116 research outputs found

    Convergence in Income Inequality: Further Evidence from the Club Clustering Methodology across States in the U.S.

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    This paper contributes to the sparse literature on inequality convergence by empirically testing convergence across states in the U.S. This sample period encompasses a series of different periods that the existing literature discusses -- the Great Depression (1929–1944), the Great Compression (1945–1979), the Great Divergence (1980-present), the Great Moderation (1982–2007), and the Great Recession (2007–2009). This paper implements the relatively new method of panel convergence testing, recommended by Phillips and Sul (2007). This method examines the club convergence hypothesis, which argues that certain countries, states, sectors, or regions belong to a club that moves from disequilibrium positions to their club-specific steady-state positions. We find strong support for convergence through the late 1970s and early 1980s, and then evidence of divergence. The divergence, however, moves the dispersion of inequality measures across states only a fraction of the way back to their levels in the early part of the twentieth century

    Exchange rate policy and trade balance. A cointegration analysis of the argentine experience since 1962.

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    Using multivariate cointegration tests for non-stationary data and vector error correction models, this paper examines the determinants of trade balance for Argentina over the last forty to fifty years. Our investigation confirms the existence of long-run relationships among trade balance, Real Exchange Rate (RER) and foreign and domestic incomes for Argentina during different real exchange rate management policies. Based on the estimations, the Marshall-Lerner condition is examined and, by means of impulse response functions, we trace the effect of a one-time shock to the RER on the trade balance checking the J-curve pattern.Argentina; Marshall-Lerner; J-Curve; cointegration and impulse response analysis

    Unemployment Convergence in Transition

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    In this paper an attempt is made to inquire the dynamics of regional unemployment rates in transition economies. We use policy relevant NUTS4 unemployment rates for transition economies characterised by both relatively intense (Poland, Slovaka) and relatively mild labour market hardships (namely Czech Republic). We apply diverse analytical techniques to seek traces of convergence, including beta - and sigma-convergence as well as time-series approach. Results in each of the countries suggest no support in favour of beta-type convergence, i.e. convergence of levels. Even controlling for nation-wide labour market outlooks (conditional convergence) does not provide any support to this hypothesis. Further, regions with both very high and very low unemployment show signs of high persistence and low mobility in the national distribution, while the middle ones tend to demonstrate higher mobility and essentially no regional unemployment differentials persistence. This diagnosis is confirmed by sigma-convergence analysis which indicates no general divergence or convergence patterns. Transitions seem to be more frequent, but at the same time less sustainable for middle range districts, while movements up and down the ladder occur frequently for the same districts. Findings allow to define the patterns of local labour market dynamics, pointing to differentiated divergence paths. Importantly, these tendencies persists despite cohesion policies financing schemes, which allocate relatively more resources to deprived regions in all these countries.unemployment, beta-type convergence, sigma-type convergence, stochastic convergence, social cohesion

    Nonlinear Stochastic Convergence Analysis of Regional Unemployment Rates in Poland

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    This paper analyses convergence of unemployment rates in Poland at NUTS4 level by testing nonlinear convergence, applying the modified KSS-CHLL for each pair of territorial units. The results suggest that actually the convergence is a rare phenomenon and occurs only in 1916 cases out of potential over 70 000 combinations. This paper inquires what systematic reasons contribute to this phenomenon. There are some circumstances under which unemployment convergence should be more expected than in others. These include sharing a higher level territorial authority, experiencing similar labour market hardship or sharing the same structural characteristics. For each of these three criteria we analyse the frequency of the differential nonstationarity within groups (as evidence of convergence) and across groups (as evidence of "catching up").nonlinear convergence, stochastic convergence, unemployment, transition, Poland

    Nonlinear Stochastic Convergence Analysis of Regional Unemployment Rates in Poland

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    This paper analyzes convergence of unemployment rates in Poland at NUTS4 level by testing nonlinear convergence, applying the modified KSS-CHLL for each pair of territorial units. The results suggest that actually the convergence is a rare phenomenon and occurs only in 1916 cases out of potential over 70 000 combinations. This paper inquires what systematic reasons contribute to this phenomenon. There are some circumstances under which unemployment convergence should be more awaited than in the others. These include sharing a higher level territorial authority, experiencing similar labour market hardship or sharing the same structural characteristics. For each of these three criteria we analyse the frequency of the dierential nonstationarity within groups (as evidence of convergence) and across groups (as evidence of "catching up").nonlinear convergence, stochastic convergence, unemployment, transition, Poland


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    Social cohesion is the principal goal behind active labour market policies (ALMPs), including those financed at supra-national level, like the European Social Fund. In this paper we use NUTS4 level data on the local labour market dynamics in an attempt to verify direct and indirect effects of ALMPs. We use data for 2000- 2007 for Poland, while this period comprised both stark increases and reductions in the unemployment rates. Over this time also the financing of ALMPs has been increased considerably, transforming both to higher intensity of ALMPs (wider coverage) and higher extensiveness of these activities (increase in per treatment cost). At the same time, these trends have transmitted into local context with highly heterogeneous composition of instruments used and actual coverage rates and costs. We implement seemingly unrelated regressions (SURE) approach to inquire the effects of ALMPs on inflows and outflows rates among Polish local labour markets.unemployment dynamics, unemployment convergence, SURE, transition