255 research outputs found

    Synthesis, characterization and performance of robust poison-resistant ultrathin film yttria stabilized zirconia – nickel anodes for application in solid electrolyte fuel cells

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    We report on the synthesis of undoped ∼5 μm YSZ-Ni porous thin films prepared by reactive pulsed DC magnetron sputtering at an oblique angle of incidence. Pre-calcination of the amorphous unmodified precursor layers followed by reduction produces a film consisting of uniformly distributed tilted columnar aggregates having extensive three-phase boundaries and favorable gas diffusion characteristics. Similarly prepared films doped with 1.2 at.% Au are also porous and contain highly dispersed gold present as Ni-Au alloy particles whose surfaces are strongly enriched with Au. With hydrogen as fuel, the performance of the undoped thin film anodes is comparable to that of 10–20 times thicker typical commercial anodes. With a 1:1 steam/carbon feed, the un-doped anode cell current rapidly falls to zero after 60 h. In striking contrast, the initial performance of the Au-doped anode is much higher and remains unaffected after 170 h. Under deliberately harsh conditions the performance of the Au-doped anodes decreases progressively, almost certainly due to carbon deposition. Even so, the cell maintains some activity after 3 days operation in dramatic contrast with the un-doped anode, which stops working after only three hours of use. The implications and possible practical application of these findings are discussed.European Union 298300Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2013‐40852R, 201560E05

    Colored semi-transparent Cu-Si oxide thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering

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    Colored semi-transparent Cu-Si oxide thin films have been prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering from a single cathode of copper-silicon composition. Thin films of different composition and optical response were obtained by changing process parameters like the relative amount of copper in the target and the O2/Ar mixture of the reactive plasma gas. The film characteristics were analyzed by several techniques. Their optical properties (refractive index, absorption coefficient, color) have been correlated with the process parameters used in the film preparation as well as with the film stoichiometry and chemistry.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación CEN-20072014, MAT2010-18447, MAT2010-21228, CSD2008–00023Junta de Andalucía P09-TEP5283, CTS-518

    Size and shape of supported zirconia nanoparticles determined by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

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    6 pages, 7 figures, 1 table.-- PACS: 68.55.Ac; 68.55.Jk; 79.60.DpThe initial stages of growth of zirconia nanoparticles deposited on SiO2, Y2O3, and CeO2 substrates have been studied by the x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy peak shape analysis. ZrO2 was deposited by plasma decomposition of a volatile Zr(OtBu)4 precursor. The electronic interactions at each particular interface formed have been followed by means of the modified Auger parameter of the deposited Zr cations. They were quantified by means of Wagner plots and the chemical state vectors of the systems. The observed changes in these local electronic probes as the amount of deposit was increased have been correlated to the particular ZrO2 nanostructures identified on each substrate considered. A Volmer-Weber (islands) growth mechanism has been found for all the substrates considered. Moreover, clear indications have been found of a columnar growth for the case of ZrO2 deposited on SiO2.We thank the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (MAT2004-01558) for financial support.Peer reviewe

    Exalted dual-scale surface roughening in laser ablated aluminum capped with a transparent thin film: Wetting and anti-icing behavior

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    Near infrared laser ablation of metals, specifically aluminum, has been systematically applied to generate surface roughness. Very high laser fluences may even lead to a so called “explosive” ablation regime where roughness becomes dramatically enhanced. In the present work we have developed an alternative methodology that, utilizing milder laser irradiation conditions (i.e. laser fluences from 0.37 to 0.72 J/cm²), renders aluminum surfaces with a dual-scale roughness character and Sp parameter values twice or even trice the value found in reference samples. This has been possible for aluminum substrates coated with a highly transparent aluminum oxynitride capping layer. The resulting surfaces, consisting of very rough partially oxidized aluminum with negligible amounts of nitrogen species, resulted highly hydrophobic and depicted long icing delay times as required for anti-icing applications. A correlation has been found between the wetting and anti-icing behaviors, the use of a capping layer and the laser irradiation conditions. To account for this exalted roughening phenomenon, we propose that the transparent capping layer confines the laser energy within the aluminum shallow zones, delays the formation of the plasma plume and produces an enhancement in the aluminum ablation, even at relatively low laser fluences.University of Seville through the VI PPIT-USMCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    High performance novel gadolinium doped ceria/yttria stabilized zirconia/nickel layered and hybrid thin film anodes for application in solid oxide fuel cells

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    Magnetron sputtering under oblique angle deposition was used to produce Ni-containing ultra thin film anodes comprising alternating layers of gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) and yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) of either 200 nm or 1000 nm thickness. The evolution of film structure from initial deposition, through calcination and final reduction was examined by XRD, SEM, TEM and TOF-SIMS. After subsequent fuel cell usage, the porous columnar architecture of the two-component layered thin film anodes was maintained and their resistance to delamination from the underlying YSZ electrolyte was superior to that of corresponding single component Ni-YSZ and Ni-GDC thin films. Moreover, the fuel cell performance of the 200 nm layered an- odes compared favorably with conventional commercially available thick anodes. The observed dependence of fuel cell performance on individual layer thicknesses prompted study of equivalent but more easily fabricated hybrid anodes consisting of simultaneously deposited Ni-GDC and Ni-YSZ, which procedure resulted in exceptionally intimate mixing and interaction of the components. The hybrids exhibited very unusual and favorable I---V characteristics, along with exceptionally high power densities at high currents. Their discovery is the principal contribution of the present work.European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007–2013Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative under the T-CELL project, grant 298300MINECO (Spain), grants nº MAT2013-40852RJuan de la Cierva Programme FPDI-2013-1862

