62 research outputs found

    Margins of the North Atlantic Craton: the world’s most prospective zone for the critical rare earth elements?

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    Seven years after the “rare earth element crisis” of 2009, the rare earth elements (REE) remain among the most critical of metals, with supply concentrated in China. Despite intense global exploration efforts, it has proved difficult for mining projects outside China to successfully commence production of the REE, due to a complex set of financial, environmental and technical concerns. REE prices have fallen, but demand remains strong – part icularly for the most critical REE used in high- strength magnets that are essential to modern technology and green energy applications, notably Nd, Dy and Pr. Phosphors also represent an important market, using Eu, Y and Tb

    Critical Metal Mineralogy: Preface to the special issue of Mineralogical Magazine

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    The phrase ‘critical metals’ has become widely used over the last decade. Critical metals are those for which demand is increasing, largely due to their use in new technologies, but for which there are restrictions to supply. These supply restrictions are normally not due to a natural shortage of these elements, but instead can be attributed principally to a concentration of production in a small number of countries. Markets for many of the critical metals are still small when compared with those for major industrial metals such as copper or lead, and at the time of writing prices for almost all metals are low; as a result it can be difficult to diversify production. A number of reports, books and special issues have been published on the subject (Graedel et al., 2012, EC, 2014, Gunn, 2014, Chakhmouradian et al., 2015, Lusty and Gunn, 2015, Graedel et al., 2015)

    The importance of post-collisional magmatism for global rare earth element resources

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    The structure and petrology of the Cnoc nan Cuilean Intrusion, Loch Loyal Syenite Complex, NW Scotland

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    In NW Scotland, several alkaline intrusive complexes of Silurian age intrude the Caledonian orogenic front. The most northerly is the Loch Loyal Syenite Complex, which is divided into three separate intrusions (Ben Loyal, Beinn Stumanadh and Cnoc nan Cuilean). Mapping of the Cnoc nan Cuilean intrusion shows two main zones: a Mixed Syenite Zone (MZ) and a Massive Leucosyenite Zone (LZ), with a gradational contact. The MZ forms a lopolith, with multiple syenitic lithologies, including early basic melasyenites and later felsic leucosyenites. Leucosyenite melts mixed and mingled with melasyenites, resulting in extreme heterogeneity within the MZ. Continued felsic magmatism resulted in formation of the relatively homogeneous LZ, invading western parts of the MZ and now forming the topographically highest terrane. The identification of pegmatites, microgranitic veins and unusual biotite-magnetite veins demonstrates the intrusion's complex petrogenesis. Cross-sections have been used to create a novel 3D GoCadℱ model contributing to our understanding of the intrusion. The Loch Loyal Syenite Complex is known to have relatively high concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs), and thus the area has potential economic and strategic value. At Cnoc nan Cuilean, abundant REE-bearing allanite is present within melasyenites of the MZ. Extensive hydrothermal alteration of melasyenites here formed steeply dipping biotite-magnetite veins, most enriched in allanite and other REE-bearing accessories. This study has thus identified the area of greatest importance for further study of REE enrichment processes in the Cnoc nan Cuilean intrusion

    Developing the lithotectonic framework and model for sulphide mineralization in the Jebilet Massif, Morocco: implications for regional exploration

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    The central Jebilet massif, part of the North African Variscan Belt, hosts significant polymetallic sulphide mineralization. It is generally considered syngenetic and has many features of volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization. However, some characteristics are not compatible with a classic VMS model and two alternative scenarios for formation have been proposed. Our preliminary research favours a complex, multi-stage development of the sulphide deposits. Uncertainty as to the critical processes controlling the mineralization and lack of agreement on a genetic model inhibit regional exploration. We identify the key knowledge gaps regarding sulphide mineralization in the central Jebilet and outline a research program to address these, with the ultimate aim of improving regional mineral exploration targeting and unlocking the economic potential of this relatively undeveloped district

    Rare earth element-bearing fluorite deposits of Turkey: An overview

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    Rare Earth Element (REE)-bearing fluorite deposits in Turkey occur in association with Cenozoic post-collisional alkaline-carbonatite systems and can be divided into three groups: (1) carbonatite-associated; (2) those associated with subalkaline to alkaline magmatic rocks of Cretaceous to Cenozoic age; and (3) those in sedimentary successions, typically in areas dominated by limestone. Some of these deposits show significant enrichment in the REE, especially the Kızılcaören deposit which has average REE grades of almost 30,000 ppm; others have very low REE contents but have potential fluorite resources. The homogenization temperature and salinity values of fluid inclusions in these deposits vary between 600 °C and 150 °C, and 10–65 wt% NaCl eq., respectively. The carbonatite-associated deposits have the highest bulk REE contents and are LREE-enriched. As a general feature, the REE contents of the fluorite deposits decrease with decreasing homogenization temperatures and salinity of the fluorite fluid inclusions. Fluorite ore chemistry indicates that a plot of Nb + Ta versus total REE differentiates the carbonatite- hosted from the alkali intrusive- hosted and carbonate- hosted deposits. Beyond the cooling and/or dilution of the fluids, REE and fluorite deposition was driven by changes in pH, instead of change in Eh, according to our geostatistical treatment. The chondrite-normalized rare earth element patterns of each group of deposits show some similar features, indicating that the REE in the fluorite are independent of their host lithology, but reflect the magmatic systems from which they were derived. Overall, the F-REE deposits of the Anatolides-Taurides in Turkey are considered to be largely related to the post-collisional magmatic systems, but with variable contributions of fluids from other sources

    The importance of tectonic setting in assessing European Rare Earth potential

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    Rare earth element (REE) resources are commonly found associated with alkaline igneous complexes or carbonatites, or as secondary deposits derived from igneous rocks. Globally, many REE deposits occur around the margins of Archaean cratons, most in continental rift zones. Europe contains many such rift zones, which are generally younger in the south. Many of these rifts are intracontinental, whereas others are associated with the opening of oceans such as the Atlantic. All these rift systems have the potential to host REE resources, but whereas the older provinces of northern Europe are deeply exposed, exposures in southern Europe are largely at the supracrustal level. This paper considers how an understanding of the tectonic setting of Europe’s REE resources is vital to guide future exploration

    Geodynamic setting and origin of the Oman/UAE ophiolite

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    The ~500km-long mid-Cretaceous Semail nappe of the Sultanate of Oman and UAE (henceforth referred to as the Oman ophiolite) is the largest and best-preserved ophiolite complex known. It is of particular importance because it is generally believed to have an internal structure and composition closely comparable to that of crust formed at the present-day East Pacific Rise (EPR), making it our only known on-land analogue for ocean lithosphere formed at a fast spreading rate. On the basis of this assumption Oman has long played a pivotal role in guiding our conceptual understanding of fast-spreading ridge processes, as modern fast-spread ocean crust is largely inaccessible
