3 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of Polaritons in Strongly Anisotropic Thin Crystal Layers

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    Polaritons in strongly anisotropic thin layers have recently captured considerable attention in nanophotonics because of their directional propagation at the nanoscale, which offers unique possibilities for nano-optical applications. However, exploiting the full potential of anisotropic polaritons requires a thorough understanding of their properties, including field confinement, energy, and phase propagation direction and losses. Here, we provide novel insights into some fundamental aspects of the propagation of anisotropic polaritons in thin biaxial layers. In particular, we introduce a novel methodology that allows us to represent isofrequency curves of polaritons in strongly anisotropic materials, considering that the real and imaginary parts of the wavevector are not parallel. In fact, we analytically show that the direction of the imaginary part of the wavevector is parallel to the group velocity, which can have different, even perpendicular or opposite, directions with respect to the phase velocity. This finding is crucial for understanding polaritonic phenomena in anisotropic media; yet, it has so far been widely overlooked in the literature. Additionally, we introduce a criterion for classifying the polaritonic modes in biaxial layers into volume and surface categories and analyze their dispersion, field structure, and losses. Finally, we discover the existence of previously unexplored anisotropic transverse-electric-like modes, which can exhibit natural canalization. Taken together, our results shed light on hitherto unexplored areas of the theory of electromagnetic modes in thin biaxial layers. Although exemplified for van der Waals α-MoO3 layers, our findings are general for polaritons in other strongly anisotropic biaxial hyperbolic crystals

    Germanium Monosulfide as a Natural Platform for Highly Anisotropic THz Polaritons

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    Terahertz (THz) electromagnetic radiation is key to access collective excitations such as magnons (spins), plasmons (electrons), or phonons (atomic vibrations), thus bridging topics between optics and solid-state physics. Confinement of THz light to the nanometer length scale is desirable for local probing of such excitations in low-dimensional systems, thereby circumventing the large footprint and inherently low spectral power density of far-field THz radiation. For that purpose, phonon polaritons (PhPs) in anisotropic van der Waals (vdW) materials have recently emerged as a promising platform for THz nanooptics. Hence, there is a demand for the exploration of materials that feature not only THz PhPs at different spectral regimes but also host anisotropic (directional) electrical, thermoelectric, and vibronic properties. To that end, we introduce here the semiconducting vdW-material alpha-germanium(II) sulfide (GeS) as an intriguing candidate. By employing THz nanospectroscopy supported by theoretical analysis, we provide a thorough characterization of the different in-plane hyperbolic and elliptical PhP modes in GeS. We find not only PhPs with long lifetimes (τ > 2 ps) and excellent THz light confinement (λ0/λ 45) but also an intrinsic, phonon-induced anomalous dispersion as well as signatures of naturally occurring, substrate-mediated PhP canalization within a single GeS slab

    Terahertz Twistoptics–Engineering Canalized Phonon Polaritons

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    The terahertz (THz) frequency range is key to studying collective excitations in many crystals and organic molecules. However, due to the large wavelength of THz radiation, the local probing of these excitations in smaller crystalline structures or few-molecule arrangements requires sophisticated methods to confine THz light down to the nanometer length scale, as well as to manipulate such a confined radiation. For this purpose, in recent years, taking advantage of hyperbolic phonon polaritons (HPhPs) in highly anisotropic van der Waals (vdW) materials has emerged as a promising approach, offering a multitude of manipulation options, such as control over the wavefront shape and propagation direction. Here, we demonstrate the THz application of twist-angle-induced HPhP manipulation, designing the propagation of confined THz radiation between 8.39 and 8.98 THz in the vdW material α-molybdenum trioxide (α-MoO3), hence extending twistoptics to this intriguing frequency range. Our images, recorded by near-field optical microscopy, show the frequency- and twist-angle-dependent changes between hyperbolic and elliptic polariton propagation, revealing a polaritonic transition at THz frequencies. As a result, we are able to allocate canalization (highly collimated propagation) of confined THz radiation by carefully adjusting these two parameters, i.e. frequency and twist angle. Specifically, we report polariton canalization in α-MoO3 at 8.67 THz for a twist angle of 50°. Our results demonstrate the precise control and manipulation of confined collective excitations at THz frequencies, particularly offering possibilities for nanophotonic applications