8 research outputs found

    SoNeUCONADM: the administrative model for SoNeUCONABC usage control model

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    The popularity of Web Based Social Networks (WBSNs) encourages their enhancement. Many WBSN data is considered personal data and access control management plays a key role in this regard. The point is not only to manage access control but to determine how administration should be performed. Based on SoNeUCONABC, an expressive usage control model that allows fine-grained access control management, this paper presents SoNeUCONADM, the complementary administrative model. Based on a pair of related and popular administrative models, the evaluation proves the completeness of SoNeUCONADM


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    XML\u27s popularity in the last few years has made this mark-up language a de facto standard for the web data interchange. DTD\u27s (or Schemas) definition associated with XML documents introduces data modelling in XML\u27s world, allowing the specification of a hierarchy of concepts or elements that constitute the XML document. Taking into account that the purpose of these data models is the highly structured information exchange among several systems, it is required to incorporate security mechanisms that allow a secure interchange. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is working in the recommendations of several XML security standards. Between them, we emphasize in the XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, which allows the insertion and information processing of authentication and digital signature. Once the XML security standards have been approved as recommendations, the following step will be to include them completely or just certain parts in future or new versions of the DTD\u27s or existing Schemas, but at present many DTD’s exists that do not consider these security components within their definition. This is the case of the NewsML DTD, standard for the press news electronic interchange. The XML security standards are characterized by high flexibility and extensibility, because of that it is necessary to make an exhaustive study of the domain where it is intended to be applied and define a specific application upon the domain DTD or Schema. What we propose in this paper is a way to include information of authentication and digital signature in the NewsML DTD. In order to indicate a possible application, we carry on a joint study of XML-Signature Syntax and Processing and NewsML, analysing in what elements and how authentication and digital signature might be included

    Prognostic stratification of adult primary glioblastoma multiforme patients based on their tumor gene amplification profiles

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    Several classification systems have been proposed to address genomic heterogeneity of glioblastoma multiforme, but they either showed limited prognostic value and/or are difficult to implement in routine diagnostics. Here we propose a prognostic stratification model for these primary tumors based on tumor gene amplification profiles, that might be easily implemented in routine diagnostics, and potentially improve the patients management. Gene amplification profiles were prospectively evaluated in 80 primary glioblastoma multiforme tumors using singlenucleotide polymorphism arrays and the results obtained validated in publicly available data from 267/347 cases. Gene amplification was detected in 45% of pati

    Shuffle, Cut, and Learn: Crypto Go, a Card Game for Teaching Cryptography

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    Cryptography is the mathematical core of information security. It serves both as a source of hard computational problems and as precise language allowing for the formalization of sound security models. While dealing with the mathematical foundations of cybersecurity is only possible in specialized courses (tertiary level and beyond), it is essential to promote the role of mathematics in this field at early educational stages. With this in mind, we introduce Crypto Go, a physical card game that may be used both as a dissemination and as an educational tool. The game is carefully devised in order to entertain and stimulate players, while boosting their understanding on how basic cryptographic tools work and interplay. To get a preliminary assessment of our design, we collected data from a series of test workshops, which engaged over two hundred players from different ages and educational backgrounds. This basic evaluation indeed confirms that Crypto Go significantly improves students’ motivation and has a positive impact in their perception and understanding of the field

    Hindering false event dissemination in VANETs with proof-of-work mechanisms

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    Solutions for a secure data dissemination in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) are increasingly adopting robust cryptography schemes as more lightweight, trust-based approaches often lead to serious problems such as illusion, collusion and sybil attacks, to name a few. This article shows that it is possible to hinder the dissemination of false warning events in VANETs and limit the amount of messages a node can send within a given period of time by applying well-known cryptographic techniques. To achieve this twofold goal, the method we present is based on two simple concepts already used in security mechanisms to provide accountability and to combat spam and denial of service attacks, namely the use of certificates and Proof-of-Work (POW) systems respectively. Basically, our scheme not only discourages nodes from transmitting fake event warning messages but also serves as an effective non-repudiation evidence for different types of dishonest behavior within a VANET. Our analyses on both the performance and security of our scheme show its feasibility in VANETs

    PremiÚres communautés paysannes en Méditerranée occidentale

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    La transition de l’économie de chasse-cueillette Ă  l’économie agricole en MĂ©diterranĂ©e centrale et occidentale s’effectue essentiellement entre le VIIe et le IVe millĂ©naire avant J.-C. Cette pĂ©riode voit s’implanter un type d’économie totalement neuf, gĂ©nĂ©rateur de mutations rapides et souvent irrĂ©versibles au plan de l’environnement. À ce titre les mutations de cette pĂ©riode jouent un rĂŽle essentiel dans l’évolution ultĂ©rieure des sociĂ©tĂ©s et de leur cadre de vie et participent au fondement mĂȘme du monde rural protohistorique et historique. C’est la premiĂšre fois que de la mer ÉgĂ©e au Portugal et Ă  la façade atlantique de l’Europe sont confrontĂ©s les rĂ©sultats de nombreux spĂ©cialistes relevant de plusieurs disciplines, qu’ils soient archĂ©ologues, physiciens, gĂ©ographes ou palynologues, anthracologistes, faunistes, sĂ©dimentologues ou pĂ©trographes. Au cours de ce Colloque la genĂšse du monde rural a Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©e, autant que possible, dans la totalitĂ© de ses aspects : chronologie, variation des niveaux marins, mutations de l’environnement, impacts humains sur le paysage et les sols, caractĂšres des premiers Ă©levages, dĂ©buts de l’agriculture, circulation des matĂ©riaux, diversitĂ© des expressions culturelles de l’ÉgĂ©e et de l’Adriatique jusqu’à l’Atlantique.Responsables: Jean GUILAINE, Directeur de Recherche a u C.N.R.S., Directeur d’Études Ă  l’E.H.E.S.S. (ER 289, Toulouse). Jean COURTIN, Directeur de Recherche a u C.N.R.S., Directeur des AntiquitĂ©s PrĂ©historiques de Provence (ER 46, Marseille). Jean-Louis ROUDIL, ChargĂ© de Recherche a u C.N.R.S., Directeur des AntiquitĂ©s PrĂ©historiques de Languedoc-Roussillon (ER 46, Marseille). Jean-Louis VERNET, Professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Directeur de la R.C.P. 576 (Montpellier). ComitĂ© d’organisation: Les Responsables et: Alain BEECHING, ChargĂ© de Recherche a u C.N.R.S. Didier BINDER, ChargĂ© de Recherche au C.N.R.S. Françoise CLAUSTRE, ChargĂ©e de Recherche a u C.N.R.S. AndrĂ© D’ANNA, ChargĂ© de Recherche a u C.N.R.S. Henri DUDAY, ChargĂ© de Recherche au C.N.R.S. Jean GASCO, ChargĂ© de Recherche a u C.N.R.S. Xavier GUTHERZ, Directeur-Adjoint des AntiquitĂ©s du Languedoc. Jean VAQUER, ChargĂ© de Recherche au C.N.R.S. Collaborateurs : Jacques ABADIE, Jacques AIGOUIN, Catherine AMIEL, François BRIOIS, Isabelle CARRERE, Lucie CHABAL, Albert COLOMER, Jacques COULAROU, Christian LE DECHAULT DE MONTRE-DON, Christiane GUILAINE, Christine HEINZ, Jacques PITHIOUD, Carol RIVENQ, Magdeleine ROBERT