179 research outputs found
Possible sources of water pollution from the catchment area of the Sasa mine
Nowadays we have met with penetrative low regulation regarding to protective of human environmental. Having this in mind, it’s become necessary to take quality and full approach to detect the situation on the ground. Only with full information, the proper steps towards solving problems and satisfied low regulation demands can be taken.
In this paper we try to show that, not only human activities as some technological processes could be responsible for environmental pollutions, but in many cases that is result of natural sources
Идеен проект за максимално завршно надвишување на постојното хидројаловиште на погонот флотација на рудникот за бакар „Бучим” - Радовиш
Идејниот проект се изработува за да после извршена ревизија и
усвојување постане подлога за изработка на дополнителен проект, односно
техничка документација на ниво на главни проекти по кои во иднина би се
вршело завршно надвишување на флотациското хидројаловиште Тополница.
Овој идеен проект ги содржи следниве аспекти:
1.0 Идејно техничко решение за максимално завршно
надвишување на постојно хидројаовиште- над кота од 630 м;
2.0 Технологија н хидротранспорт, развод и одлагање на
јаловината при максимално завршно надвишување на
постојно хидројаовиште;
3.0 Одводнување на хидројаловиште - повратна технолошка
4.0 Еколошка заштита на околината од хидројаловиштето –
деконтаминација на прашината;
5.0 Оскултација на хидројаловиштето
Enhancing gold recovery by bioleaching of chalcopyrite low grade ore
The conventional flotation can't provide fair results when applied to very low grade ores or to "refractory" ores. This class includes intimate and nonuniform mineral associations, with partialy oxidized minerals and high secondary mineral content and also high soluble salt content, preactivated minerals because of the excessive permeability of the deposit and of the intense circulation of waters with heavy metal ions etc. Bacterial oxidation as a means to the recovery of metals from sulphidic deposits has been used specially gold recovery. The achieved results by microorganisms leaching by low grade cholcopyrite ores are folowing: gold recovery up to 85% and silver recovery up to 80%.
Computer treatment of gravity concentration from chromite ore
The application of the computer program enables a quick quantitative calculation of the gravity concentration involving all available and acceptable equations which define the accomplishment of the technological operation
Процесите на филтрирација низ телото на песочната брана кај конвенционалните хидројаловишта, кои се градат со низводен метод, се еден од најважните елементи кои директно влијаат на стабилноста на браната, а со тоа и на целокупната инсталација на хидројаловиштата. Со контролирање на нивото на провирните линии низ телото на браната, ние индиректно ја контролираме работата на дизајнираните дренажни ќилими, чија функција е да ја фатат филтрационата вода низ телото на песочната брана и да се исцедат низводно во форма на дренажна вода. Овој труд го покажува начинот на контрола на процесите на филтрација низ телото на песочната брана бр. 3-2 кај рудникот Саса преку систем на пиезометри и преку редовно испитување на основните геомеханички параметри на песокот од кој е изградена браната
Effect of Competing Cations (Cu, Zn, Mn, Pb) Adsorbed by Zeolite Bearing Tuff from Macedonia
Zeolite bearing tuff (stilbite 27%) from Vetunica deposit, Republic of Macedonia was investigated as
an adsorbent for removal of copper, zinc, manganese and lead ions from synthetic aqueous solutions.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the presence of competing cations on the individual adsorption of Cu2+, Pb2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+ from a solution containing a mixture of all these metal ions, by zeolite bearing tuff. The obtained results show that the adsorption of studied ions in single and multi-component solution onto zeolite bearing tuff occurs efficiently. The amount adsorbed from multicomponent solutions was affected significantly, except for Pb2+ where the difference between single and multi-component solution is minimal, almost insignificant. The selectivity of zeolite bearing tuff was also determined for the respective heavy metal ions. The selectivity series obtained for single and multi-component solution was: Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+
Идејно решение за изградба на јаловиште бр. 2 Тораница – технолошки аспекти
Целта на овој труд е да се анализираат и разработат технолошките аспекти кои се битни при изработката на идејно решение за формирање на ново јаловиште во рударската индустрија. Како конкретен пример ќе биде анализирана потребата за изградба на ново јаловиште на рудникот Тораница – Крива Паланка. Во трудот ќе биде направен осврт на концепциското решение за формирање на јаловиштето, проценка на технолошките податоци, прелиминарна пресметка на волуменот и векот на експлоатација, концепциско решение за хидротранспортот на флотациската јаловина, одлагањето на јаловината, диспозицијата на објектите и др
Removal of Heavy Metals from Aqueous Solution using Clinoptilolite and Stilbite
Heavy metals are highly toxic and they must be removed from the polluted streams. Аdsorption by zeolites is currently considered to be very suitable for wastewater treatment because of its simplicity and cost effectiveness. The aim of this investigation was to compare adsorption efficiency of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Mn and Pb) from aqueous solution using two different types of natural zeolite: clinoptilolite from Bulgaria and stilbite from Macedonia. The obtained information will be basis for further research for acid mine drainage treatment with zeolite. The adsorption of Cu, Zn, Mn and Pb from aqueous solution using clinoptilolite and stilbite is effective. Copper and zinc ions are better adsorbed using stilbite, manganese ion is better adsorbed using clinoptilolite as adsorbent and for lead ion a both of used adsorbent gave a similar results. According to the maximum adsorption capacity (qe) was determine the selectivity of clinoptilolite and stilbite, for the respective heavy metal ions. The selectivity series obtained about clinoptilolite was: Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+, and about stilbite was Pb2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Mn2+. From the kinetic modelling, the pseudo-second order kinetic model gave a better fits than pseudo-first order kinetic model for adsorption of Cu, Zn, Mn and Pb onto clinoptilolite and stilbite
Removal of lead ions from acid aqueous solutions using zeolite bearing tuff
Water pollution come from a number of different sources, and pollutants are divided up into various classes, such as organic pollutants, inorganic fertilizers, metals and radioactive isotopes. Organic pollutants are susceptible to biological degradation, unlike heavy metals which are not degrade into harmless products. Heavy metals are a common pollutant found in various industrial effluents. They are often encountered in mining operations and acid mine drainage. Because heavy metals are highly toxic and are non-biodegradable, therefore they must be removed from the polluted streams in order to meet increasingly stringent environmental quality standards. For this reason, in this paper it is presented research of removal of lead ions from acid aqueous solution using zeolite bearing tuff.
The physical and chemical properties of the used natural material (zeolite bearing tuff) are characterized by x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy and AES - ICP.
In order to determine the effectivity of zeolite bearing tuff a series of experiments were performed under batch conditions from single ion solutions. Experiments were carried out at different initial ions concentration, different initial pH values and different adsorbent mass. The adsorption kinetics is reasonably fast. It means that in the first 20 min approximately 90% of Pb2+ is adsorbed from single ion solutions
Application of dispersion analysis for determining classifying separation size
The paper presents the procedure of mathematical modelling the cut point of copper ore classifying by laboratory hydrocyclone. The application of dispersion analysis and planning with Latin square makes possible significant reduction the number of tests. Tests were carried out by D-100 mm hydrocyclone. Variable parameters are as follows: content of solid in pulp, underflow diameter, overflow diameter and inlet pressure. The cut point is determined by partition curve.
The obtained mathematical model and the values of the coefficients make it possible to find the classifying cut point for variable factors
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