11 research outputs found

    Fitness for elders: A comparison between practioners and non-practioners of exercise

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the level of fitness of older people with more than sixty (60) years of age, practicing physical exercise over non-practitioners. The elderly from Santa Fe High (Alta Santa Fe), located in Nova Santa Rosa–Paraná, with 60 individuals, practitioners and non-practitioners of physical activity have participated in the evaluation of physical fitness including tests such as balance, flexibility, and muscle strength. We were unable to detect significant differences between groups of practitioners and non-practitioners of exercise for this study. The physical activity program conducted with this population may still be beneficial for various social and emotional needs but falls short in maintaining physical fitness in these individuals

    Relações sociais e autopercepção da saúde: projeto envelhecimento e saúde Social relations and self- rated health: the ageing and health project

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar a associação entre as relações sociais e a autopercepção da saúde em idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal de amostra representativa de idosos cobertos pelo Programa de Saúde da Família e residentes em uma área de alta vulnerabilidade para a saúde em Belo Horizonte, MG. As informações foram obtidas por meio de entrevista estruturada. Idosos que relataram autopercepção ruim ou muito ruim da saúde foram comparados aos demais e os fatores associados foram determinados por meio de regressão logística múltipla. RESULTADOS: 363 dos 371 idosos elegíveis participaram do estudo. A autopercepção ruim da saúde foi relatada por 17,1% dos idosos e foi positivamente associada com o número de doenças crônicas e o grau de dificuldade para realizar as atividades de vida diária, apresentando um gradiente dose resposta. Idosos com auto-avaliação negativa dos relacionamentos pessoais e que não podiam contar com alguém caso ficassem acamados tiveram mais chance de autoperceber sua saúde como ruim. Trabalhar foi associado negativamente com a autopercepção ruim da saúde. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados encontrados corroboram a estrutura multidimensional da autopercepção da saúde englobando fatores sociodemográficos, aspectos relacionados à saúde e às relações sociais e reforçam o papel dessas últimas sobre a saúde.<br>OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between social relationships and self-perceived health in the elderly. METHODS: cross-sectional study of a representative sample of elderly individuals covered by the Family Health Program and residents in an area of high health vulnerability in Belo Horizonte, MG. Information was obtained through structured interviews. Factors associated with poor or very poor self-perceived health were identified by multiple logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: 363 out of 371 eligible elderly participated; 17.1% of elderly self-perceived their health as poor. There was a positive dose-response relationship between poor self-perceived health and the number of chronic diseases and the degree of difficulty to perform daily life activities. Elderly individuals who perceived their personal relationships as bad and who could not count on anyone if they became bedridden were more likely to self-rate their health as poor. Working was negatively associated with self-perceived poor health. CONCLUSION: The results confirm the multidimensional structure of self-perceived health including the issues related to health and social relationships. Our results strengthen the role of social relations on health