    Surface nanostructuring of TiO2 thin films by high energy ion irradiation

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    The effects of a high ion dose irradiation on TiO2 thin films under different conditions of temperature and ion nature are discussed. We have shown that anatase TiO2 thin films irradiated with N+ ions at room temperature develop a typical microstructure with mounds and voids open to the surface whereas irradiations at 700 K generate a surface pattern of well-ordered nanorods aligned with the ion beam. The formation of these patterns is caused by the simultaneous effect of ion irradiation near the film surface and a film temperature favoring the structural mobilization of the defective network of the material. To explain these phenomena, a qualitative model has been proposed and further tested by irradiating the TiO2 thin films with F+ and S+ ions under different conditions. The obtained results demonstrate that ion irradiation techniques enable the formation of tilted nanorod surface patterns with lengths of about 100 nm on anatase TiO2 thin films. © 2010 The American Physical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Using ion beams to tune the nanostructure and optical response of co-deposited Ag : BBBN thin films

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    The present study is devoted to co-deposited Ag : BN nanocermet thin films and is focused on the influence of ion irradiation conditions on their structural and linear optical properties. Ion irradiation was performed in situ during the growth of the nanocermets using a 50 eV assistance beam (nitrogen/argon or nitrogen-ion assistance) and ex situ on as-grown films using a 120 keV argon-ion beam (post-irradiation). Grazing incidence small-angle x-ray scattering measurements show that (i) as-grown N-assisted films contain prolate spheroidal clusters (height-to-diameter ratio H/D ≈ 1.8), (ii) N/Ar-ion assistance leads to the formation of more elongated clusters (H/D ≈ 2.1) and (iii) post-irradiation leads to a decrease of H/D to a value close to 1. These results are discussed on the basis of atomic diffusion processes involved during the growth of the nanocermets and during the post-irradiation. The optical transmittance spectra of these films measured at normal incidence display one absorption band, due to the excitation of the (1,1) plasmon mode of the clusters. In the case of the as-grown films, an additional band appears at oblique incidence for P-polarized light, as a consequence of the excitation of the (1,0) plasmon mode of the clusters. Our results show that the spectral position of the absorption bands (which can be tuned in the 400-600 nm range) depends on the H/D ratio of the clusters, in good agreement with calculations of optical transmittance considering the nanocomposite layer as a uniaxial anisotropic medium whose dielectric tensor is described by an anisotropic Maxwell-Garnett model. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.The authors would like to thank CNRS-CSIC and Picasso programmes for financial support which permitted the collaboration between the Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Sevilla (Spain) and the Laboratoire de Metallurgie Physique ´ de Poitiers (France). The authors also thank J P Simon and the D2AM staff at the ESRF for their support during the GISAXS measurements.Peer Reviewe

    Nanostructure of Thin Films Grown by Deposition of Isotropically Distributed Gaseous Particles

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    : Presentación en la conferencia “12th International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering”Peer reviewe

    Photoelectrochemical water splitting with ITO/WO3/BiVO4/CoPi multishell nanotubes fabricated by soft-templating in vacuum

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    A well-established procedure for the photoelectrochemical (PEC) splitting of water relies on using porous electrodes of WO3 sensitized with BiVO4 as a visible scavenger photoanode semiconductor. In this work, we propose an evolved photoelectrode fabricated by a soft-template approach consisting of supported multishell nanotubes (NTs). These NTs are formed by a concentric layered structure of indium tin oxide (ITO), WO3, and BiVO4, together with a final film of cobalt phosphate (CoPi) co-catalyst. Photoelectrode manufacturing is easily implemented at large scale and combines thermal evaporation of single crystalline organic nanowires (ONWs), magnetron sputtering (for ITO and WO3), solution dripping, and electrochemical deposition processes (for BiVO4 and CoPi, respectively) plus annealing under mild conditions. The obtained NT electrodes depict a large electrochemically active surface and outperform by more than one order of magnitude the efficiency of equivalent planar-layered electrodes. A thorough electrochemical analysis of the electrodes under blue and solar light illumination demonstrates the critical role of the WO3/BiVO4 Schottky barrier heterojunction in the control of the NT electrode efficiency and its dependence on the BiVO4 outer layer thickness. Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) performance was maximized with the CoPi electrocatalyst, rendering high photocurrents under one sun illumination. The reported results demonstrate the potential of the soft-template methodology for the large area fabrication of highly efficient multishell ITO/WO3/BiVO4/CoPi NT electrodes, or other alternative combinations, for the photoelectrochemical splitting of water.Comment: Manuscript: 39 pages, 8 figures and 1 table. SI: 15 pages, 9 figures and 1 tabl

    Portable IR dye laser optofluidic microresonator as a temperature and chemical sensor

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    A compact and portable optofluidic microresonator has been fabricated and characterized. It is based on a Fabry-Perot microcavity consisting essentially of two tailored dichroic Bragg mirrors prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering deposition. The microresonator has been filled with an ethanol solution of Nile-Blue dye. Infrared laser emission has been measured with a pump threshold as low as 0.12 MW/cm2 and an external energy conversion efficiency of 41%. The application of the device as a temperature and a chemical sensor is demonstrated. Small temperature variations as well as small amount of water concentrations in the liquid laser medium are detected as a shift of the resonant laser modes.España Mineco MAT2013-40852-R MAT2013-46649-C4-4-PMALTA CSD2007-0045FUNCOAT MAT2015-69035-REDCEU-FEDER P12- FQM-2265 P10-FQM-690