9 research outputs found
Experiências brasileiras sobre participação de usuários e familiares na pesquisa em saúde mental
- Author
- Boote J
- Cadilhe S
- Chinman MJ
- Delgado PG
- Eduardo Mourão Vasconcelos
- Emerich BF
- Farkas M
- Goldstrom ID
- Hull SA
- Marília Silveira
- Onocko Campos RT
- Pedro Gabriel Godinho Delgado
- Presotto RF
- Rodrigo Fernando Presotto
- Santos DVD
- Serpa Júnior OD
- Simpson EL
- Slade M
- Slade M.
- Telford R
- Thornicroft G
- Vasconcelos EM
- Vasconcelos EM
- Vasconcelos EM
- Vasconcelos EM
- Vedia UC
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Participatory Spaces of Mental Health Service User Organizations in the Post-deinstitutional Era: Mapping Roles and Challenges
- Author
- A Cornwall
- A Cornwall
- A Cornwall
- A Cornwall
- A Cornwall
- A Woods
- AE Baumann
- AJW Andersen
- AL Adame
- AL Adame
- BT Yates
- C Freitas de
- C Haug
- CS Chassot
- D Barrett
- D Holland
- D Rose
- D Rose
- D Rosenberg
- DA Salem
- DA Salem
- E Eriksson
- E Gupta
- ER Hardiman
- ES Rogers
- ES Rogers
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- G Nelson
- H Parr
- Hilda Näslund
- HM Bovenkamp Van de
- ID Goldstrom
- J Abdulmalik
- J Gaventa
- J Gaventa
- J Habermas
- J Hopton
- JM Hoy
- JQ Hodges
- K Kaplan
- L Ostrow
- L Ostrow
- L Sapouna
- L Werkmeister Rozas
- LD Brown
- LD Brown
- LD Brown
- LD Brown
- LD Brown
- LD Brown
- LD Brown
- LD Brown
- M Boyce
- M Karlsson
- M Meyer
- M Swarbrick
- M-J Fleury
- N Crossley
- N Tomes
- O Dziadkowiec
- P Beresford
- P Beresford
- P Best
- P Campbell
- P Goering
- P Seebohm
- PW Corrigan
- R Bernstein
- R Janzen
- R Janzen
- R Lakeman
- RF Baumeister
- S Battams
- S Gillard
- S Hickey
- S Kleintjes
- S Kleintjes
- S Patterson
- S Stewart
- S Stylianos
- S Tse
- SJ Tanenbaum
- SJ Tanenbaum
- SK Vaughan
- Stefan Sjöström
- T Borkmann
- T Burns
- T Noorani
- T Truc Huynh
- U Markström
- U Markström
- U Markström
- Urban Markström
- V Rabeharisoa
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Self-Help Groups
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 28/04/2020
- Field of study
Description to be added.Cannot be left empt
Goal Achievement and the Accountability of Consumer-Run Organizations
- Author
- A Strauss
- AH McLean
- AJ Schulz
- C Milofsky
- CS Fischer
- CT Mowbray
- CT Mowbray
- CT Mowbray
- DH Smith
- F Riessman
- G Nelson
- GJ Meissen
- Greg Meissen
- ID Goldstrom
- J Chamberlin
- J Kasinsky
- J Trainor
- JM Bryson
- KI Maton
- Louis D. Brown
- MA Zimmerman
- Matthew D. Shepherd
- MC Holter
- R Rodgers
- R Wuthnow
- Scott A. Wituk
- SE Estroff
- SP Segal
- SP Segal
- TJ Kiresuk
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Predictors of Labor Force Status in a Random Sample of Consumers with Serious Mental Illness
- Author
- AF Lehman
- Carol Carstens
- D Hosmer
- D Roth
- GR Bond
- GR Bond
- ID Goldstrom
- JA Cook
- JA Cook
- JE Larson
- Jeanette M. Jerrell
- JH Wewioriski
- JK Burke-Miller
- JS Beck
- M Corbiere
- ML Dantzker
- MP Salyers
- RE Drake
- Richard M. Ryan
- Richard Massatti
- RJ Bonnie
- SE Estroff
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
- T Uttaro
- TD Pigott
- VM Mulkern
- WR Miller
- WS Anthony
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Embodying Recovery: A Qualitative Study of Peer Work in a Consumer-Run Service Setting
- Author
- A Appadurai
- A Bellack
- A Giddens
- A McLean
- A Scott
- A Sen
- Aditi Ramakrishnan
- B Angell
- C Felton
- D Sells
- Elizabeth Austin
- FD Coniglio
- GM Landers
- ID Goldstrom
- J Chamberlin
- J Tandora
- K Charmaz
- K Hopper
- K Hopper
- Kim Hopper
- L Davidson
- L Davidson
- M Chinman
- M Slade
- MC Lennon
- MJ Alexander
- N Jacobson
- O Benjamin
- P Solomon
- S Fukui
- S Mead
- SJ Tanenbaum
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Responding to the Psychological Needs of Health-Care Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Case Study from the Medical College of Wisconsin
- Author
