548 research outputs found

    Biomedical applications of aerospace-generated technology Quarterly report, 1 Sep. - 30 Nov. 1968

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    Biomedical applications of aerospace generated technolog

    Biomedical applications of aerospace- generated technology Quarterly report, 1 Dec. 1968 - 28 Feb. 1969

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    Biomedical applications team for transferring aerospace generated technology to nonaerospace biomedical fiel

    Local Anisotropy of Fluids using Minkowski Tensors

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    Statistics of the free volume available to individual particles have previously been studied for simple and complex fluids, granular matter, amorphous solids, and structural glasses. Minkowski tensors provide a set of shape measures that are based on strong mathematical theorems and easily computed for polygonal and polyhedral bodies such as free volume cells (Voronoi cells). They characterize the local structure beyond the two-point correlation function and are suitable to define indices 0βνa,b10\leq \beta_\nu^{a,b}\leq 1 of local anisotropy. Here, we analyze the statistics of Minkowski tensors for configurations of simple liquid models, including the ideal gas (Poisson point process), the hard disks and hard spheres ensemble, and the Lennard-Jones fluid. We show that Minkowski tensors provide a robust characterization of local anisotropy, which ranges from βνa,b0.3\beta_\nu^{a,b}\approx 0.3 for vapor phases to βνa,b1\beta_\nu^{a,b}\to 1 for ordered solids. We find that for fluids, local anisotropy decreases monotonously with increasing free volume and randomness of particle positions. Furthermore, the local anisotropy indices βνa,b\beta_\nu^{a,b} are sensitive to structural transitions in these simple fluids, as has been previously shown in granular systems for the transition from loose to jammed bead packs

    Andreev reflection and order parameter symmetry in heavy-fermion superconductors: the case of CeCoIn5_5

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    We review the current status of Andreev reflection spectroscopy on the heavy fermions, mostly focusing on the case of CeCoIn5_5, a heavy-fermion superconductor with a critical temperature of 2.3 K. This is a well-established technique to investigate superconducting order parameters via measurements of the differential conductance from nanoscale metallic junctions. Andreev reflection is clearly observed in CeCoIn5_5 as in other heavy-fermion superconductors. The measured Andreev signal is highly reduced to the order of maximum \sim 13% compared to the theoretically predicted value (100%). Analysis of the conductance spectra using the extended BTK model provides a qualitative measure for the superconducting order parameter symmetry, which is determined to be dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave in CeCoIn5_5. A phenomenological model is proposed employing a Fano interference effect between two conductance channels in order to explain both the conductance asymmetry and the reduced Andreev signal. This model appears plausible not only because it provides good fits to the data but also because it is highly likely that the electrical conduction occurs via two channels, one into the heavy electron liquid and the other into the conduction electron continuum. Further experimental and theoretical investigations will shed new light on the mechanism of how the coherent heavy-electron liquid emerges out of the Kondo lattice, a prototypical strongly correlated electron system. Unresolved issues and future directions are also discussed.Comment: Topical Review published in JPCM (see below), 28 pages, 9 figure

    Odd Frequency Pairing in the Kondo Lattice

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    We discuss the possibility that heavy fermion superconductors involve odd-frequency pairing of the kind first considered by Berezinskii. Using a toy model for odd frequency triplet pairing in the Kondo lattice we are able to examine key properties of this new type of paired state. To make progress treating the strong nf=1n_f=1 constraint in the Kondo lattice model we use the technical trick of a Majorana representation of the local moments, which permits variational treatments of the model without a Gutzwiller approximation. The simplest mean field theory involves the development of bound states between the local moments and conduction electrons, characterized by a spinor order parameter. We show that this state is a stable realization of odd frequency triplet superconductivity with surfaces of gapless excitations whose spin and charge coherence factors vanish linearly in the quasiparticle energy. A T3T^3 NMR relaxation rate coexists with a linear specific heat. We discuss possible extensions of our toy model to describe heavy fermion superconductivity.Comment: 67 page

    Theory of tunneling conductance for normal metal/insulator/triplet superconductor junctions

