87 research outputs found

    Sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0: an emerging research agenda

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    This systematic review intends to identify how sustainable manufacturing research is contributing to the development of the Industry 4.0 agenda and for a broader understanding about the links between the Industry 4.0 and Sustainable Manufacturing by mapping and summarising existing research efforts, identifying research agendas, as well as gaps and opportunities for research development. A conceptual framework formed by the principles and technological pillars of Industry 4.0, sustainable manufacturing scope, opportunities previously identified, and sustainability dimensions, guided analysis of 35 papers from 2008–2018, selected by a systematic approach. Bibliometrics data and social network analysis complement results identifying how research is being organised and its respective research agendas, relevant publications, and status of the research lifecycle. Results point to that the current research is aligned with the goals defined by different national industrial programs. There are, however, research gaps and opportunities for field development, becoming more mature and having a significant contribution to fully developing the agenda of Industry 4.0


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    A busca por novos m\ue9todos de manejo e controle de formigas-cortadeiras vem sendo enfoque de in\ufameros estudos pelo pa\ueds, impulsionada por aspectos econ\uf4micos e ambientais. O estabelecimento de esp\ue9cies resistentes ou menos preferidas ao corte pode contribuir substancialmente neste sentido. Logo, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prefer\ueancia de corte entre as esp\ue9cies Corymbia citriodora , Eucalyptus benthamii , Eucalyptus camaldulensis , Eucalyptus dunnii , Eucalyptus globulus e h\uedbrido de Eucalyptus urophylla X Eucalyptus grandis por Acromyrmex ambiguus e Acromyrmex crassispinus em laborat\uf3rio. Para isso, folhas foram ofertadas, simultaneamente, para seis col\uf4nias de cada esp\ue9cie em bioensaios com chance de escolha. No entanto, nos testes sem chance de escolha, apenas as esp\ue9cies menos preferidas pelo teste anterior foram utilizadas. Para Acromyrmex crassispinus, as esp\ue9cies Eucalyptus camaldulensis e h\uedbrido de Eucalyptus urophylla X Eucalyptus grandis foram mais cortadas, enquanto que as esp\ue9cies Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus dunnii e Eucalyptus globulus foram menos preferidas ao corte. Acromyrmex ambiguus apresentou padr\ue3o similar de prefer\ueancia, adicionando-se Eucalyptus benthamii entre as mais preferidas e excluindo-se Eucalyptus dunnii das menos preferidas.The search for new leafcutter ant management and control methods have been the aim of several studies over the country, propelled by economic and environmental aspects. The establishment of resistant or less preferred species for the cut can contribute substantially in this subject. This way, the objective of this study was to evaluate the cutting preference between the species Corymbia citriodora , Eucalyptus benthamii , Eucalyptus camaldulensis , Eucalyptus dunnii , Eucalyptus globulus and h\uedbrido de Eucalyptus urophylla X Eucalyptus grandis by Acromyrmex ambiguus and Acromyrmex crassispinus in laboratory. Therefore, leafs were offered simultaneously to six colonies of each species in bioassays with chance to choose. However, in the tests without chance to choose, only the least preferred species in the previous test were utilized. For Acromyrmex crassispinus, the species Eucalyptus camaldulensis and h\uedbrido de Eucalyptus urophylla X Eucalyptus grandis were the most cutted, besides Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus dunni and Eucalyptus globules were less preferred. Acromyrmex ambiguus showed similar preference pattern, adding Eucalyptus benthamii among the most preferred one and excluding Eucalyptus dunnii from the least preferred

    Reviewing Digital Manufacturing concept in the Industry 4.0 paradigm

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    Digitalization of manufacturing is once again on the industry application research agenda and Digital Manufacturing plays a fundamental role in this process. However, there is a lack of commonality in the literature about the purpose of Digital Manufacturing. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept and application domain of Digital Manufacturing considering the increasingly established Industry 4.0 paradigm. Based on a content analysis concepts are framed, and new technological characteristics identified. The paper contributes to a better understanding of the future challenges that companies face by positioning Digital Manufacturing conceptually and delimiting its application domain

    Additive manufacturing from the sustainability perspective: proposal for a self-assessment tool

