15 research outputs found

    The study of augmented reality technique in science learning motivation (eSTAR)

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    The purpose of this study is to propose an Enhanced Science Textbook using Augmented Reality (eSTAR) prototype as a supplementary science learning material for Form II students. The Ministry of Education of Malaysia has established a 60:40 policy whereby it targets 60 percent of the students for science stream while 40 percent for arts. However, statistics indicate that there is a downward trend in the enrolment of students in science for the past few decades. The ratio of science to arts students in the 80’s was 31:69, then declined to 22:78 in the 90’s and remained at 29:71 in 2012. From the preliminary study, it was found that students have the interest in science; however, they are less motivated to continually pursue their higher education and careers related to science. Thus, this study proposes the eSTAR prototype which incorporates Augmented Reality (AR) and Multimedia (MM) technologies based on eSTAR conceptual model. The methodology utilized in this study is adapted from the Design Science Research Methodology. The prototype incorporates the ARCS Model of Motivation, Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, Intrinsic Motivation Theory and Multimedia Principles. This prototype was evaluated among 140 samples of Form II students using experimental design and questionnaire. The results of the evaluation show that engaging, enjoyment and fun are significantly related to motivation. The learning performance study indicates that through the use of the eSTAR prototype, students are able to perform better compared to the conventional learning method. The eSTAR conceptual model and its prototype are the most important contributions of this study. This study proves that the use of AR in science learning is able to motivate students to perform better in science. The output from this study may assist the Ministry of Education to achieve the 60:40 policy as Malaysia moves towards becoming a developed nation by the year 2020

    Developing students learning motivation in science experiments using mobile augmented reality

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    With the advent of Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) technology, it has the potential to be widely used in learning because of its ability to deliver the learning materials from multiple perspectives. This paper aims to propose a combination of concepts derived from the theory of animate vision, multimedia learning principles, constructivism learning theory and Attention, Relevant, Confidence, and Satisfaction (ARCS)motivation theory. This paper recommends the combination of these concepts for an exclusive mobile learning experience through the use of three-dimensional (3D) animated visualization. The literature review method is exploited to construct a state of the art theories and models. The combination of these concepts into the Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR) learning environment is expected to improve students’ learning motivation in science experiment. The results of this study are valuable for students, teachers, instructors and researchers interested in applying Mobile Augmented Reality in learning

    Conventional approach vs augmented reality textbook on learning performance: a study in science learning among secondary school students

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    Malaysia is moving towards becoming a developed nation by 2020. As such, the need for adequate human resources in science related fields is one of the requirements to achieve a developed nation status. Unfortunately, there is a downward trend in the number of students pursuing the science stream at the secondary school level. This paper introduces an enhanced science textbook using Augmented Reality (eSTAR) that is intended to motivate students to be interested in science. The eSTAR was implemented to provide a supplement to the conventional science teaching and learning methods in the secondary schools. A learning performance study with a control group was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the eSTAR for science learning among a sample of 140 Form Two secondary school students. The results indicate that the learning performance of the students in both groups had a significant difference in mean scores between the pre-test and post-test. Students using the eSTAR have a better score in the post-test and eventually resulted in a better learning performance compared to those who were exposed to the conventional science learning. Overall, the results show that the students benefited from the use of the conventional and eSTAR learning approaches

    A brief review of augmented reality science learning

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    This paper reviews several literatures concerning the theories and model that could be applied for science motivation for upper secondary school learners (16-17 years old) in order to make the learning experience more amazing and useful. The embedment of AR in science could bring an awe-inspiring transformation on learners’ viewpoint towards the respective subject matters. Augmented Reality is able to present the real and virtual learning experience with the addition of multiple media without replacing the real environment. Due to the unique feature of AR, it attracts the mass attention of researchers to implement AR in science learning. This impressive technology offers learners with the ultimate visualization and provides an astonishing and transparent learning experience by bringing to light the unseen perspective of the learning content. This paper will attract the attention of researchers in the related field as well as academicians in the related discipline. This paper aims to propose several related theoretical guidance that could be applied in science motivation to transform the learning in an effective way

    A Review Of The Features Of Augmented Reality Science Textbook

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    This paper reviews several literatures concerning the features of Augmented Reality (AR) based textbook that could be applied for science learning in schools in order to make the learning process effective and interesting. The intervention of AR in science textbook could bring a tremendous impact on students’ attitude towards the science subject. Even though there are several other proven and astonishing technologies for learning, AR has been chosen because of its highly potential and immersive characteristics. AR overlays real and virtual environment and displays them simultaneously on a computer screen. This technology offers students with the ultimate imaginary and makes them feel the real experience with scientific concepts which is impossible to experience in real life. This paper identifies several interesting features that could be applied in science textbook. These features are able to cultivate positive attitude and motivate the students to perform well in the science subject. Even though, the existing textbook is comprehensive, there are some limitations that might influence students’ performance in the science subject. By adding some additional features into the textbook, it could overcome the limitations and motivates the students in the learning process. This paper will be of interest to researchers in the areas of Augmented Reality in education as well as science teachers in general. This paper aims to introduce AR based textbook so that it can be widely used in schools especially for science learning so as to motivate students to be more interested in science. The information about the features of Augmented Reality (AR) based textbook that have been discussed in this paper will hopefully be a very useful guidance for other researchers as well as science teachers in planning and developing their own AR based textboo

