61 research outputs found

    Evidence of magnetic field quenching of phosphorous-doped silicon quantum dots

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    We present data on the electrical transport properties of highly-doped silicon-on-insulator quantum dots under the effect of pulsed magnetic fields up to 48 T. At low field intensities, B<7 T, we observe a strong modification of the conductance due to the destruction of weak localization whereas at higher fields, where the magnetic field length becomes comparable to the effective Bohr radius of phosphorous in silicon, a strong decrease in conductance is demonstrated. Data in the high and low electric field bias regimes are then compared to show that close to the Coulomb blockade edge magnetically-induced quenching to single donors in the quantum dot is achieved at about 40 T.Comment: accepted for publication at Current Applied Physic

    Unified linear response theory of quantum dot circuits

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    Modelling the electrical response of multi-level quantum systems at finite frequency has been typically performed in the context of two incomplete paradigms: (i) Input-output theory, which is valid at any frequency but neglects dynamic losses, and (ii) semiclassical theory, which captures well dynamic dissipation effects but is only accurate at low frequencies. Here, we develop a unifying theory, valid for arbitrary frequencies, that captures the non-unitary effects introduced by finite relaxation and dephasing. The theory allows a multi-level system to be described by a universal small-signal equivalent circuit model, a resonant RLC circuit, whose topology only depends on the number of energy levels, which we apply here to the case of a charge qubit in a double quantum dot. Our model will facilitate the design of hybrid quantum-classical circuits and the simulation of qubit control and quantum state readout

    Reconfigurable quadruple quantum dots in a silicon nanowire transistor

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    We present a novel reconfigurable metal-oxide-semiconductor multi-gate transistor that can host a quadruple quantum dot in silicon. The device consist of an industrial quadruple-gate silicon nanowire field-effect transistor. Exploiting the corner effect, we study the versatility of the structure in the single quantum dot and the serial double quantum dot regimes and extract the relevant capacitance parameters. We address the fabrication variability of the quadruple-gate approach which, paired with improved silicon fabrication techniques, makes the corner state quantum dot approach a promising candidate for a scalable quantum information architecture

    Thermionic charge transport in CMOS nano-transistors

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    We report on DC and microwave electrical transport measurements in silicon-on-insulator CMOS nano-transistors at low and room temperature. At low source-drain voltage, the DC current and RF response show signs of conductance quantization. We attribute this to Coulomb blockade resulting from barriers formed at the spacer-gate interfaces. We show that at high bias transport occurs thermionically over the highest barrier: Transconductance traces obtained from microwave scattering-parameter measurements at liquid helium and room temperature is accurately fitted by a thermionic model. From the fits we deduce the ratio of gate capacitance and quantum capacitance, as well as the electron temperature