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    Emergent technologies and additive manufacturing have a significant role in shaping the future of manufacturing, enabling companies to produce complex products and parts in a more efficient and sustainable way. However, companies are struggling to identify and achieve the full potential of the technology from a sustainability perspective. The purpose of this paper is to develop a checklist to assess the sustainability performance of additive manufacturing adoption and exploitation, based on secondary data from the academic literature, technical reports, and company cases. Results rely on the identification of critical sustainability aspects for additive manufacturing and key performance indicators

    Developing capabilities for Sustainable Operations Management

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    Integrating sustainability in companies’ agenda is a complex and multidisciplinary task. Based on the results of a survey conducted in 2015 with 106 respondents from manufacturing and infrastructure companies in Brazil, this research aims to verify the organization of a list of the main sustainable operations management capabilities that can provide companies with a path to achieve a higher level of maturity regarding sustainability integration. The research contributes by mitigating the lack of frameworks that seek alignment between operations with sustainability issues, helping to guide the strategy and to audit the level of sustainability integration


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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efici\ueancia de diferentes m\ue9todos no controle de Prosopis juliflora , esp\ue9cie ex\uf3tica invasora na regi\ue3o semi\ue1rida do Nordeste do Brasil. O delineamento utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial triplo 2x2x8 (duas popula\ue7\uf5es da esp\ue9cie; dois est\ue1dios de crescimento \u2013 regenerante e adulto; e oito tratamentos de controle), com 10 repeti\ue7\uf5es. Os tratamentos testados foram: testemunha; anelamento do caule; anelamento e pincelamento do caule com \uf3leo lubrificante usado; anelamento do caule e aplica\ue7\ue3o de 2,4-D + picloram; corte raso; corte raso seguido de queima das cepas; corte raso e pincelamento de \uf3leo lubrificante usado nas cepas; e corte raso e aplica\ue7\ue3o de 2,4-D + picloram nas cepas. No total foram monitorados 320 indiv\uedduos, dentre estes, 160 regenerantes e 160 adultos. As vari\ue1veis avaliadas foram: porcentagem de controle; n\ufamero de brota\ue7\uf5es; di\ue2metro e comprimento de brota\ue7\uf5es. Dentre os tratamentos avaliados, os que se mostraram mais eficientes no controle de Prosopis juliflora foram o corte raso, seguido de queima das cepas e aplica\ue7\ue3o de 2,4-D + picloram em plantas cortadas e aneladas. O pincelamento de \uf3leo lubrificante na base de plantas aneladas tamb\ue9m se mostrou uma estrat\ue9gia promissora no controle da invasora.The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of different methods to control Prosopis juliflora , invasive alien species in the semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. The experimental design was completely randomized in triple factorial scheme 2x2x8 (two populations of the species, two growth stages - regenerating and adult individuals and eight control treatments), with 10 repetitions. The treatments were: control, girdling of the stem, girdling and brushing of used lubricating oil; girdling and application of 2,4-D + picloram, clear cutting, clear cutting followed by burning of the stump; clear cutting and brushing of used lubricating oil; and clear cutting and application of 2,4-D + picloram. In total 320 individuals were monitored, among these, 160 regenerates and 160 adults individuals. The variables evaluated were: percentage of control, number of shoots, diameter and length of shoots. According to the results among the treatments, those who were more effective in controlling Prosopis juliflora were clear cutting followed by burning of the stump and application of 2,4-D + picloram in cut and girdled plants. The brushing lubricating oil on the basis of girdled plants also showed a promising strategy to control invasive


