31,438 research outputs found

    Comment on Meir Dan-Cohen, Skirmishes on the Temporal Boundaries of States

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    Goldberg praises Meir Dan-Cohen\u27s creative thinking about state wrongdoing but argues that it is ultimately unclear how a nation gets relieved of responsibility for its past harms. Equally unclear is why as a normative matter nations should be permitted to obtain temporal shifts. Dyadic conflicts that redefine the wrongdoer might be easier to envision because the victim is empowered to redraw the boundary of the wrongdoer. When a nation commits wrong, the justification for redrawing its boundaries often must come from somewhere other than a single victim\u27s forgiveness

    Market integration and convergence to the law of one price : evidence from the European car market.

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    This paper exploits the unique experiment of European market integration to investigate the relationship between integration and price convergence in international markets. Using a panel data set of car prices we examine how the process of integration has affected cross-country price dispersion in Europe. We find surprisingly strong evidence of convergence towards both the absolute and the relative versions of Purchasing Power Parity. Our analysis illuminates the main sources of segmentation in international markets and suggests the type of institutional changes that can successfully reduce it.Convergence; Integration; Law;

    The First Hundred Years of the Bureau of Labor Statistics

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    [Excerpt] This volume reports on the first century of a government agency whose founders hoped that, by publishing facts about economic conditions, the agency would help end strife between capital and labor. The Bureau\u27s early work included studies of depressions, tariffs, immigrants, and alcoholism and many assignments to investigate and mediate disputes between labor and management. Most of these functions- especially those involving formulation of policy- passed on to other agencies. The Bureau today remains one of the Nation\u27s principal economic factfinders. In writing the book, Drs. Goldberg and Moye had full freedom to interpret events in accordance with their judgments as historians, without conformance to an official view of institutional history. Given the perspective made possible by passing years, the authors offer broader evaluations of the Bureau\u27s early history than of contemporary events

    A body-bound navigation system. Analysis and design of a capsule landing system and surface vehicle control system for Mars exploration

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    Large angle gyro sensing system for body mount on unmanned Mars surface vehicl

    Bilateral and Community Enforcement in a Networked Market with Simple Strategies

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    We present a model of repeated games in large buyer-seller networks in the presence of reputation networks via which buyers share information about past transactions. The model allows us to characterize cooperation networks - networks in which each seller cooperates (by providing high quality goods) with every buyer that is connected to her. To this end, we provide conditions under which: [1] the incentives of a seller s to cooperate depend only on her beliefs with respect to her local neighborhood - a subnetwork that includes seller s and is of a size that is independent of the size of the entire network; and [2] the incentives of a seller s to cooperate can be calculated as if the network was a random tree with seller s at its root. Our characterization sheds light on the welfare costs of relying only on repeated interactions for sustaining cooperation, and on how to mitigate such costs.Networks, moral hazard, graph theory, repeated games

    Efficient Implementation of a Synchronous Parallel Push-Relabel Algorithm

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    Motivated by the observation that FIFO-based push-relabel algorithms are able to outperform highest label-based variants on modern, large maximum flow problem instances, we introduce an efficient implementation of the algorithm that uses coarse-grained parallelism to avoid the problems of existing parallel approaches. We demonstrate good relative and absolute speedups of our algorithm on a set of large graph instances taken from real-world applications. On a modern 40-core machine, our parallel implementation outperforms existing sequential implementations by up to a factor of 12 and other parallel implementations by factors of up to 3
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