75 research outputs found

    An image analysis toolbox for high-throughput C. elegans assays

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    We present a toolbox for high-throughput screening of image-based Caenorhabditis elegans phenotypes. The image analysis algorithms measure morphological phenotypes in individual worms and are effective for a variety of assays and imaging systems. This WormToolbox is available through the open-source CellProfiler project and enables objective scoring of whole-worm high-throughput image-based assays of C. elegans for the study of diverse biological pathways that are relevant to human disease.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (U54 EB005149

    Anatomical connectivity patterns predict face selectivity in the fusiform gyrus

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    A fundamental assumption in neuroscience is that brain structure determines function. Accordingly, functionally distinct regions of cortex should be structurally distinct in their connections to other areas. We tested this hypothesis in relation to face selectivity in the fusiform gyrus. By using only structural connectivity, as measured through diffusion-weighted imaging, we were able to predict functional activation to faces in the fusiform gyrus. These predictions outperformed two control models and a standard group-average benchmark. The structure–function relationship discovered from the initial participants was highly robust in predicting activation in a second group of participants, despite differences in acquisition parameters and stimuli. This approach can thus reliably estimate activation in participants who cannot perform functional imaging tasks and is an alternative to group-activation maps. Additionally, we identified cortical regions whose connectivity was highly influential in predicting face selectivity within the fusiform, suggesting a possible mechanistic architecture underlying face processing in humans.United States. Public Health Service (DA023427)National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (F32 MH084488)National Eye Institute (T32 EY013935)Poitras FoundationSimons FoundationEllison Medical Foundatio

    Involvement of the Intrinsic/Default System in Movement-Related Self Recognition

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    The question of how people recognize themselves and separate themselves from the environment and others has long intrigued philosophers and scientists. Recent findings have linked regions of the ‘default brain’ or ‘intrinsic system’ to self-related processing. We used a paradigm in which subjects had to rely on subtle sensory-motor synchronization differences to determine whether a viewed movement belonged to them or to another person, while stimuli and task demands associated with the “responded self” and “responded other” conditions were precisely matched. Self recognition was associated with enhanced brain activity in several ROIs of the intrinsic system, whereas no differences emerged within the extrinsic system. This self-related effect was found even in cases where the sensory-motor aspects were precisely matched. Control conditions ruled out task difficulty as the source of the differential self-related effects. The findings shed light on the neural systems underlying bodily self recognition

    The Alzheimer's Disease Prediction Of Longitudinal Evolution (TADPOLE) Challenge: Results after 1 Year Follow-up

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    We present the findings of "The Alzheimer's Disease Prediction Of Longitudinal Evolution" (TADPOLE) Challenge, which compared the performance of 92 algorithms from 33 international teams at predicting the future trajectory of 219 individuals at risk of Alzheimer's disease. Challenge participants were required to make a prediction, for each month of a 5-year future time period, of three key outcomes: clinical diagnosis, Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale Cognitive Subdomain (ADAS-Cog13), and total volume of the ventricles. No single submission was best at predicting all three outcomes. For clinical diagnosis and ventricle volume prediction, the best algorithms strongly outperform simple baselines in predictive ability. However, for ADAS-Cog13 no single submitted prediction method was significantly better than random guessing. Two ensemble methods based on taking the mean and median over all predictions, obtained top scores on almost all tasks. Better than average performance at diagnosis prediction was generally associated with the additional inclusion of features from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). On the other hand, better performance at ventricle volume prediction was associated with inclusion of summary statistics, such as patient-specific biomarker trends. The submission system remains open via the website https://tadpole.grand-challenge.org, while code for submissions is being collated by TADPOLE SHARE: https://tadpole-share.github.io/. Our work suggests that current prediction algorithms are accurate for biomarkers related to clinical diagnosis and ventricle volume, opening up the possibility of cohort refinement in clinical trials for Alzheimer's disease

