16 research outputs found

    Use of the Enterotest Duodenal Capsule in the Diagnosis of Giardiasis

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    The Enterotest was compared with stool examination and jejunal aspirate obtained at jejunal biopsy from the Crosby capsule, as a method for finding Giardia lamblia. Twentysix patients under investigation for malabsorption, as a cause of megaloblastic anaemia, were studied. Giardia lamblia was found on 6 occasions in 4 patients. The Enterotest was positive on 5 of 6 occasions, the Crosby capsule on 4 of 7, the first stool on 2 occasions, the second stool twice, and the remaining 2 had 3 negative stools. The Enterotest is a convenient and safe way of looking for Giardia lamblia and gave more positives than the Crosby capsule and stool examinations

    Lorenz function of Bi2_{2}Te3_{3}/Sb2_{2}Te3_{3} superlattices

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    Combining first principles density functional theory and semi-classical Boltzmann transport, the anisotropic Lorenz function was studied for thermoelectric Bi2_{2}Te3_{3}/Sb2_{2}Te3_{3} superlattices and their bulk constituents. It was found that already for the bulk materials Bi2_{2}Te3_{3} and Sb2_{2}Te3_{3}, the Lorenz function is not a pellucid function on charge carrier concentration and temperature. For electron-doped Bi2_{2}Te3_{3}/Sb2_{2}Te3_{3} superlattices large oscillatory deviations for the Lorenz function from the metallic limit were found even at high charge carrier concentrations. The latter can be referred to quantum well effects, which occur at distinct superlattice periods

    Current-induced cooling phenomenon in a two-dimensional electron gas under a magnetic field

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    We investigate the spatial distribution of temperature induced by a dc current in a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field. We numerically calculate the distributions of the electrostatic potential phi and the temperature T in a 2DEG enclosed in a square area surrounded by insulated-adiabatic (top and bottom) and isopotential-isothermal (left and right) boundaries (with phi_{left} < phi_{right} and T_{left} =T_{right}), using a pair of nonlinear Poisson equations (for phi and T) that fully take into account thermoelectric and thermomagnetic phenomena, including the Hall, Nernst, Ettingshausen, and Righi-Leduc effects. We find that, in the vicinity of the left-bottom corner, the temperature becomes lower than the fixed boundary temperature, contrary to the naive expectation that the temperature is raised by the prevalent Joule heating effect. The cooling is attributed to the Ettingshausen effect at the bottom adiabatic boundary, which pumps up the heat away from the bottom boundary. In order to keep the adiabatic condition, downward temperature gradient, hence the cooled area, is developed near the boundary, with the resulting thermal diffusion compensating the upward heat current due to the Ettingshausen effect.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    The Use of Mebendazole Anthelmintic in as a Broad-Spectrum Rhodesia

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    In a trial on baboons and humans, mebendazole was found to be a very safe and highly effective anthelmintic for a range of intestinal helminths in Central Africa, including hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus), Oesophagostomum bifurcum, Ternidens deminutus, Strongyloides stercoralis, Strongyloides fiilleborni, Physaloptera (=. Abbreviata) sp., Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis, Trichuris trichiura, Taenia saginata and Moniliformis moniliformis. It has also some activity against Hymenolepis nana

    Human infection with Dipylidium caninum linnaeus (Platyhelminthes: Cestoda) in Rhodesia

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    Flux compression in hard superconductors

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