1,947 research outputs found

    Entanglement Generation in the Scattering of One-Dimensional Particles

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    This article provides a convenient framework for quantitative evaluation of the entanglement generated when two structureless, distinguishable particles scatter non-relativistically in one dimension. It explores how three factors determine the amount of entanglement generated: the momentum distributions of the incoming particles, their masses, and the interaction potential. Two important scales emerge, one set by the kinematics and one set by the dynamics. This method also provides two approximate analytic formulas useful for numerical evaluation of entanglement and reveals an interesting connection between purity, linear coordinate transformations, and momentum uncertainties.Comment: 11 pages, submitted to PR

    Dynamical Entanglement in Particle Scattering

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    This paper explores the connections between particle scattering and quantum information theory in the context of the non-relativistic, elastic scattering of two spin-1/2 particles. An untangled, pure, two-particle in-state is evolved by an S-matrix that respects certain symmetries and the entanglement of the pure out-state is measured. The analysis is phrased in terms of unitary, irreducible representations (UIRs) of the symmetry group in question, either the rotation group for the spin degrees of freedom or the Galilean group for non-relativistic particles. Entanglement may occurs when multiple UIRs appear in the direct sum decomposition of the direct product in-state, but it also depends of the scattering phase shifts. \keywords{dynamical entanglement, scattering, Clebsch-Gordan methods}Comment: 6 pages, submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys. A as part of MRST 2005 conference proceeding

    Galilean and Dynamical Invariance of Entanglement in Particle Scattering

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    Particle systems admit a variety of tensor product structures (TPSs) depending on the algebra of observables chosen for analysis. Global symmetry transformations and dynamical transformations may be resolved into local unitary operators with respect to certain TPSs and not with respect to others. Symmetry-invariant and dynamical-invariant TPSs are defined and various notions of entanglement are considered for scattering states.Comment: 4 pages, no figures; v.3 has typos corrected, a new reference, and a revised conclusio

    Effective Field Theory and Unification in AdS Backgrounds

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    This work is an extension of our previous work, hep-th/0204160, which showed how to systematically calculate the high energy evolution of gauge couplings in compact AdS_5 backgrounds. We first directly compute the one-loop effects of massive charged scalar fields on the low energy couplings of a gauge theory propagating in the AdS background. It is found that scalar bulk mass scales (which generically are of order the Planck scale) enter only logarithmically in the corrections to the tree-level gauge couplings. As we pointed out previously, we show that the large logarithms that appear in the AdS one-loop calculation can be obtained within the confines of an effective field theory, by running the Planck brane correlator from a high UV matching scale down to the TeV scale. This result exactly reproduces our previous calculation, which was based on AdS/CFT duality. We also calculate the effects of scalar fields satisfying non-trivial boundary conditions (relevant for orbifold breaking of bulk symmetries) on the running of gauge couplings.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages; minor typos fixed, comments adde

    Studying High Energy Final State Interactions by N/D Method

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    We discuss the final state interaction effects at high energies via a multi-channel N/D method. We find that the 2 by 2 charge--exchange final state interactions typically contribute an enhancement factor of a few times 10210^{-2} in the BB meson decay amplitudes, both for the real and the imaginary part. We also make some discussions on the elastic rescattering effects.Comment: 10 pages, revte

    Mapping of strongly correlated steady-state nonequilibrium to an effective equilibrium

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    By mapping steady-state nonequilibrium to an effective equilibrium, we formulate nonequilibrium problems within an equilibrium picture where we can apply existing equilibrium many-body techniques to steady-state electron transport problems. We study the analytic properties of many-body scattering states, reduce the boundary condition operator in a simple form and prove that this mapping is equivalent to the correct linear-response theory. In an example of infinite-U Anderson impurity model, we approximately solve for the scattering state creation operators, based on which we derive the bias operator Y to construct the nonequilibrium ensemble in the form of the Boltzmann factor exp(-beta(H-Y)). The resulting Hamiltonian is solved by the non-crossing approximation. We obtain the Kondo anomaly conductance at zero bias, inelastic transport via the charge excitation on the quantum dot and significant inelastic current background over a wide range of bias. Finally, we propose a self-consistent algorithm of mapping general steady-state nonequilibrium.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Higgs Mechanism and Bulk Gauge Boson Masses in the Randall-Sundrum Model

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    Assuming the breaking of gauge symmetries by the Higgs mechanism, we consider the associated bulk gauge boson masses in the Randall-Sundrum background. With the Higgs field confined on the TeV-brane, the W and Z boson masses can naturally be an order of magnitude smaller than their Kaluza-Klein excitation masses. Current electroweak precision data requires the lowest excited state to lie above about 30 TeV, with fermions on the TeV-brane. This bound is reduced to about 10 TeV if the fermions reside sufficiently close to the Planck-brane. Thus, some tuning of parameters is needed. We also discuss the bulk Higgs case, where the bounds are an order of magnitude smaller.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, using REVTeX, slightly expanded version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Natural entropy fluctuations discriminate similar looking electric signals emitted from systems of different dynamics

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    Complexity measures are introduced, that quantify the change of the natural entropy fluctuations at different length scales in time-series emitted from systems operating far from equilibrium. They identify impending sudden cardiac death (SD) by analyzing fifteen minutes electrocardiograms, and comparing to those of truly healthy humans (H). These measures seem to be complementary to the ones suggested recently [Phys. Rev. E {\bf 70}, 011106 (2004)] and altogether enable the classification of individuals into three categories: H, heart disease patients and SD. All the SD individuals, who exhibit critical dynamics, result in a common behavior.Comment: Published in Physical Review

    On a Covariant Determination of Mass Scales in Warped Backgrounds

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    We propose a method of determining masses in brane scenarios which is independent of coordinate transformations. We apply our method to the scenario of Randall and Sundrum (RS) with two branes, which provides a solution to the hierarchy problem. The core of our proposal is the use of covariant equations and expressing all coordinate quantities in terms of invariant distances. In the RS model we find that massive brane fields propagate proper distances inversely proportional to masses that are not exponentially suppressed. The hierarchy between the gravitational and weak interactions is nevertheless preserved on the visible brane due to suppression of gravitational interactions on that brane. The towers of Kaluza-Klein states for bulk fields are observed to have different spacings on different branes when all masses are measured in units of the fundamental scale. Ratios of masses on each brane are the same in our covariant and the standard interpretations. Since masses of brane fields are not exponentiated, the fundamental scale of higher-dimensional gravity must be of the order of the weak scale.Comment: 14 page

    Description of stochastic and chaotic series using visibility graphs

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    Nonlinear time series analysis is an active field of research that studies the structure of complex signals in order to derive information of the process that generated those series, for understanding, modeling and forecasting purposes. In the last years, some methods mapping time series to network representations have been proposed. The purpose is to investigate on the properties of the series through graph theoretical tools recently developed in the core of the celebrated complex network theory. Among some other methods, the so-called visibility algorithm has received much attention, since it has been shown that series correlations are captured by the algorithm and translated in the associated graph, opening the possibility of building fruitful connections between time series analysis, nonlinear dynamics, and graph theory. Here we use the horizontal visibility algorithm to characterize and distinguish between correlated stochastic, uncorrelated and chaotic processes. We show that in every case the series maps into a graph with exponential degree distribution P (k) ~ exp(-{\lambda}k), where the value of {\lambda} characterizes the specific process. The frontier between chaotic and correlated stochastic processes, {\lambda} = ln(3/2), can be calculated exactly, and some other analytical developments confirm the results provided by extensive numerical simulations and (short) experimental time series