1 research outputs found

    Realization of the Curve Fitting methods in the Maple visual environment

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    The modern programs must have a comfortable graphical user interface (GUI). Graphical interface is the environment for creation of graphical window with visual elements: buttons, edit text boxes, check boxes, list boxes, menu, toolbars etc., where a user chooses appropriate problem conditions, input data and sets proper options. For the development of such programs visual programming environments C++ Builder, Delphi, Visual Basic etc. were developed a decade ago. Recently user graphical interface technology was also implemented in the Computer Algebra Systems Maple (www.maplesoft.com), Mathematica (www.wolfram.com) and MatLab (www.mathworks.com). The present work investigates Maple graphical user interface creation facilities. It is possible to create GUI with Maplets package or in Maplet Builder design environment. This work examines these two methods with examples. The GUI creation facilities were tried investigating the curve fitting methods of Maple system. Some applied programs, using Maple Curve Fitting package, were created in Maple visual environment. The practical problem of speech sound formants variation curves fitting was also investigated. For that task some programs were created in the Maple visual environment.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta