5 research outputs found

    Las empresas en colombia y la objetiva responsabilidad social empresarial como requisito de sostenibilidad

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    Lista de Anexos Anexo 1. (Resumen Analítico Especializado - RAE)El mundo actual requiere de una conciencia adicional que propenda por una mejor sociedad y mejorar las desigualdades que hacen inequitativa una sociedad que requiere atención de parte del sistema mismo. Este desequilibrio se ha pretendido igualar con la filosofía de RSE, desde el interior de las organizaciones que proveen riquezas y son los dueños de producción quienes tratan de menguar los desequilibrios sociales, laborales, ambientales y en general del mejoramiento de las sociedades, las personas y los entornos mismos. Es así como desde este espacio se pretende dar a conocer que se está haciendo en nuestro país por algunas organizaciones empresariales en este campo y que tan interiorizada se ha anclado en todos los niveles de las empresas. Así las cosas, se pretende indagar en el entorno nacional sobre el compromiso y aplicación correcta de las políticas en pro de beneficiar las comunidades y ayudar al medio ambiente.Today's world requires an additional conscience that seeks a better society and to improve the inequalities that make a society unequal and that require attention from the system itself. This imbalance has been tried to be equalized with the CSR philosophy, from within the organizations that provide wealth and are the owners of production trying to reduce social, labor and environmental imbalances and in general the improvement of societies, people and environments themselves. This is how from this space it is intended to make known what is being done in our country by some business organizations in this field and how internalized it has been anchored at all levels of companies. Thus, it is intended to inquire in the national environment about the commitment and correct application of the policies in favor of benefiting the communities and helping the environment

    Can Soil Moisture and Crop Production Be Influenced by Different Cropping Systems?

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    The different conditions of soil vegetation cover combined with irrigation management and/or agricultural production systems can influence soil moisture content and crop yields. This study investigated the impact of agricultural production systems and center pivot irrigation management on soil moisture content during the cultivation of soybean and off-season corn crops. Two field experiments were conducted during the 2018–2019 growing season in tropical Cerrado soil conditions; one experiment consisted of the application of three irrigation water depths (0%, 50%, and 100% of the crop evapotranspiration) during soybean cultivation in a no-tillage system under ruzigrass (Urochloa ruziziensis) straw, and the second experiment consisted of the intercropped or nonintercropped cultivation of corn hybrids with ruzigrass in an agricultural area with and without the influence of eucalyptus reforestation. The volumetric soil moisture was measured using an electronic soil moisture meter (Hidrofarm), and the 1000-grain mass and yield of the soybean and corn were measured in the two trials. Irrigation and the no-till system did not influence soybean yields. The soybean cultivars NA 5909 RG and TMG 7067 IPRO presented TGM above 180 g, and this represented on average a 22% higher TGM than the BMX DESAFIO RR and CD 2737 RR. The presence of eucalyptus forest promoted a 1.5% increase in soil moisture in the corn crop. Soil management systems, such as irrigation, use cover crops, which may not increase the productivity of soybean and corn crops as expected

    Magnesium supplementation alleviates drought damage during vegetative stage of soybean plants.

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    Our working hypothesis was that magnesium (Mg) supplementation modulates plant performance under low water availability and improves drought tolerance in soybean genotypes. Plants of Bônus 8579, M8808 and TMG1180 genotypes were grown under field conditions and subjected to three water stress treatments (control, moderate and severe stress) and three Mg levels [0.9 (low), 1.3 (adequate) and 1.7 cmolc dm-³ (supplementation)]. After 28 days of drought imposition, the growth parameters, osmotic potential, relative water content, leaf succulence, Mg content and photosynthetic pigments were assessed. In general, drought drastically decreased the growth in all genotypes, and the reductions were intensified from moderate to severe stress. Under adequate Mg supply, TMG1180 was the most drought-tolerant genotype among the soybean plants, but Mg supplementation did not improve its tolerance. Conversely, although the M8808 genotype displayed inexpressive responses to drought under adequate Mg, the Mg-supplemented plants were found to have surprisingly better growth performance under stress compared to Bônus 8579 and TMG1180, irrespective of drought regime. The improved growth of high Mg-treated M8808-stressed plants correlated with low osmotic potential and increased relative water content, as well as shoot Mg accumulation, resulting in increased photosynthetic pigments and culminating in the highest drought tolerance. The results clearly indicate that Mg supplementation is a potential tool for alleviating water stress in M8808 soybean plants. Our findings suggest that the enhanced Mg-induced plant acclimation resulted from increased water content in plant tissues and strategic regulation of Mg content and photosynthetic pigments