2,238 research outputs found

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    Emergent Processes in Group Behavior

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    Just as networks of neurons create structured thoughts beyond the ken of any individual neuron, so people spontaneously organize themselves into groups to create emergent organizations that no individual may intend, comprehend, or even perceive. Recent technological advances have provided us with unprecedented opportunities for conducting controlled, laboratory experiments on human collective behavior. We describe two experimental paradigms where we attempt to build predictive bridges between the beliefs, goals, and cognitive capacities of individuals and group-level patterns, showing how the members of a group dynamically allocate themselves to resources, and how innovations are spread in a social network. Agent-based computational models have provided useful explanatory and predictive accounts. Together, the models and experiments point to tradeoffs between exploration and exploitation, compromises between individuals using their own innovations and innovations obtained from their peers, and the emergence of group-level organizations such as population waves, bandwagon effects, and spontaneous specialization.National Science Foundation Department of Educatio

    Quantum orders in an exact soluble model

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    We find all the exact eigenstates and eigenvalues of a spin-1/2 model on square lattice: H=16giSiySi+xxSi+x+yySi+yxH=16g \sum_i S^y_i S^x_{i+x} S^y_{i+x+y} S^x_{i+y}. We show that the ground states for g0g0 have different quantum orders described by Z2A and Z2B projective symmetry groups. The phase transition at g=0g=0 represents a new kind of phase transitions that changes quantum orders but not symmetry. Both the Z2A and Z2B states are described by Z2Z_2 lattice gauge theories at low energies. They have robust topologically degenerate ground states and gapless edge excitations.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX4, More materials on topological/quantum orders and quantum computing can be found in http://dao.mit.edu/~we

    Exact solutions of classical scalar field equations

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    We give a class of exact solutions of quartic scalar field theories. These solutions prove to be interesting as are characterized by the production of mass contributions arising from the nonlinear terms while maintaining a wave-like behavior. So, a quartic massless equation has a nonlinear wave solution with a dispersion relation of a massive wave and a quartic scalar theory gets its mass term renormalized in the dispersion relation through a term depending on the coupling and an integration constant. When spontaneous breaking of symmetry is considered, such wave-like solutions show how a mass term with the wrong sign and the nonlinearity give rise to a proper dispersion relation. These latter solutions do not change the sign maintaining the property of the selected value of the equilibrium state. Then, we use these solutions to obtain a quantum field theory for the case of a quartic massless field. We get the propagator from a first order correction showing that is consistent in the limit of a very large coupling. The spectrum of a massless quartic scalar field theory is then provided. From this we can conclude that, for an infinite countable number of exact classical solutions, there exist an infinite number of equivalent quantum field theories that are trivial in the limit of the coupling going to infinity.Comment: 7 pages, no figures. Added proof of existence of a zero mode and two more references. Accepted for publication in Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physic

    Structural analysis of the GH43 enzyme Xsa43E from Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus

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    The rumen of dairy cattle can be thought of as a large, stable fermentation vat and as such it houses a large and diverse community of microorganisms. The bacterium Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus is a representative of a significant component of this microbial community. It is a xylan-degrading organism whose genome encodes a large number of open reading frames annotated as fibre-degrading enzymes. This suite of enzymes is essential for the organism to utilize the plant material within the rumen as a fuel source, facilitating its survival in this competitive environment. Xsa43E, a GH43 enzyme from B. proteoclasticus, has been structurally and functionally characterized. Here, the structure of selenomethionine-derived Xsa43E determined to 1.3 Å resolution using single-wavelength anomalous diffraction is reported. Xsa43E possesses the characteristic five-bladed β-propeller domain seen in all GH43 enzymes. GH43 enzymes can have a range of functions, and the functional characterization of Xsa43E shows it to be an arabinofuranosidase capable of cleaving arabinose side chains from short segments of xylan. Full functional and structural characterization of xylan-degrading enzymes will aid in creating an enzyme cocktail that can be used to completely degrade plant material into simple sugars. These molecules have a range of applications as starting materials for many industrial processes, including renewable alternatives to fossil fuels

    Gapless Hartree-Fock Resummation Scheme for the O(N) Model

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    A modified selfconsistent Hartree-Fock approximation to the lambda*phi^4 theory with spontaneously broken O(N) symmetry is proposed. It preserves all the desirable features, like conservation laws and thermodynamic consistency, of the selfconsistent Dyson scheme generated from a 2PI functional, also known as the Phi-derivable scheme, while simultaneously respecting the Nambu-Goldstone theorem in the chiral-symmetry broken phase. Various approximate resummation schemes are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures / Version accepted by Phys. Rev. D: the introduction has been expanded by a few remarks in order to further clarify the goal of the pape

    Adaptive Group Coordination and Role Differentiation

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    Many real world situations (potluck dinners, academic departments, sports teams, corporate divisions, committees, seminar classes, etc.) involve actors adjusting their contributions in order to achieve a mutually satisfactory group goal, a win-win result. However, the majority of human group research has involved situations where groups perform poorly because task constraints promote either individual maximization behavior or diffusion of responsibility, and even successful tasks generally involve the propagation of one correct solution through a group. Here we introduce a group task that requires complementary actions among participants in order to reach a shared goal. Without communication, group members submit numbers in an attempt to collectively sum to a randomly selected target number. After receiving group feedback, members adjust their submitted numbers until the target number is reached. For all groups, performance improves with task experience, and group reactivity decreases over rounds. Our empirical results provide evidence for adaptive coordination in human groups, and as the coordination costs increase with group size, large groups adapt through spontaneous role differentiation and self-consistency among members. We suggest several agent-based models with different rules for agent reactions, and we show that the empirical results are best fit by a flexible, adaptive agent strategy in which agents decrease their reactions when the group feedback changes. The task offers a simple experimental platform for studying the general problem of group coordination while maximizing group returns, and we distinguish the task from several games in behavioral game theory