6 research outputs found

    Process Compensated Resonance Testing Modeling for Damage Evolution and Uncertainty Quantification

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    Process Compensated Resonance Testing (PCRT) is a nondestructive evaluation method that measures and analyzes the resonance frequencies of a component for material state characterization, defect detection and process monitoring. PCRT inspections of gas turbine engine components have demonstrated the sensitivity of resonance frequencies to manufacturing defects and in-service thermal and mechanical damage. Prior work on PCRT modeling has developed forward modeling and model inversion techniques that simulate the effects of geometry variation, material property variation, and damage on Mar-M-247 nickel-based superalloy samples. Finite element method (FEM) forward model simulations predicted the effects of variation in geometry, material properties and damage on resonance frequencies. Model inversion used measured resonance frequencies to characterize the material state of components. Parallel work developed a process for uncertainty quantification (UQ) in PCRT models and measurements. The UQ process evaluated the propagation of uncertainty from various sources, identified the most significant uncertainty sources, and enabled uncertainty mitigation to improve model and measurement accuracy. Current efforts have expanded on those developments in several areas. One-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) forward model simulations were conducted on cylindrical dog bone coupons made from Mar-M-247. The simulations predicted the resonance frequency response to variation in geometry, elastic properties, crystallographic orientation, creep strain and cracking. The OFAT studies were followed by forward model Monte Carlo simulations that predicted the effects of multiple, concurrent sources of variation and damage on resonance frequencies, allowing characterization of virtual populations and quantification of uncertainty propagation. The Monte Carlo simulation design points were used to demonstrate the generation of a virtual database of components for training PCRT inspection applications, or “sorting modules.” Virtual database training sets can potentially overcome the limitations imposed by the availability of components and material states for training sets based on physical examples. Forward modeling tools and techniques were applied to titanium to simulate the effects of material variation, damage, and crystallographic texture. Forward modeling was also applied to more complex geometries, including a notional turbine blade, to demonstrate the application of modeling tools to shapes representative of gas turbine engine components. Model inversion tools and techniques have also advanced under the current effort. Prior inversion methods relied on iterative fitting to polynomial expressions for simple geometries and bulk material properties. Current efforts have demonstrated FEM-based model inversion which allows characterization of complex shapes and material states. FEM-based design spaces were generated, model inversion was carried out for surrogate modeled resonance spectra, and inversion performance was evaluated. Analysis of PCRT modeling results led to the development of automated resonance mode matching tools based on the calculation of modal assurance criteria (MAC) values, mode shape displacement metrics and Hungarian Algorithm sorting methods

    Process Compensated Resonance Testing Modeling for Damage Evolution and Uncertainty Quantification

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    Process Compensated Resonance Testing (PCRT) is a nondestructive evaluation method that measures and analyzes the resonance frequencies of a component for material state characterization, defect detection and process monitoring. PCRT inspections of gas turbine engine components have demonstrated the sensitivity of resonance frequencies to manufacturing defects and in-service thermal and mechanical damage. Prior work on PCRT modeling has developed forward modeling and model inversion techniques that simulate the effects of geometry variation, material property variation, and damage on Mar-M-247 nickel-based superalloy samples. Finite element method (FEM) forward model simulations predicted the effects of variation in geometry, material properties and damage on resonance frequencies. Model inversion used measured resonance frequencies to characterize the material state of components. Parallel work developed a process for uncertainty quantification (UQ) in PCRT models and measurements. The UQ process evaluated the propagation of uncertainty from various sources, identified the most significant uncertainty sources, and enabled uncertainty mitigation to improve model and measurement accuracy. Current efforts have expanded on those developments in several areas. One-factor-at-a-time (OFAT) forward model simulations were conducted on cylindrical dog bone coupons made from Mar-M-247. The simulations predicted the resonance frequency response to variation in geometry, elastic properties, crystallographic orientation, creep strain and cracking. The OFAT studies were followed by forward model Monte Carlo simulations that predicted the effects of multiple, concurrent sources of variation and damage on resonance frequencies, allowing characterization of virtual populations and quantification of uncertainty propagation. The Monte Carlo simulation design points were used to demonstrate the generation of a virtual database of components for training PCRT inspection applications, or “sorting modules.” Virtual database training sets can potentially overcome the limitations imposed by the availability of components and material states for training sets based on physical examples. Forward modeling tools and techniques were applied to titanium to simulate the effects of material variation, damage, and crystallographic texture. Forward modeling was also applied to more complex geometries, including a notional turbine blade, to demonstrate the application of modeling tools to shapes representative of gas turbine engine components. Model inversion tools and techniques have also advanced under the current effort. Prior inversion methods relied on iterative fitting to polynomial expressions for simple geometries and bulk material properties. Current efforts have demonstrated FEM-based model inversion which allows characterization of complex shapes and material states. FEM-based design spaces were generated, model inversion was carried out for surrogate modeled resonance spectra, and inversion performance was evaluated. Analysis of PCRT modeling results led to the development of automated resonance mode matching tools based on the calculation of modal assurance criteria (MAC) values, mode shape displacement metrics and Hungarian Algorithm sorting methods.</p

    Elastic Properties of Novel Co- and CoNi-Based Superalloys Determined through Bayesian Inference and Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy

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    Bayesian inference is employed to precisely evaluate single crystal elastic properties of novel γ- γ′ Co- and CoNi-based superalloys from simple and non-destructive resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) measurements. Nine alloys from three Co-, CoNi-, and Ni-based alloy classes were evaluated in the fully aged condition, with one alloy per class also evaluated in the solution heat-treated condition. Comparisons are made between the elastic properties of the three alloy classes and among the alloys of a single class, with the following trends observed. A monotonic rise in the c44 (shear) elastic constant by a total of 12 pct is observed between the three alloy classes as Co is substituted for Ni. Elastic anisotropy (A) is also increased, with a large majority of the nearly 13 pct increase occurring after Co becomes the dominant constituent. Together the five CoNi alloys, with Co:Ni ratios from 1:1 to 1.5:1, exhibited remarkably similar properties with an average A 1.8 pct greater than the Ni-based alloy CMSX-4. Custom code demonstrating a substantial advance over previously reported methods for RUS inversion is also reported here for the first time. CmdStan-RUS is built upon the open-source probabilistic programing language of Stan and formulates the inverse problem using Bayesian methods. Bayesian posterior distributions are efficiently computed with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), while initial parameterization is randomly generated from weakly informative prior distributions. Remarkably robust convergence behavior is demonstrated across multiple independent HMC chains in spite of initial parameterization often very far from actual parameter values. Experimental procedures are substantially simplified by allowing any arbitrary misorientation between the specimen and crystal axes, as elastic properties and misorientation are estimated simultaneously