6 research outputs found

    Determining the energy usage efficiency and economic analysis of broiler chickens raised under organic conditions

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    This study was conducted to determine the energy usage efficiency of broiler chickens raised under organic conditions. To accomplish this goal, the energy input-output of every 1,000 broiler chickens raised in organic conditions was calculated. Efficiency of energy use, energy productivity, specific and net energy for broiler chickens were calculated as 0.30, 0.03 kg/MJ, 35.36 MJ/kg and –75557.96 MJ/1,000 bird, respectively. If we were to categorize the energy input total that was consumed, 9.57% was direct, 90.43% was indirect, 89.57% was renewable and 10.43% was non-renewable. In this sense, organic broiler production cannot be deemed as economically viable considering the energy usage. Feed energy was observed as the highest rate of total energy input. To reduce feed energy input, chicks should not be kept under stress and total output energy should be increased by increasing bird production number. Benefit-cost ratio was determined as 2.41

    Susam Üretiminde Enerji Kullanım Etkinliğinin Belirlenmesi

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    In this research it was aimed to determine an energy use efficiency of sesame production in Şanlıurfa province, during the production season of 2015. In order to determine the energy use efficiency of sesame production, trials and measurement were performed in sesame farm in the Bozova district of Şanlıurfa province. As energy inputs, human labour energy, machinery energy, chemical fertilizers energy, irrigation water energy, chemicals energy, diesel fuel energy and seed energy as were calculated. As output energy, sesame grain was calculated. The energy input and output were calculated as 9627.21 MJ ha-1 and as 14625 MJ ha-1 in sesame production. Energy inputs consist of chemical fertilizers energy by 5511.30 MJ ha-1 (57.25%), diesel fuel energy by 2083.47 MJ ha-1 (21.64%), machinery energy by 1289.52 MJ ha-1 (13.39%), human labour energy by 487.84 MJ ha-1 (5.07%), irrigation water energy by 136.08 MJ ha-1 (1.41%), seed energy by 68.40 MJ ha-1 (0.71%) and chemicals energy by 50.60 MJ ha-1 (0.53%), respectively. Energy use efficiency, specific energy, energy productivity and net energy in sesame production were calculated as 1.52, 19.98 MJ kg-1 , 0.06 kg MJ-1 and 4997.79 MJ ha-1 , respectively.Bu araştırmada, Şanlıurfa ilinde 2015 yılı üretim sezonunda susam üretiminde enerji kullanım etkinliğinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Susam üretiminin enerji kullanım etkinliğini belirlemek için denemeler ve ölçümler Şanlıurfa ilinin Bozova ilçesindeki susam işletmesinde yapılmıştır. Enerji girdileri olarak insan işgücü enerjisi, makine enerjisi, kimyasal gübre enerjisi, sulama suyu enerjisi, kimyasal enerji, dizel yakıt enerjisi ve tohum enerjisi hesaplanmıştır. Çıktı enerjisi olarak ise susam ürünü hesaplanmıştır. Susam üretiminde toplam enerji girdisi 9627.21 MJ ha-1 ve toplam enerji çıktısı 14625 MJ ha-1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Enerji girdileri sırasıyla kimyasal gübre enerjisi 5511.30 MJ ha-1 (%57.25), dizel yakıt enerjisi 2083.47 MJ ha-1 (%21.64), makine enerjisi 1289.52 MJ ha-1 (%13.39), insan işgücü enerjisi 487.84 MJ ha-1 (%5.07), sulama suyu enerjisi 136.08 MJ ha-1 (%1.41), tohum enerjisi 68.40 MJ ha-1 (%0.71) ve kimyasal ilaç enerjisi 50.60 MJ ha-1 (%0.53)’dır. Susam üretiminde enerji kullanım etkinliği, spesifik enerji, enerji verimliliği ve net enerji hesaplamaları sırasıyla 1.52, 19.98 MJ kg-1 , 0.06 kg MJ-1 ve 4997.79 MJ ha-1 olarak hesaplanmıştır

    Thermophysical properties of castor oil (ricinus communis l.) biodiesel and its blends

