15,531 research outputs found

    Theory of triangular lattice quasi-one-dimensional charge-transfer solids

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    Recent investigations of the magnetic properties and the discovery of superconductivity in quasi-one-dimensional triangular lattice organic charge-transfer solids have indicated the severe limitations of the effective 1/2-filled band Hubbard model for these and related systems. Our computational studies of these materials within a 1/4-filled band Hubbard model in which the organic monomer molecules, and not their dimers, constitute the sites of the Hamiltonian are able to reproduce the experimental results. We ascribe the spin gap transition in kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2B(CN)_4 to the formation of a two-dimensional paired-electron crystal and make the testable prediction that the spin gap will be accompanied by charge-ordering and period doubling in two directions. We find enhancement of the long-range component of superconducting pairing correlations by the Hubbard repulsive interaction for band parameters corresponding to kappa-(BEDT-TTF)_2CF_3SO_3. The overall results strongly support a valence bond theory of superconductivity we have proposed recently.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Bond patterns and charge order amplitude in 1/4-filled charge-transfer solids

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    Metal-insulator transition accompanied by charge-ordering has been widely investigated in quasi-one-dimensional conductors, including in particular organic charge-transfer solids. Among such materials the 1/4-filled band charge-transfer solids are of strong interest, because of the commensurate nature of the charge-ordering in these systems. The period-four charge-order pattern ...1100... here is accompanied by two distinct bond distortion patterns, giving rise to bond-charge-density waves (BCDW) of types 1 and 2. Using quantum Monte Carlo methods, we determine the phase diagram within the extended Hubbard Hamiltonian that gives both types 1 and 2 BCDW in the thermodynamic limit. We further investigate the effect of electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions on the amount of charge disproportionation. Our results show that between these two bond patterns, one (BCDW2) in general coexists with a large magnitude charge order, which is highly sensitive to electron-phonon interactions, while the other (BCDW1) is characterized by weak charge order. We discuss the relevance of our work to experiments on several 1/4-filled conductors, focusing in particular on the materials (EDO-TTF)_2X and (DMEDO-TTF)_2X with large amplitude charge-order.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Dynamics of the giant planets of the solar system in the gaseous proto-planetary disk and relationship to the current orbital architecture

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    We study the orbital evolution of the 4 giant planets of our solar system in a gas disk. Our investigation extends the previous works by Masset and Snellgrove (2001) and Morbidelli and Crida (2007, MC07), which focussed on the dynamics of the Jupiter-Saturn system. The only systems that we found to reach a steady state are those in which the planets are locked in a quadruple mean motion resonance (i.e. each planet is in resonance with its neighbor). In total we found 6 such configurations. For the gas disk parameters found in MC07, these configurations are characterized by a negligible migration rate. After the disappearance of the gas, and in absence of planetesimals, only two of these six configurations (the least compact ones) are stable for a time of hundreds of millions of years or more. The others become unstable on a timescale of a few My. Our preliminary simulations show that, when a planetesimal disk is added beyond the orbit of the outermost planet, the planets can evolve from the most stable of these configurations to their current orbits in a fashion qualitatively similar to that described in Tsiganis et al. (2005).Comment: The Astronomical Journal (17/07/2007) in pres

    The Link between General Relativity and Shape Dynamics

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    We show that one can construct two equivalent gauge theories from a linking theory and give a general construction principle for linking theories which we use to construct a linking theory that proves the equivalence of General Relativity and Shape Dynamics, a theory with fixed foliation but spatial conformal invariance. This streamlines the rather complicated construction of this equivalence performed previously. We use this streamlined argument to extend the result to General Relativity with asymptotically flat boundary conditions. The improved understanding of linking theories naturally leads to the Lagrangian formulation of Shape Dynamics, which allows us to partially relate the degrees of freedom.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Phase Diagram of the Attractive Hubbard Model with Inhomogeneous Interactions

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    The phase diagram of the attractive Hubbard model with spatially inhomogeneous interactions is obtained using a single site dynamical mean field theory like approach. The model is characterized by three parameters: the interaction strength, the active fraction (fraction of sites with the attractive interaction), and electron filling. The calculations indicate that in a parameter regime with intermediate values of interaction strength (compared to the bare bandwidth of the electrons), and intermediate values of the active fraction, "non-BCS" superconductivity is obtained. The results of this work are likely to be relevant to many systems with spatially inhomogeneous superconductivity such as strongly correlated oxides, systems with negative U centers, and, in future, cold atom optical lattices.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    On a partially reduced phase space quantisation of general relativity conformally coupled to a scalar field

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    The purpose of this paper is twofold: On the one hand, after a thorough review of the matter free case, we supplement the derivations in our companion paper on 'loop quantum gravity without the Hamiltonian constraint' with calculational details and extend the results to standard model matter, a cosmological constant, and non-compact spatial slices. On the other hand, we provide a discussion on the role of observables, focussed on the situation of a symmetry exchange, which is key to our derivation. Furthermore, we comment on the relation of our model to reduced phase space quantisations based on deparametrisation.Comment: 51 pages, 5 figures. v2: Gauge condition used shown to coincide with CMC gauge. Minor clarifications and correction