8,074 research outputs found

    Hydrothermal synthesis of perovskite and pyrochlore powders of potassium tantalate

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    Potassium tantalate powders were hydrothermally synthesized at 100 to 200 °C in 4 to 15 M aqueous KOH solutions. A defect pyrochlore, Kta_(2)O_(5)(OH). nH2O (n ≈ 1.4), was obtained at 4 M KOH, but at 7–12 M KOH, this pyrochlore was gradually replaced by a defect perovskite as the stable phase. At 15 M KOH, there was no intermediate pyrochlore, only a defect perovskite, K_(0.85)Ta_(0.92)O_(2.43)(OH)_(0.57) 0.15H_(2)O. Synthesis at higher KOH concentrations led to greater incorporation of protons in the perovskite structures. The potassium vacancies required for charge compensation of incorporated protons could accommodate water molecules in the perovskite structure

    Hydrothermal synthesis of KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders

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    Orthorhombic KNbO_3 and NaNbO_3 powders were hydrothermally synthesized in KOH and NaOH solutions (6.7–15 M) at 150 and 200 °C. An intermediate hexaniobate species formed first before eventually converting to the perovskite phase. For synthesis in KOH solutions, the stability of the intermediate hexaniobate ion increased with decreasing KOH concentrations and temperatures. This led to significant variations in the induction periods and accounted for the large disparity in the mass of recovered powder for different processing parameters. It is also believed that protons were incorporated in the lattice of the as-synthesized KNbO_3 powders as water molecules and hydroxyl ions

    Skeleton and fractal scaling in complex networks

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    We find that the fractal scaling in a class of scale-free networks originates from the underlying tree structure called skeleton, a special type of spanning tree based on the edge betweenness centrality. The fractal skeleton has the property of the critical branching tree. The original fractal networks are viewed as a fractal skeleton dressed with local shortcuts. An in-silico model with both the fractal scaling and the scale-invariance properties is also constructed. The framework of fractal networks is useful in understanding the utility and the redundancy in networked systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version published in PR

    Characterization of a glucose-tolerant β-glucosidase from Anoxybacillus sp. DT3-1

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    Background: In general, biofuel production involves biomass pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification, followed by the subsequent sugar conversion to biofuel via fermentation. The crucial step in the production of biofuel from biomass is the enzymatic saccharification. Many of the commercial cellulase enzyme cocktails, such as Spezyme® CP (Genencor), Acellerase™ 1000 (Genencor), and Celluclast® 1.5L (Novozymes), are ineffectively to release free glucose from the pretreated biomass without additional β-glucosidase. Results: In this study, for the first time, a β-glucosidase DT-Bgl gene (1359 bp) was identified in the genome of Anoxybacillus sp. DT3-1, and cloned and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that DT-Bgl belonged to glycosyl hydrolase (GH) family 1. The recombinant DT-Bgl was highly active on cello-oligosaccharides and p-nitrophenyl-β-d-glucopyranoside (pNPG). The DT-Bgl was purified using an Ni-NTA column, with molecular mass of 53 kDa using an SDS-PAGE analysis. It exhibited optimum activity at 70 °C and pH 8.5, and did not require any tested co-factors for activation. The K m and V max values for DT-Bgl were 0.22 mM and 923.7 U/mg, respectively, with pNPG as substrate. The DT-Bgl displayed high glucose tolerance, and retained 93 % activity in the presence of 10 M glucose. Conclusions: Anoxybacillus DT-Bgl is a novel thermostable β-glucosidase with low glucose inhibition, and converts long-chain cellodextrins to cellobiose, and further hydrolyse cellobiose to glucose. Results suggest that DT-Bgl could be useful in the development of a bioprocess for the efficient saccharification of lignocellulosic biomass

    Stability of shortest paths in complex networks with random edge weights

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    We study shortest paths and spanning trees of complex networks with random edge weights. Edges which do not belong to the spanning tree are inactive in a transport process within the network. The introduction of quenched disorder modifies the spanning tree such that some edges are activated and the network diameter is increased. With analytic random-walk mappings and numerical analysis, we find that the spanning tree is unstable to the introduction of disorder and displays a phase-transition-like behavior at zero disorder strength ϵ=0\epsilon=0. In the infinite network-size limit (NN\to \infty), we obtain a continuous transition with the density of activated edges Φ\Phi growing like Φϵ1\Phi \sim \epsilon^1 and with the diameter-expansion coefficient Υ\Upsilon growing like Υϵ2\Upsilon\sim \epsilon^2 in the regular network, and first-order transitions with discontinuous jumps in Φ\Phi and Υ\Upsilon at ϵ=0\epsilon=0 for the small-world (SW) network and the Barab\'asi-Albert scale-free (SF) network. The asymptotic scaling behavior sets in when NNcN\gg N_c, where the crossover size scales as Ncϵ2N_c\sim \epsilon^{-2} for the regular network, Ncexp[αϵ2]N_c \sim \exp[\alpha \epsilon^{-2}] for the SW network, and Ncexp[αlnϵϵ2]N_c \sim \exp[\alpha |\ln \epsilon| \epsilon^{-2}] for the SF network. In a transient regime with NNcN\ll N_c, there is an infinite-order transition with ΦΥexp[α/(ϵ2lnN)]\Phi\sim \Upsilon \sim \exp[-\alpha / (\epsilon^2 \ln N)] for the SW network and exp[α/(ϵ2lnN/lnlnN)]\sim \exp[ -\alpha / (\epsilon^2 \ln N/\ln\ln N)] for the SF network. It shows that the transport pattern is practically most stable in the SF network.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figur