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    Tunneling conductance spectra of normal metal/insulator/triplet superconductor junctions are investigated theoretically. As triplet paring states we select several types of symmetries that are promising candidates for the superconducting states in UPt3_{3} and in Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}. The calculated conductance spectra are sensitive to the orientation of the junction which reflects the anisotropy of the pairing states. They show either zero-bias conductance peaks or gap-like structures depending on the orientation of the junctions. The existence of a residual density of states, peculiar to nonunitary states, is shown to have a significant influence on the properties of the conductance spectra. Present results serve as a guidefor the experimental determination of the symmetry of the pair potentials in UPt3_{3} and Sr2_{2}RuO4_{4}.Comment: 10 pages, 11 eps figures, J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.67,No.9(1998

    Nonmonotonic Decay of Nonequilibrium Polariton Condensate in Direct-Gap Semiconductors

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    Time evolution of a nonequilibrium polariton condensate has been studied in the framework of a microscopic approach. It has been shown that due to polariton-polariton scattering a significant condensate depletion takes place in a comparatively short time interval. The condensate decay occurs in the form of multiple echo signals. Distribution-function dynamics of noncondensate polaritons have been investigated. It has been shown that at the initial stage of evolution the distribution function has the form of a bell. Then oscillations arise in the contour of the distribution function, which further transform into small chaotic ripples. The appearance of a short-wavelength wing of the distribution function has been demonstrated. We have pointed out the enhancement and then partial extinction of the sharp extra peak arising within the time interval characterized by small values of polariton condensate density and its relatively slow changes.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX 2.09; in press in PR

    Coherence in the Quasi-Particle 'Scattering' by the Vortex Lattice in Pure Type-II Superconductors

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    The effect of quasi-particle (QP) 'scattering' by the vortex lattice on the de-Haas van-Alphen oscillations in a pure type-II superconductor is investigated within mean field,asymptotic perturbation theory. Using a 2D electron gas model it is shown that, due to a strict phase coherence in the many-particle correlation functions, the 'scattering' effect in the asymptotic limit (EF/ωc1\sqrt{E_F/\hbar\omega_c}\gg 1) is much weaker than what is predicted by the random vortex lattice model proposed by Maki and Stephen, which destroys this coherence . The coherent many particle configuration is a collinear array of many particle coordinates, localized within a spatial region with size of the order of the magnetic length. The amplitude of the magnetization oscillations is sharply damped just below % H_{c2} because of strong 180180^{\circ} out of phase magnetic oscillations in the superconducting condensation energy ,which tend to cancel the normal electron oscillations. Within the ideal 2D model used it is found, however, that because of the relative smallness of the quartic and higher order terms in the expansion, the oscillations amplitude at lower fields does not really damp to zero, but only reverses sign and remains virtually undamped well below Hc2H_{c2}. This conclusion may be changed if disorder in the vortex lattice, or vortex lines motion will be taken into account. The reduced QP 'scattering' effect may be responsible for the apparent crossover from a strong damping of the dHvA oscillations just below Hc2H_{c2} to a weaker damping at lower fields observed experimentally in several 3D superconductors.Comment: 26 pages, Revtex no Figure

    Comparison of coherent and weakly incoherent transport models for the interlayer magnetoresistance of layered Fermi liquids

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    The interlayer magnetoresistance of layered metals in a tilted magnetic field is calculated for two distinct models for the interlayer transport. The first model involves coherent interlayer transport and makes use of results of semi-classical or Bloch-Boltzmann transport theory. The second model involves weakly incoherent interlayer transport where the electron is scattered many times within a layer before tunneling into the next layer. The results are relevant to the interpretation of experiments on angular-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations (AMRO) in quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensional metals. We find that the dependence of the magnetoresistance on the direction of the magnetic field is identical for both models except when the field is almost parallel to the layers. An important implication of this result is that a three-dimensional Fermi surface is not necessary for the observation of the Yamaji and Danner oscillations seen in quasi-two- and quasi-one-dimensional metals, respectively. A universal expression is given for the dependence of the resistance at AMRO maxima and minima on the magnetic field and scattering time (and thus the temperature). We point out three distinctive features of coherent interlayer transport: (i) a beat frequency in the magnetic oscillations of quasi-two-dimensional systems, (ii) a peak in the angular-dependent magnetoresistance when the field is sufficiently large and parallel to the layers, and (iii) a crossover from a linear to a quadratic field dependence for the magnetoresistance when the field is parallel to the layers. Properties (i) and (ii) are compared with published experimental data for a range of quasi-two-dimensional organic metals and for Sr2RuO4.Comment: 21 pages, RevTeX + epsf, 4 figures. Published version. Subsection added. References update