    Evaluation of e-star: An enhanced science textbook using augmented reality among lower secondary school student

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    As a developing country, Malaysia needs to produce adequate human resource in science and technology related fields.This is important especially towards making Malaysia a developed nation by 2020. Unfortunately, there is a downward trend in the number of students pursuing the science stream at the secondary education level.Lack of motivation has been identified as one of the cause of this phenomenon.This paper introduces an enhanced science textbook using Augmented Reality (e-STAR) application that facilitates students in science learning.The e-STAR is intended to motivate the students to be more interested in science. This paper also discusses on the evaluation of the e-STAR among a sample of form two secondary school students. Quantitative data was collected using questionnaires for evaluating the following dimensions: motivation, ease of use, engaging, enjoyment and fun. The results indicate that the users agreed on all the dimensions. The findings proved that the e-STAR application can be one of the potential solutions to the above mentioned phenomenon

    Augmented reality books for science learning - a brief review

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    Science plays a major role in assisting Malaysia to achieve the developed country status by 2020. As such, the government introduces the 60:40 (science: arts) education policy. However, statistics and studies indicated that Malaysia is facing a downward trend in the number of students pursuing science. School is the first platform where students learn science. However, science learning in schools is still based on the conventional methods. In order to motivate the students towards science learning, a new approach of learning needs to be introduced. The intervention of Augmented Reality (AR) in science could bring a tremendous impact on students’ attitudes towards science learning. This paper reviews several past studies related to the intervention of AR in science books and describes the unique features of some of the books. It is hoped that more AR science books shall be developed incorporating these unique features to make science learning more interesting to the students. This will leave a great impact on students and motivate them to pursue their career and higher education in science related fields. This paper will be of interest to researchers in the areas of AR in education as well as science teachers in general

    A conceptual model for the development of enhanced science textbook using augmented reality

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    This paper presents a conceptual model of enhanced science textbook using Augmented Reality (e-STAR). The conceptual model will be used as guidance in designing and developing the e-STAR prototype. Based on our preliminary investigation among form two students, it has been identified that students have the interest in learning science while in school. However, previous studies and statistics show that students lack the motivation to continually pursue their higher education and carrier related to science.Moreover, in Malaysia, there is a downward trend in student’s achievement in Science subject.Science plays a very important role in student’s future endeavors as well as for the development of a nation.Thus, this paper proposes a conceptual model of e-STAR as an effort to motivate students to be more interested in science through the use of Augmented Reality and interactive multimedia elements.The model incorporates several motivation theories and multimedia principles.This paper discusses on the theories and principles and how they will be applied in the design and development of the e-STAR prototype

    Mobile augmented reality factors for learning motivation in science experiment

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    Previous research on Mobile AR (MAR) in science learning fall short in explaining the factors that positively affect learning motivation and did not explain how may one learning motivation be increased. Based on literature review, there is lack of studies on MAR factors in science experiment towards learning motivation and how they should be integrated in mobile AR applications. Hence, this research determines the MAR factors for learning motivation in science experiment. Design science research methodology was adapted. This study determines the MAR factors for learning motivation in science experiment through systematic literature review (SLR) and thematic analysis, namely enjoyment, realism and usability. A conceptual model of Mobile AR in science experiment on learning motivation (MARSELM) has been constructed based on these factors. Then, as a proof of concept, the Mobile AR Physics Experiment (MARPEX) application was developed based on the conceptual model of MARSELM. The study involved 148 upper secondary science stream students as participants to evaluate the MARPEX application. It was conducted through the use of the MARSELM Questionnaire. Pre-test and post-test using six multiple choice questions related to respective physics experiments were also conducted. After six months, a knowledge retention study was conducted among 81 upper secondary science stream students who had participated in the previous session. It is found that the MARPEX application was able to enhance the learning motivation and sustain the knowledge in terms of perception and performance. Even though the knowledge retention obtains a slightly lower mean score than the previous session, the learning motivation among students has increased over time. Thus, this study has developed and validated the MARSELM conceptual model. The MARSELM conceptual model may assist academicians, developers and researchers to design and develop mobile applications for various subjects in order to enhance learning motivation. This will assist the Malaysian government to fulfil the Education Blueprint 2013-2025 towards achieving Quality Education, which is the fourth sustainable development goal of the United Nations

    A study of students’ motivation using the augmented reality science textbook

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    Science plays a major role in assisting Malaysia to achieve the developed nation status by 2020. However, over a few decades, Malaysia is facing a downward trend in the number of students pursuing careers and higher education in science related fields. Since school is the first platform where students learn science, a new learning approach needs to be introduced to motivate them towards science learning. The aim of this study is to determine whether the intervention of the enhanced science textbook using augmented reality contributes to the learning process of lower secondary school students in science.The study was carried out among a sample of 70 lower secondary school students.Pearson Correlation and Regression analyses were used to determine the effects of ease of use, engaging, enjoyment and fun on students’ motivation in using the augmented reality science textbook for science learning. The results provide empirical support for the positive and statistically significant relationship between engaging, enjoyment and fun and students’ motivation for science learning. However, Ease of use is not significant but positively correlated to Motivation