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    O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a capacidade de ades\ue3o da madeira serrada de eucalipto proveniente de tr\ueas sistemas de manejo, empregando-se os adesivos: resorcina formalde\ueddo, e dois adesivos em emuls\ue3o aquosa \ue0 base de poliacetato de vinila. Os sistemas de manejo foram caracterizados por tr\ueas estratos, sendo o estrato um (E1) caracterizado por madeira proveniente de talhadia e idade de 70 meses; o estrato dois (E2) caracterizado por madeira de reforma e idade de 166 meses e o estrato tr\ueas (E3) caracterizado tamb\ue9m por reforma aos 70 meses de idade. A madeira foi originada de uma mistura aleat\uf3ria das duas primeiras toras serradas, de tr\ueas metros cada, a partir da base, que compuseram tr\ueas tratamentos, relativos aos adesivos utilizados. Foi avaliada a resist\ueancia ao cisalhamento por compress\ue3o paralela e o percentual de falha na madeira na linha de cola. Com base nos resultados obtidos pode-se afirmar que a ades\ue3o apresentou desempenho satisfat\uf3rio em todas as resinas utilizadas, sendo que os valores m\ue9dios da resist\ueancia ao cisalhamento da linha de cola mostraram-se equivalentes \ue0 resist\ueancia ao cisalhamento da madeira s\uf3lida apenas para as amostras aderidas com o adesivo Wonderbond, proporcionando tamb\ue9m maiores valores para falha na madeira (97,64%). A maior densidade presente na madeira do segundo estrato (E2) influenciou apenas na colagem com a resina resorcina formalde\ueddo. Para o acetato de polivinila (Cascorez 2590), os valores do cisalhamento diminu\uedram na terceira condi\ue7\ue3o de manejo (E3).This study aimed to evaluate the adhesion ability of eucalyptus lumber from three tillage systems, using adhesives: resorcinol formaldehyde and two adhesives in water emulsion based on vinyl poly-acetate. The management systems were characterized by three strata, the stratum one (E1) characterized by wood from coppice and 70 months of age, the stratum two (E2) characterized by wood and retirement age of 166 months and stratum three (E3 ), also characterized by retirement at 70 months of age. The wood was derived from a random mixture of the first two sawn logs, each three feet from the base, which comprised three treatments on the adhesive used. We evaluated the shear strength by compression tests and the percentage of wood failure in the glue line. Based on the results obtained, it can be said that the adhesion had satisfactory performance with all the resins used, and the average values of shear strength of the glue line were shown to be equivalent to the shear strength of solid wood only for the samples which adhered with \u2018Wonderbond\u2019 adhesive and also provide higher values for wood failure (97.64%). The highest density present in the wood of the second stratum (E2) influenced only sticking with the resorcinol formaldehyde resin. For polyvinyl acetate (Cascorez 2590), shear values decreased in the third management condition (E3)


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    Este trabalho se desenvolveu na Universidade de Bras\uedlia e no Laborat\uf3rio de Produtos Florestais (IBAMA), Bras\uedlia, DF. Foram estudadas duas esp\ue9cies de eucalipto ( Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden e Eucalyptus cloeziana ) para confec\ue7\ue3o de pe\ue7as mobili\ue1rias. A madeira de E. grandis apresenta propriedades f\uedsicas (densidade e retratibilidade) e mec\ue2nicas (flex\ue3o est\ue1tica e dureza) extremamente positivas para a ind\ufastria moveleira, sendo complementado por seu bom desempenho perante equipamentos e m\ue1quinas, al\ue9m de receber bem produtos de acabamento. A cor da madeira e o seu desenho levaram os consumidores a mostrar \uf3tima aceita\ue7\ue3o do m\uf3vel fabricado com a esp\ue9cie. A madeira de Eucalyptus cloeziana, apesar de mostrar propriedades f\uedsicas e mec\ue2nicas com valores mais elevados que as do Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden, apresenta caracter\uedsticas desejadas para ind\ufastria moveleira. A sua colora\ue7\ue3o cinza oliva \ue9 uma op\ue7\ue3o para o consumidor. Alguns cuidados especiais com essa esp\ue9cie dever\ue3o ser tomados durante opera\ue7\uf5es com m\ue1quinas e equipamentos. Os valores da propriedade dureza apresentados por essa madeira a indicam para fabrica\ue7\ue3o de piso.This work was carried out at Universidade de Bras\uedlia at the Wood Products of Forestry Laboratory (IBAMA, Bras\uedlia, DF, Brazil). Two species of eucalypt wood ( Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maidenand Eucalyptus cloeziana ) were studied to supply the furniture making industry. The wood of Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden shows physical properties (density and retractibility) and mechanical properties (static bending and hardness) very suitable for the industry of wood furniture. Such characteristics are complemented by its excellent behaviour in machining and also good finishing with varnishes. The colour and patterns the wood bring to the consumers a good feeling as well as for the furnitures built with such a species. The wood of Eucalyptus cloeziana, in spite of its mechanical and physical properties higher than those of Eucalyptus grandis W.Hill ex Maiden, presents good characteristics for the manufacture of furniture. Its grey-olive colouring is consistent with a good choice and taste for the consumers. However, some precaution must be observed during the machining of the wood. This wood\u2019s hardness makes it suitable for parquetry