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    In this study, biodiesel (methyl ester) was produced from Castor Oil (Ricinus communis L.) (CO) using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and methanol (CH3OH) by the two-step transesterification method. Nine different fuel blends (2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 75% by volume blending with diesel) were prepared. The density values of Castor Oil Biodiesel (COB) and its blends were measured at the temperature range from 0 to 93°C in steps of 5°C and the kinematic viscosity values of COB and its blends were measured at the temperature range from 30 to 100°C in the steps of 5°C. The results showed that the density, kinematic viscosity, calorific value, flash point, pH, copper strip corrosion and water content of COB are 932.40 kg·m-3, 15.069 mm².s-1, 38.600 MJ·kg-1, 182°C, 7, 1a and 1067.7 mg.kg-1, respectively. The density and kinematic viscosity of fuel samples decrease as temperature increases; and also these properties decrease as a result of the increase in the amount of diesel in the blends.Neste estudo, o biodiesel (metil éter) foi produzido a partir do óleo de rícino (Ricinus communis L.) (CO, por suas siglas em inglês) usando hidróxido de sódio (NaOH) e metanol (CH3OH) através de um método de transesterificação de dois passos. Foram preparadas até nove misturas de combustível diferentes (2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 e 75% por volume de mistura com o diesel). Os valores de densidade do biodiesel de óleo de rícino (COB, por suas siglas em inglês) e as suas misturas foram calculados dentro do rango de temperatura de 0 a 93°C no passo de 5°C e os valores de viscosidade cinemática do COB e das misturas foram calculadas no rango de temperatura de 30 a 100°C no passo de 5°C. Os resultados demonstraron que a densidade, viscosidade cinemática, valor calorífico, ponto de fusão, PH, corrosão da faixa de cobre e conteúdo de água do COB eram de 932.40 kg·m-3, 15.069 mm².s-1, 38.600 MJ·kg-1, 182°C, 7, 1a e 1067.7 mg.kg-1, respectivamente. Os valores de densidade e viscosidade cinemática das amostras de combustível diminuem na medida em que aumenta a temperatura; e também essas propriedades diminuem em decorrência do aumento na quantidade de diesel nas misturas.En este estudio, se produjo biodiesel (metil éter) a partir de aceite de ricino (Ricinus communis L.) (CO, de sus siglas en ingles) utilizando hidróxido de sodio (NaOH) y metanol (CH3OH) a través del método de transesterificación en dos pasos. Se prepararon nueve mezclas diferentes (2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 75% dependiendo del volumen de la mezcla con biodiesel. Se estimaron los valores de densidad del Biodiesel de Aceite de Ricino (COB, de sus siglas en ingles) y sus mezclas en un rango de temperatura de 0 a 93°C en intervalos de 5°C y también se estimaron los valores de viscosidad cinemática de COB y sus mezclas dentro del rango temperatura comprendido entre 30 y 100°C en intervalos de 5°C. Los resultados mostraron que la densidad, la viscosidad cinemática, el valor calorífico, el punto de ignición, pH, la corrosión de la franja de cobre y el contenido de agua del COB son 932.40 kg·m-3, 15.069 mm².s-1, 38.600 MJ·kg-1, 182°C, 7, 1a y 1067.7 mg.kg-1, respectivamente. La densidad y la viscosidad cinemática de las muestras de combustible disminuyen a medida que aumenta la temperatura; y también estas propiedades disminuyen como resultado del aumento en la cantidad de biodiesel en las mezclas

    Possibilities of Using Whey Wastes in Agriculture: Case of Turkey

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    Liquid wastes are generated during production in the milk and cheese industries. During cheese production, whey emerges as a liquid product. Researchers define waste as raw material instead of waste alone. Hence, there is no doubt that the use and management of waste will gain greater importance in the upcoming years. This study discusses the use of whey, which is food waste, in agriculture and the benefits derived from it in terms of energy value. Our research was based on the current literature and the amount of whey that emerged in the dairy industry. For this purpose, the existing literature was evaluated to determine how much waste was produced from whey. The total amount of whey waste in Turkey for 2021 was determined. Afterwards, the amount of potential energy was determined in evaluating these wastes. Turkey’s total amount of potential energy obtained from whey waste was calculated as 570.11 × 106 MJ, with 158.36 × 106 kWh as potential electrical energy. Moreover, it was calculated that a total of 158.36 × 106 kWh of electrical energy would meet the electrical energy of 688,548 families of four people for a month. It is also stated that this potential energy will be used in the field of equivalent electrical energy content and agriculture. It is a fact that cheese wastewater, rich in nutrients and organic matter, can be used in agriculture. Whey is used as animal feed in agricultural fertilization activities and the livestock sector. It has also been understood from the literature that it can also be used in biogas production. However, it should not be forgotten that whey released into rivers, water sources, or sewers threatens the environment due to its high protein content. Therefore, by increasing the number of similar studies on the subject, a wide range of wastes, such as whey, can be utilized in the most accurate manner. As a result, environmental protection, conservation of water resources, and energy conservation can be ensured by properly benefiting from whey waste. Considering that the world population will increase in the future, it is a fact that we will need a cleaner environment and more energy. It was concluded that greater importance should be given to waste management practices for a cleaner environment and energy saving

    Possibilities of Using Whey Wastes in Agriculture: Case of Turkey

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    Liquid wastes are generated during production in the milk and cheese industries. During cheese production, whey emerges as a liquid product. Researchers define waste as raw material instead of waste alone. Hence, there is no doubt that the use and management of waste will gain greater importance in the upcoming years. This study discusses the use of whey, which is food waste, in agriculture and the benefits derived from it in terms of energy value. Our research was based on the current literature and the amount of whey that emerged in the dairy industry. For this purpose, the existing literature was evaluated to determine how much waste was produced from whey. The total amount of whey waste in Turkey for 2021 was determined. Afterwards, the amount of potential energy was determined in evaluating these wastes. Turkey’s total amount of potential energy obtained from whey waste was calculated as 570.11 × 106 MJ, with 158.36 × 106 kWh as potential electrical energy. Moreover, it was calculated that a total of 158.36 × 106 kWh of electrical energy would meet the electrical energy of 688,548 families of four people for a month. It is also stated that this potential energy will be used in the field of equivalent electrical energy content and agriculture. It is a fact that cheese wastewater, rich in nutrients and organic matter, can be used in agriculture. Whey is used as animal feed in agricultural fertilization activities and the livestock sector. It has also been understood from the literature that it can also be used in biogas production. However, it should not be forgotten that whey released into rivers, water sources, or sewers threatens the environment due to its high protein content. Therefore, by increasing the number of similar studies on the subject, a wide range of wastes, such as whey, can be utilized in the most accurate manner. As a result, environmental protection, conservation of water resources, and energy conservation can be ensured by properly benefiting from whey waste. Considering that the world population will increase in the future, it is a fact that we will need a cleaner environment and more energy. It was concluded that greater importance should be given to waste management practices for a cleaner environment and energy saving