125 research outputs found

    Persuading Consumers to Form Precise Search Engine Queries

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    Today’s search engines provide a single textbox for searching. This input method has not changed in decades and, as a result, consumer search behaviour has not changed either: few and imprecise keywords are used. Especially with health information, where incorrect information may lead to unwise decisions, it would be beneficial if consumers could search more precisely. We evaluated a new user interface that supports more precise searching by using query diagrams. In a controlled user study, using paper-based prototypes, we compared searching with a Google interface with drawing new or modifying template diagrams. We evaluated consumer willingness and ability to use diagrams and the impact on query formulation. Users had no trouble understanding the new search method. Moreover, they used more keywords and relationships between keywords with search diagrams. In comparison to drawing their own diagrams, modifying existing templates led to more searches being conducted and higher creativity in searching

    Syllogism Solving Under Time Pressure

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    MedTextus: An Ontology-enhanced Medical Portal

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    In this paper we describe MedTextus, an online medical search portal with dynamic search and browse tools. To search for information, MedTextus lets users request synonyms and related terms specifically tailored to their query. A mapping algorithm dynamically builds the query context based on the UMLS ontology and then selects thesaurus terms that fit this context. Users can add these terms to their query and meta-search five medical databases. To facilitate browsing, the search results can be reviewed as a list of documents per database, as a set of folders into which all the documents are automatically categorized based on their content, and as a map that is built on the fly. We designed a user study to compare these dynamic support tools with the static query support of NLM Gateway and report on initial results for the search task. The users used NLM Gateway more effectively, but used MedTextus more efficiently and preferred its query formation tools

    Meeting Medical Terminology Needs: The Ontology-enhanced Medical Concept Mapper

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    This paper describes the development and testing of the Medical Concept Mapper, a tool designed to facilitate access to online medical information sources by providing users with appropriate medical search terms for their personal queries. Our system is valuable for patients whose knowledge of medical vocabularies is inadequate to find the desired information, and for medical experts who search for information outside their field of expertise. The Medical Concept Mapper maps synonyms and semantically related concepts to a user\u27s query. The system is unique because it integrates our natural language processing tool, i.e., the Arizona (AZ) Noun Phraser, with human-created ontologies, the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and WordNet, and our computer generated Concept Space, into one system. Our unique contribution results from combining the UMLS Semantic Net with Concept Space in our deep semantic parsing (DSP) algorithm. This algorithm establishes a medical query context based on the UMLS Semantic Net, which allows Concept Space terms to be filtered so as to isolate related terms relevant to the query. We performed two user studies in which Medical Concept Mapper terms were compared against human experts\u27 terms. We conclude that the AZ Noun Phraser is well suited to extract medical phrases from user queries, that WordNet is not well suited to provide strictly medical synonyms, that the UMLS Metathesaurus is well suited to provide medical synonyms, and that Concept Space is well suited to provide related medical s, especially when these terms are limited by our DSP algorithm

    Use of Conventional Machine Learning to Optimize Deep Learning Hyper-parameters for NLP Labeling Tasks

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    Deep learning delivers good performance in classification tasks, but is suboptimal with small and unbalanced datasets, which are common in many domains. To address this limitation, we use conventional machine learning, i.e., support vector machines (SVM) to tune deep learning hyper-parameters. We evaluated our approach using mental health electronic health records in which diagnostic criteria needed to extracted. A bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory network (BI-LSTM) could not learn the labels for the seven scarcest classes, but saw an increase in performance after training with optimal weights learned from tuning SVMs. With these customized class weights, the F1 scores for rare classes rose from 0 to values ranging from 18% to 57%. Overall, the BI-LSTM with SVM customized class weights achieved a micro-average of 47.1% for F1 across all classes, an improvement over the regular BI-LSTM’s 45.9%. The main contribution lies in avoiding null performance for rare classes

    A Web-Based Medical Text Simplification Tool

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    With the increasing demand for improved health literacy, better tools are needed to produce personalized health information efficiently that is readable and understandable by the patient. In this paper, we introduce a web-based text simplification tool that helps content-producers simplify existing text materials to make them more broadly accessible. The tool uses features that provide concrete suggestions and all features have been shown individually to improve the understandability of text in previous research. We provide an overview of the tool along with a quantitative analysis of the impact on medical texts. On a medical corpus, the tool provides good coverage with suggestions on over a third of the words and over a third of the sentences. These suggestions are over 40% accurate, though the accuracy varies by text source

    Filling Preposition-based Templates to Capture Information from Medical Abstracts

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    Due to the recent explosion of information in the biomedical field, it is hard for a single researcher to review the complex network involving genes, proteins, and interactions. We are currently building GeneScene, a toolkit that will assist researchers in reviewing existing literature, and report on the first phase in our development effort: extracting the relevant information from medical abstracts. We are developing a medical parser that extracts information, fills basic prepositional-based templates, and combines the templates to capture the underlying sentence logic. We tested our parser on 50 unseen abstracts and found that it extracted 246 templates with a precision of 70%. In comparison with many other techniques, more information was extracted without sacrificing precision. Future improvement in precision will be achieved by correcting three categories of errors