrieval based open-domain QA systems use retrieved documents and answer-span selection over retrieved documents to find best-answer candidates. We hypothesize that multilingual Question Answering (QA) systems are prone to information inconsistency when it comes to documents written in different languages, because these documents tend to provide a model with varying information about the same topic. To understand the effects of the biased availability of information and cultural influence, we analyze the behavior of multilingual open-domain question answering models with a focus on retrieval bias. We analyze if different retriever models present different passages given the same question in different languages on TyDi QA and XOR-TyDi QA, two multilingualQA datasets. We speculate that the content differences in documents across languages might reflect cultural divergences and/or social biases