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    Avaliou-se quantitativa e qualitativamente a flor\uedstica do banco de sementes do solo de um fragmento de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Montana, no munic\uedpio de Vi\ue7osa, MG. No final da esta\ue7\ue3o chuvosa (mar\ue7o/2004), foram coletadas duas amostras de solo de 20 x 15 cm, com 5 cm de profundidade, no centro de seis subparcelas cont\uedguas de 10 x 20 m, em dez parcelas permanentes de 20 x 60 m, em dez locais, totalizando 120 amostras (3,6 m2). As amostras de solo foram colocadas em estruturas de sombreamento de 11,5 % e 60 %, e as sementes germinadas foram identificadas em gramin\uf3ides, herb\ue1ceo-cip\uf3s, arbustivas e arb\uf3reas. Foram registradas 3.416 sementes germinadas, sendo 30,2 % gramin\uf3ides, 29,2 % herb\ue1ceo-cip\uf3s, 17,5 % arbustivas e 23,1 % arb\uf3reas, estas duas \ufaltimas distribu\ueddas em 17 fam\uedlias, 25 g\ueaneros e 31 esp\ue9cies. Melastomataceae, Cecropiaceae e Piperaceae contribu\uedram com 31,8 %, 10,0 % e 8,8 % do total de esp\ue9cies, respectivamente, sendo que Miconia cinnamomifolia e Leandra purpurascens foram respons\ue1veis por 59,3 % das sementes arbustivo-arb\uf3reas germinadas. As pioneiras se destacaram com 61,3 % das esp\ue9cies e 88,5 % das sementes germinadas. N\ue3o foram registradas esp\ue9cies secund\ue1rias tardias. A densidade m\ue9dia de sementes germinadas para todos os h\ue1bitos e locais foi de 949 sementes/m2. O n\ufamero de esp\ue9cies e de sementes germinadas do grupo arbustivo-arb\uf3reo diferiu significativamente pelo teste Kruskal-Wallis (P 64 0,05) entre os locais estudados. Esses resultados indicam que, no banco de sementes do solo, h\ue1 predom\uednio de esp\ue9cies pioneiras que s\ue3o importantes para a sucess\ue3o em clareiras ou ap\uf3s o corte da floresta. Por\ue9m, esse estoque de sementes n\ue3o \ue9 suficiente para a continuidade do processo de sucess\ue3o, que inclui o estabelecimento de maior propor\ue7\ue3o de esp\ue9cies secund\ue1rias iniciais e tardias. Isso indica que h\ue1 necessidade de um manejo adequado do banco de pl\ue2ntulas para assegurar a continuidade da regenera\ue7\ue3o natural em florestas secund\ue1rias.The soil seed bank was studied in a seasonal semideciduous forest, in the domain of the Atlantic Forest, Southeastern Brazil (20o45 Latitude South, 42o55 Longitude West and altitude of 689.7 m). A total of 120 soil samples (20 x 15 cm and depth of 5 cm), without the litter layer, were taken at the end of the rainy season in ten sites differing in slope, aspect and topographic position. The soil samples were placed to germinate in trays under 11.5 and 60 % shade. The germinated seeds were classified as graminoids, herbaceous-lianas, shrub and arboreal groups. A total of 3,416 seeds germinated, being 30.2 % of graminoids, 29.2 % herbaceous-lianas, 17.5 % shrub and 23.1 % arboreal individuals. The shrub-arboreal individuals were distributed into 17 families, 25 genus and 31 species. Melastomataceae, Cecropiaceae and Piperaceae accounted for 31.8 %, 10.0 % and 8.8 %, respectively, of the total shrub-arboreal species germinated seeds, being Miconia cinnamomifolia and Leandra purpurascens the predominant species (59.3 % of the total germinated seeds). Pioneer species accounted for 61.3 % of the shrub-arboreal species and 88.5 % of the germinated seeds. There were no late secondary species. The average number of germinated seeds from all life habit and sites studied accounted for 949 seeds/m\ub2. The number of shrub-arboreal species and germinated seeds differed significantly by the Kruskal-Wallis test (P 64 0.05) between sites. The dominance of pioneer species in the soil seed bank of the studied forest indicates that the buried seeds can be considered satisfactory for natural regeneration in treefall gaps and clearcut areas. Therefore, in order to maintain a continuous forest succession, when there is predominance of initial and late secondary species, the soil seed bank is not satisfactory. In this situation, the management of the seedlings stock is required to sustain the natural regeneration

    PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES DURING HYDRATION OF Dalbergia nigra ((Vell.) Fr. All. ex Benth.) SEEDS

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    During germination, a series of sequential events occur in seeds in response to endogenous and / or exogenous factors. The objective of this study was to investigate the physiological changes resulting from the controlled hydration in water and temperature in seeds of jacaranda-da-bahia ( Dalbergia nigra ). To this end, two lots of seeds separated as high and low vigor were used in the tests. Seeds belonging to the two lots, after desinfect, were hydrated in water, with the method of humid atmosphere (relative humidity95-99%) to reach four hydration levels: 10, 15, 20 and 25% moisture content in seeds, in temperatures (exogenous factor) of 15 and 25 \ub0 C. After hydration and temperature treatments, were analyzed the following variables: curve soaking, germination percentage, germination speed index (GSI) and electrical conductivity. The results showed no significant difference in seeds physiological response between the temperatures. On the other hand, for hydration was found that up to 15% moisture content increased the seeds physiological quality of both lots, which showed higher germination values , IVG and smaller amounts of leached compounds. From 15% moisture content were found a reduction in the quality of seeds classified as high vigor, while those of low vigor continued to show positive responses in 20 and 25% humidity. Given this, it is concluded that the technique of controlled hydration in water favors the germination of Dalbergia nigra seeds, independent of the vigor. Hydration moisture content of 15% is more appropriate to increase the seeds quality. The hydration in values below or above resulted in a decrease in the stimulus.Durante a germina\ue7\ue3o, uma s\ue9rie de eventos sequenciais ocorre nas sementes em resposta a fatores end\uf3genos e/ou ex\uf3genos \ue0s mesmas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar as altera\ue7\uf5es fisiol\uf3gicas decorrentes da hidrata\ue7\ue3o controlada em \ue1gua e da temperatura (fatores ex\uf3genos) em sementes de Dalbergia nigra (jacarand\ue1-da-bahia). Para tanto, dois lotes de sementes, um de alto e um de baixo vigor foram utilizados nos ensaios. As sementes pertencentes aos dois lotes, ap\uf3s desinfestadas com Captan 0,5%, foram ent\ue3o hidratadas em \ue1gua, pelo m\ue9todo da atmosfera \ufamida (umidade relativa de 95-99%), at\ue9 atingirem quatro n\uedveis de hidrata\ue7\ue3o: 10, 15, 20 ou 25% de teor de \ue1gua nas sementes, nas temperaturas de 15 e 25\ubaC. Ap\uf3s os tratamentos foram analisadas as seguintes vari\ue1veis: curva de embebi\ue7\ue3o, percentagem de germina\ue7\ue3o, \uedndice de velocidade (IVG) e condutividade el\ue9trica. Os resultados mostraram que n\ue3o houve diferen\ue7a significativa na resposta fisiol\uf3gica das sementes entre as temperaturas. Por outro lado, para a hidrata\ue7\ue3o verificou-se que at\ue9 15% do teor de \ue1gua aumentou a qualidade fisiol\uf3gica das sementes de ambos os lotes, que apresentaram maiores valores de germina\ue7\ue3o, IVG e menores quantidades de compostos lixiviados. A partir de 15% de teor de \ue1gua verificou-se redu\ue7\ue3o na qualidade das sementes classificadas como de alto vigor, enquanto aquelas de baixo vigor continuaram apresentando respostas positivas em 20 e 25% de teor de \ue1gua. Diante disto, conclui-se que a t\ue9cnica de hidrata\ue7\ue3o controlada em \ue1gua favorece a germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes de Dalbergia nigra, independentemente do vigor das mesmas. A hidrata\ue7\ue3o no teor de \ue1gua de 15% \ue9 a mais indicada para incrementar a qualidade das sementes. A hidrata\ue7\ue3o nos valores abaixo ou acima resultaram em redu\ue7\ue3o no est\uedmulo
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