3 research outputs found

    Architectural design of regional event center in the transport hub in Maribor

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    Prometna infrastruktura v sodobnem načinu življenja predstavlja ključno komponento racionalne rabe časa. Dobro infrastrukturno izhodišče dviguje pomembnost in vrednost območij. Dodano vrednost takšnim območjem predstavlja pravilno izbran javni program, ki prostor bogati in dopolnjuje prostorsko pestrost. Problematika takšnih območij je v (pre)velikem potencialu, ki ga prostor nudi. Cena, različne regulacije, pogoji in omejitve so ključni dejavniki, ki odvrnejo investitorje. Zaradi tega območja z neomejenim mestotvornim potencialom ostajajo prazna. V magistrski nalogi smo raziskali eno izmed takšnih območij v Mariboru. To je železniški trikotnik, ki zaradi svojih izjemnih infrastrukturnih danosti in bližine starega mestnega jedra ponuja območje z izjemnim obogatitvenim in povezovalnim potencialom, saj s pravilno izbiro programa poveže odrezano mestno četrt Pobrežje s starim mestnim jedrom. V projektnem delu naloge smo na tem območju zasnovali prireditveni center.Transport infrastructure in the modern way of life is a key component to the rational use of time. A good infrastructural starting point raises the importance and value of areas. The added value to such areas is represented by a properly selected public program that enriches the space and complements the spatial diversity. The problem of such areas is in the (too) great potential that space offers. Price, various regulations, conditions and restrictions are key factors that deter investors. As a result, areas with unlimited city-building potential remain empty. In the master\u27s thesis we researched one of such areas in Maribor. This is a railway triangle, which due to its exceptional infrastructure and proximity to the old town offers an area with exceptional enrichment and connecting potential, as the right choice of program connects the cut city district Pobrežje with the old town. In the project part of the task, we designed an event center in this area