- A Banbury
- A Pomery
- C Connors
- D Haik
- D Louise Duncan
- D Tawfik
- DK Tracy
- E Preti
- E Vernberg
- I Gilat
- ID Goldstrom
- Institute of Medicine
- J Huber
- J Lai
- K Griffiths
- K Magruder
- K Posner
- L Davidson
- L Paladino
- L Richardson
- LS Rotenstein
- M Maheu
- M Roycroft
- M Salehi
- M Seligman
- M Surya
- M White
- N Galbraith
- N Greenberg
- R Epstein
- R Maunder
- S Behrman
- S Cabarkapa
- S Omer
- S Rojas
- SK Brooks
- SM Lee
- T Shanafelt
- W Cao
- X Shen
- Y Wu
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Examining the Feasibility and Acceptability of a Screening and Outreach Model Developed for a Peer Workforce
- Author
- AL Olson
- AN Mendenhall
- AW Riley
- CM Anderson
- Committee on Obstetric Practice
- CW Foster
- CW Rishel
- DA Brent
- DB Bailey
- DJ Pilowsky
- EC Hair
- EC Ward
- Geraldine Burton
- HA Swartz
- ID Goldstrom
- J Fawcett
- J Miranda
- James Weaver
- Jane M Zich
- JC Ballenger
- Jennifer L. Ball
- KE Hoagwood
- Kimberly E. Hoagwood
- KJ Klein
- LS Abrams
- LS Radloff
- M McAndrew
- MA Cavaleri
- Mary Acri
- MF Earls
- MJ Chinman
- MJ Chinman
- MM Weissman
- MV Smith
- PM Lewinsohn
- RC Kessler
- S Resnick
- S. Serene Olin
- Samantha Frank
- SB Ashman
- SM Horwitz
- T Ferro
- TK Greenfield
- TP Beauchaine
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Psychotherapy Approaches
- Author
- A Bandura
- A Bellack
- A Bellack
- A Brabban
- A Karow
- A Kopelowicz
- A Lucksted
- A Medalia
- A Medalia
- A Medalia
- A Murray-Swank
- A Santos
- A-KJ Fett
- A-M Baronet
- AK Torgalsboen
- AN Cohen
- AP Morrison
- AP Morrison
- AS Bellack
- AT Beck
- AT Beck
- B Meijel van
- BG Druss
- C Barrowclough
- C Beach
- CJ Felton
- CM Coldwell
- CM Harding
- D Lukoff
- D Lynch
- D Marson
- D Penn
- D Perivoliotis
- D Turkington
- D Turkington
- D Whitehorn
- DI Velligan
- DI Velligan
- DI Velligan
- DL Penn
- DR Becker
- DR Combs
- DR Combs
- E Elbogen
- E Granholm
- E Granholm
- E Granholm
- E Granholm
- E Granholm
- EA Grant
- EJ Waldheter
- EP Slade
- ET Randolph
- EW Twamley
- EW Twamley
- EW Twamley
- EW Twamley
- F Mancuso
- F Naeem
- F Sarin
- FN Watts
- G Newton-Howes
- G Pitschel-Walz
- G Sachs
- G Zimmermann
- GB Teague
- GE Hogarty
- GJ Young
- GN Savla
- GR Bond
- GR Bond
- GR Bond
- GS Cuddeback
- HD Brenner
- HGR Provencher
- I Montero
- ID Goldstrom
- IR Falloon
- J Addington
- J Campbell
- J Wolpe
- JA Cook
- JA Cook
- JD Prince
- JE Larson
- JH McGrew
- JM Fiszdon
- JM Hooley
- JS Lamberti
- JW Pope
- K Campbell
- K Mueser
- K Subramaniam
- KH Nuechterlein
- KT Mueser
- L Davidson
- L Davidson
- L Davidson
- L Dixon
- L Fricks
- L Krabbendam
- L Magliano
- L Vesterager
- LB Dixon
- LG Stull
- LI Stein
- LT Schmidt
- M Birchwood
- M Fisher
- M Fisher
- M Linehan
- M O’Donnell
- M Pfammatter
- M Smith
- M Valencia
- M Yildiz
- MD Bell
- MD Vugt van
- MF Green
- MF Green
- MF Green
- MF Green
- MK Benton
- MM Kurtz
- MM Kurtz
- MM Kurtz
- MM Kurtz
- MP Salyers
- N Boycott
- N Frommann
- N Tarrier
- N Tarrier
- NA Rector
- NB Marshall
- NR Pinninti
- O Grynszpan
- P Cunningham
- P Garety
- P Hutton
- P Kingsep
- P Solomon
- PJ Marsh
- PM Grant
- PM McEvoy
- PS Sherman
- PS Wang
- R Boden
- R Kern
- R Liberman
- R Liberman
- R Rosenheck
- R Tempier
- RA Gould
- RE Crowther
- RE Drake
- RE Drake
- RL Butzlaff
- RP Liberman
- RP Liberman
- RP Liberman
- RS Kern
- RS Kern
- RS Kern
- RS Kern
- RS Kern
- RW Hole
- S Klingberg
- S Kurzban
- S Marwaha
- S Mead
- S Pilling
- S Pilling
- S Rathod
- SA Kidd
- SA Pickett
- SH Jung
- SJ Ziguras
- SM Couture
- SM Glynn
- SM Glynn
- SR McGurk
- SR McGurk
- T Burns
- T Burns
- T Burns
- T Burns
- T Craig
- T Gomory
- T Wykes
- T Wykes
- T Wykes
- T Wykes
- TA Russell
- TL Patterson
- TM Lincoln
- V Drury
- W Frey
- W Gaebel
- W Wolwer
- WD Spaulding
- WFN Wölwer
- WH Sledge
- WP Horan
- WP Horan
- WP Horan
- WR McFarlane
- WR McFarlane
- Y Cui
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study