    Deformation Analysis for Shape Based Classification

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    Statistical analysis of anatomical shape differences between two different populations can be reduced to a classification problem, i.e., learning a classifier function for assigning new examples to one of the two groups while making as few mistakes as possible. In this framework, feature vectors representing the shape of the organ are extracted from the input images and are passed to the learning algorithm. The resulting classifier then has to be interpreted in terms of shape differences between the two groups back in the image domain. We propose and demonstrate a general approach for such interpretation using deformations of outline meshes to represent shape differences. Given a classifier function in the feature space, we derive a deformation that corresponds to the differences between the two classes while ignoring shape variability within each class. The algorithm essentially estimates the gradient of the classification function with respect to node displacements in the outline mesh and constructs the deformation of the mesh that corresponds to moving along the gradient vector. The advantages of the presented algorithm include its generality (we derive it for a wide class of non-linear classifiers) as well as its flexibility in the choice of shape features used for classification. It provides a link from the classifier in the feature space back to the natural representation of the original shapes as surface meshes. We demonstrate the algorithm on artificial examples, as well as a real data set of the hippocampus-amygdala complex in schizophrenia patients and normal controls

    Discriminative Analysis for Image-Based Studies

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    In this paper, we present a methodology for performing statistical analysis for image-based studies of differences between populations and describe our experience applying the technique in several different population comparison experiments. Unlike traditional analysis tools, we consider all features simultaneously, thus accounting for potential correlations between the features. The result of the analysis is a classifier function that can be used for labeling new examples and a map over the original features indicating the degree to which each feature participates in estimating the label for any given example. Our experiments include shape analysis of subcortical structures in schizophrenia, cortical thinning in healthy aging and Alzheimer’s disease and comparisons of fMRI activations in response to different visual stimuli

    Segmentation of Cerebrovascular Pathologies in Stroke Patients with Spatial and Shape Priors

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    We propose and demonstrate an inference algorithm for the automatic segmentation of cerebrovascular pathologies in clinical MR images of the brain. Identifying and differentiating pathologies is important for understanding the underlying mechanisms and clinical outcomes of cerebral ischemia. Manual delineation of separate pathologies is infeasible in large studies of stroke that include thousands of patients. Unlike normal brain tissues and structures, the location and shape of the lesions vary across patients, presenting serious challenges for prior-driven segmentation. Our generative model captures spatial patterns and intensity properties associated with different cerebrovascular pathologies in stroke patients. We demonstrate the resulting segmentation algorithm on clinical images of a stroke patient cohort.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Canada Graduate Scholarships-Doctoral)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research FellowshipNational Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.) 1K25EB013649-01)BrightFocus Foundation (Grant AHAF-A201233)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.)/Neuroimaging Analysis Center (U.S.) P41EB015902)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (U.S.)/National Alliance for Medical Image Computing (U.S.) U54-EB005149)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) NS082285)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) K23NS064052)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (U.S.) U01NS06920)American Stroke Association (Bugher Foundation Centers for Stroke Prevention Research

    Functional Maps for Brain Classification on Spectral Domain

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    In this paper we exploit the Functional maps approach for brain classification. The functional representation of brain shapes, or their subparts, enables us to improve the detection of morphological abnormalities associated with the analyzed disease. The proposed method is based on the spectral shape paradigm that is largely used for generic geometric processing but still few exploited in the medical context. The key aspect of the Functional maps framework is that it moves the estimation of correspondences from the shape space to the functional space enhancing the potential of spectral analysis. Moreover, we propose a new kernel, called the Functional maps kernel (FM-kernel) for the Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification that is specifically designed to work on the functional space. The obtained results for bipolar disorder detection on the putamen regions are promising in comparison with other spectral-based approaches

    Scoring diverse cellular morphologies in image-based screens with iterative feedback and machine learning

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    Many biological pathways were first uncovered by identifying mutants with visible phenotypes and by scoring every sample in a screen via tedious and subjective visual inspection. Now, automated image analysis can effectively score many phenotypes. In practical application, customizing an image-analysis algorithm or finding a sufficient number of example cells to train a machine learning algorithm can be infeasible, particularly when positive control samples are not available and the phenotype of interest is rare. Here we present a supervised machine learning approach that uses iterative feedback to readily score multiple subtle and complex morphological phenotypes in high-throughput, image-based screens. First, automated cytological profiling extracts hundreds of numerical descriptors for every cell in every image. Next, the researcher generates a rule (i.e., classifier) to recognize cells with a phenotype of interest during a short, interactive training session using iterative feedback. Finally, all of the cells in the experiment are automatically classified and each sample is scored based on the presence of cells displaying the phenotype. By using this approach, we successfully scored images in RNA interference screens in 2 organisms for the prevalence of 15 diverse cellular morphologies, some of which were previously intractable