37 research outputs found
Le collectif au travail et la santé analysés au travers de la théorie du don. Session 1, Santé mentale et travail
La question de la cohésion sociale et du collectif au travail est analysée sous l'angle de la théorie du don telle que décrite par Marcel Mauss. Selon ce point de vue, seuls les échanges au travers de mécanismes de don produisent du lien social. Une réflexion est amorcée pour savoir quels sont, dans le monde du travail, les échanges qui relèvent de cette logique et comment ces formes d'échanges évoluent avec les nouvelles formes d'organisation du travail. [Auteurs]]]>
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Has COVID-19 had a greater impact on female than male oncologists? Results of the ESMO Women for Oncology (W4O) Survey.
Garrido, P.
Adjei, A.A.
Bajpai, J.
Banerjee, S.
Berghoff, A.S.
Choo, S.P.
Felip, E.
Furness, AJS
Garralda, E.
Haanen, J.
Letsch, A.
Linardou, H.
Peters, S.
Sessa, C.
Tabernero, J.
Tsang, J.
Yang, J.C.
Garassino, M.C.
ESMO open, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 100131
<![CDATA[European Society for Medical Oncology Women for Oncology (ESMO W4O) research has previously shown under-representation of female oncologists in leadership roles. As early reports suggested disproportionate effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on women, the ESMO W4O Committee initiated a study on the impact of the pandemic on the lives of female and male oncologists.
A questionnaire was sent to ESMO members and put on the ESMO website between 8 June 2020 and 2 July 2020. Questions focused on the working (hospital tasks, laboratory tasks, science) and home (household management, childcare, parent care, personal care) lives of oncologists during and after COVID-19-related lockdowns.
Of 649 respondents, 541 completed the questionnaire. Of these, 58% reported that COVID-19 had affected their professional career, 83% of whom said this was in a negative way (85% of women versus 76% of men). Approximately 86% reported that COVID-19 had changed their personal life and 82% their family life. Women were again significantly more affected than men: personal life (89% versus 78%; P = 0.001); family life (84% versus 77%; P = 0.037). During lockdowns, women reported increased time spent on hospital and laboratory tasks compared with men (53% versus 46% and 33% versus 26%, respectively) and a significantly higher proportion of women than men spent less time on science (39% versus 25%) and personal care (58% versus 39%). After confinement, this trend remained for science (42% versus 23%) and personal care (55% versus 36%).
The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected the professional and home lives of oncologists, especially women. Reduced research time for female oncologists may have long-lasting career consequences, especially for those at key stages in their career. The gender gap for promotion to leadership positions may widen further as a result of the pandemic
Association of work related chronic stressors and psychiatric symptoms in a Swiss sample of police officers; a cross sectional questionnaire study
Purpose: (1) To identify work related stressors that are associated with psychiatric symptoms in a Swiss sample of policemen and (2) to develop a model for identifying officers at risk for developing mental health problems. Method: The study design is cross sectional. A total of 354 male police officers answered a questionnaire assessing a wide spectrum of work related stressors. Psychiatric symptoms were assessed using the "TST questionnaire” (Langner in J Health Hum Behav 4, 269-276, 1962). Logistic regression with backward procedure was used to identify a set of variables collectively associated with high scores for psychiatric symptoms. Results: A total of 42 (11.9%) officers had a high score for psychiatric symptoms. Nearly all potential stressors considered were significantly associated (at P<0.05) with a high score for psychiatric symptoms. A significant model including 6 independent variables was identified: lack of support from superior and organization OR=3.58 (1.58-8.13), self perception of bad quality work OR=2.99 (1.35-6.59), inadequate work schedule OR=2.84 (1.22-6.62), high mental/intellectual demand OR=2.56 (1.12-5.86), age (in decades) OR=1.82 (1.21-2.73), and score for physical environment complaints OR=1.30 (1.03-1.64). Conclusions: Most of work stressors considered are associated with psychiatric symptoms. Prevention should target the most frequent stressors with high association to symptoms. Complaints of police officers about stressors should receive proper consideration by the management of public administration. Such complaints might be the expression of psychiatric caseness requiring medical assistance. Particular attention should be given to police officers complaining about many stressors identified in this study's multiple mode
Passer d’un modèle de fonctionnement associatif à un modèle institutionnel : une analyse des transformations de l’organisation du travail
Le milieu de l’humanitaire a connu des évolutions importantes durant les dernières décennies, impliquant des transformations dans les modes de fonctionnement des organisations d’aide. Nous avons réalisé une recherche au siège d’une ONG s’inscrivant dans ce contexte. Par le biais d’analyses de l’activité, d’entretiens et d’un questionnaire, nous avons mis en évidence les éléments introduits dans le contexte de la professionnalisation de la structure de cette organisation et leur perception par les acteurs. Nous avons observé la persistance de nombreux éléments relevant de la logique associative au sein de ce qui tend à devenir une institution. Les décalages résultant de la cohabitation de ces deux logiques de fonctionnement, associative et institutionnelle, créent un mode d’organisation du travail particulier et génèrent des messages paradoxaux pour les employés, lesquels peuvent avoir des effets sur leur santé.In recent decades, the context of humanitarian aid has undergone many developments involving changes in the means of operation of aid organizations. We conducted a study at the headquarters of an NGO, in which we collected data via a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and activity analyses. We identified the elements implemented in the process of the professionalization of the management structure and how they were perceived by the employees. Numerous aspects of the associative ideal remain strong in the organization. Resistance against formal management exists, which leads to the cohabitation of these two ways of functioning which we called associative and institutional. Shifts resulting from this cohabitation create a particular mode of organization and generate paradoxical messages for the employees, which may have impacts on their health.En las últimas décadas, el contexto de la ayuda humanitaria ha conocido evoluciones importantes, lo que provocó transformaciones en el funcionamiento de las organizaciones de ayuda. Realizamos una investigación en la sede de una ONG que se inscribe en este contexto. Los elementos introducidos en el proceso de profesionalización de su estructura y la percepción que los protagonistas tienen de ella, se pusieron en evidencia por medio del análisis de la actividad, de entrevistas y de un cuestionario. Observamos la persistencia de numerosos elementos relacionados con la lógica asociativa en el seno de este organismo que tiende a devenir una institución. Los desfases que resultan de la cohabitación de las dos lógicas de funcionamiento : asociativa e institucional, crean un modo de organización de trabajo particular y generan mensajes paradójicos para los empleados, los cuales pueden tener efectos en su salud
Interdisciplinary intervention for work-related musculoskeletal disorders
The proposed research aims to address the work-related MSD management issue through an interdisciplinary intervention involving clinical and occupational health competencies (rheumatology, occupational medicine, ergonomics). Workers enduring MSD (especially back-pain) and absent from work are selected from volunteering companies (construction, hospitals, public transport, delivery networks). The workers are randomly placed into two groups : the control group benefits from an usual MSD management strategy and the intervention group benefits from a case-management strategy including workhardening treatment (work oriented reeducation) and ergonomic intervention in the workplace. The comparison of health and work-related variables prior and after intervention in the two groups will be used to assess the intervention efficiency and its economic benefits. We expect to produce new strategies for the management of MSD and workplace rehabilitation as well as guidelines for both authorities and companies
Introduction à l'hygiène du travail : un support de formation
[Table des matières] A. Cadre et contexte général : Place et démarche de santé au travail ; Place de l'hygiène du travail dans la santé au travail ; Approche pluridisciplinaire et équipe de santé au travail ; Interface avec d'autres acteurs ; Gestion du risque ; Concept général ; Les outils du management ; La notion de risque acceptable. - B. Hygiène et sécurité du travail : Définition et historique de l'hygiène du travail ; Défis et perspectives ; Ethique professionnelle ; Démarche de l'hygiène du travail ; Méthode d'analyse des risques. - C. Identification des dangers : Méthodes ; Etiquetage des produits chimiques. - D. Evaluation des risques : Généralités ; Stratégie ; Normes ; Risques chimiques ; Toxicologie ; Gaz, vapeurs ; Aérosols ; Amiante ; Surveillance biologique ; Laboratoires ; Risques physiques ; Le Bruit ; Les vibrations ; Les radiations ionisantes ; Rayonnement optique et lasers ; Radiofréquence et rayonnements de basse fréquence ; Le stress thermique ; Environnements hypo- et hyperbares ; les risques biologiques ; Facteurs généraux liés à l'ambiance ; Aspects ergonomiques ; Généralités ; Charge physique ; Organisation du travail ; Instruments de mesure. - E. Maîtrise du risque : Organisation de la prévention ; Un nouveau concept de gestion du risque ; Prévention technique ; A la source - substitution ; A l'interface - ventilation ; Sur la cible. Equipements de protection individuelle ; Au niveau du travailleur - Prévention médicale ; Information et formation des travailleurs
Le burnout ou la perte de sens au travail : le rôle des nouveaux mode d'organisation du travail
De plus en plus de personnes se plaignent de burnout. Quelles transformations dans l'organisation du travail provoquent cette "épidémie" ? La question était au centre de la journée syndicale organisée à Genève le 26 mai dernier. Viviane Gonik et Lysiane Rochat, de l'Institut universitaire romand de santé au travail (IST), y sont intervenues. [Ed.]]]>
Burnout, Professional ; Psychology ; Work
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Modeling current and future species distribution of breeding birds as regional essential biodiversity variables (SD EBVs): A bird perspective in Swiss Alps
Amini Tehrani, Nasrin
Naimi, Babak
Jaboyedoff, Michel
Global Ecology and Conservation, vol. 27, pp. e01596
<![CDATA[Changes in distribution and abundance of species affect the entirety of biodiversity and monitoring these changes is critical for the efficient conservation of integrity and functions of species population. However, acquiring accurate information on biodiversity over large spatial scales poses a challenge since such data is patchy and incomplete, if not unavailable, in many areas. This study aims at examining the applicability of a novel approach based on Species Distribution Models (SDMs) to develop spatial predictions of Essential Biodiversity variables (EBVs; variables to be quantified at certain points in time and space to monitor variations in biodiversity) for birds based on bird diversity metrics such as the distributions of properties of key bird habitats. A major objective of this study is to build bird SDMs which can be used to derive spatial EBVs for bird species at a regional scale. We used as predictors 16 environmental variables that are known to be ecologically meaningful for birds, including two bioclimatic variables (Bio17 = precipitation of driest quarter and Bio7 = temperature annual range) for three periods of ‘current’, ‘future 2050′, and ‘future 2070′, eleven land- cover (land use) predictors, the normalized difference vegetation index, and two topographic variables (slope and topography). We used multiple modeling techniques to build presence- only SDMs relating bird presence to environmental features of each species. Here, we show that the suitability estimated according to the SDMs can be used as a spatial ‘species dis-tribution’ EBV (SD EBV) and reflect the habitat quality and trends in land use and climatic impacts on populations of bird species. These developments could facilitate monitoring of bird species across space and time, ultimately helping to identify priority conservation areas, estimate habitat suitability and provide early warning signs regarding bird distribution trends. In general, bioclimatic variables, topography and forest structure were identified to have important ties to the species probability maps generated on the basis of the SDMs, signifying a dominant role of bioclimatic variable Bio17 in the development of habitat suitability patterns
Le mobbing, une pathologie de la solitude
Le mobbing est devenue une des plaintes les plus récurrentes de employés et de cet un problème de santé publique et de santé au travail. Les secteurs les plus touchés sont les secteurs de la santé, du social et de l'enseignement. L'article vise à montrer que ces agissements sont moins le fruit de mauvaises relations interpersonnelles que le signe d'une désagrégation sociale au travail. [Auteur]]]>
Stress, Psychological ; Violence ; Aggression ; Workplace
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An engineered combinatorial module of transcription factors boosts production of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids in Catharanthus roseus.
Schweizer, F.
Colinas, M.
Pollier, J.
Van Moerkercke, A.
Vanden Bossche, R.
de Clercq, R.
Goossens, A.
Metabolic Engineering, vol. 48, pp. 150-162
<![CDATA[To fend off microbial pathogens and herbivores, plants have evolved a wide range of defense strategies such as physical barriers, or the production of anti-digestive proteins or bioactive specialized metabolites. Accumulation of the latter compounds is often regulated by transcriptional activation of the biosynthesis pathway genes by the phytohormone jasmonate-isoleucine. Here, we used our recently developed flower petal transformation method in the medicinal plant Catharanthus roseus to shed light on the complex regulatory mechanisms steering the jasmonate-modulated biosynthesis of monoterpenoid indole alkaloids (MIAs), to which the anti-cancer compounds vinblastine and vincristine belong. By combinatorial overexpression of the transcriptional activators BIS1, ORCA3 and MYC2a, we provide an unprecedented insight into the modular transcriptional control of MIA biosynthesis. Furthermore, we show that the expression of an engineered de-repressed MYC2a triggers a tremendous reprogramming of the MIA pathway, finally leading to massively increased accumulation of at least 23 MIAs. The current study unveils an innovative approach for future metabolic engineering efforts for the production of valuable bioactive plant compounds in non-model plants