    An Efficient Computational Approach to a Class of Minmax Optimal Control Problems with Applications

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    In this paper, an efficient computation method is developed for solving a general class of minmax optimal control problems, where the minimum deviation from the violation of the continuous state inequality constraints is maximized. The constraint transcription method is used to construct a smooth approximate function for each of the continuous state inequality constraints. We then obtain an approximate optimal control problem with the integral of the summation of these smooth approximate functions as its cost function. A necessary condition and a sufficient condition are derived showing the relationship between the original problem and the smooth approximate problem. We then construct a violation function from the solution of the smooth approximate optimal control problem and the original continuous state inequality constraints in such a way that the optimal control of the minmax problem is equivalent to the largest root of the violation function, and hence can be solved by the bisection search method. The control parametrization and a time scaling transform are applied to these optimal control problems. We then consider two practical problems: the obstacle avoidance optimal control problem and the abort landing of an aircraft in a windshear downburst

    Influence of Channel Layer Thickness on the Electrical Performances of Inkjet-Printed In-Ga-Zn Oxide Thin-Film Transistors

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Inkjet-printed In-Ga-Zn oxide (IGZO) thin-film transistors (TFTs) with bottom-gate bottom-contact device architecture are studied in this paper. The impact of the IGZO film thickness on the performance of TFTs is investigated. The threshold voltage, field-effect mobility, on and off drain current, and subthreshold swing are strongly affected by the thickness of the IGZO film. With the increase in film thickness, the threshold voltage shifted from positive to negative, which is related to the depletion layer formed by the oxygen absorbed on the surface. The field-effect mobility is affected by the film surface roughness, which is thickness dependent. Our results show that there is an optimum IGZO thickness, which ensures the best TFT electrical performance. The best result is from a 55-nm-thick IGZO TFT, which showed a field-effect mobility in the saturation region of 1.41 cm(2)/V . s, a threshold voltage of 1 V, a drain current on/off ratio of approximately 4.3 x 10(7), a subthreshold swing of 384 mV/dec, and an off-current level lower than 1 pA

    Characterization of the mechanism of prolonged adaptation to osmotic stress of Jeotgalibacillus malaysiensis via genome and transcriptome sequencing analyses

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    Jeotgalibacillus malaysiensis, a moderate halophilic bacterium isolated from a pelagic area, can endure higher concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) than other Jeotgalibacillus type strains. In this study, we therefore chose to sequence and assemble the entire J. malaysiensis genome. This is the first report to provide a detailed analysis of the genomic features of J. malaysiensis, and to perform genetic comparisons between this microorganism and other halophiles. J. malaysiensis encodes a native megaplasmid (pJeoMA), which is greater than 600 kilobases in size, that is absent from other sequenced species of Jeotgalibacillus. Subsequently, RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis was utilised to examine adaptations of J. malaysiensis to osmotic stress. Specifically, the eggNOG (evolutionary genealogy of genes: Non-supervised Orthologous Groups) and KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopaedia of Genes and Genomes) databases were used to elucidate the overall effects of osmotic stress on the organism. Generally, saline stress significantly affected carbohydrate, energy, and amino acid metabolism, as well as fatty acid biosynthesis. Our findings also indicate that J. malaysiensis adopted a combination of approaches, including the uptake or synthesis of osmoprotectants, for surviving salt stress. Among these, proline synthesis appeared to be the preferred method for withstanding prolonged osmotic stress in J. malaysiensis

    Perturbation: the Catastrophe Causer in Scale-Free Networks

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    A new model about cascading occurrences caused by perturbation is established to search after the mechanism because of which catastrophes in networks occur. We investigate the avalanche dynamics of our model on 2-dimension Euclidean lattices and scale-free networks and find out the avalanche dynamic behaviors is very sensitive to the topological structure of networks. The experiments show that the catastrophes occur much more frequently in scale-free networks than in Euclidean lattices and the greatest catastrophe in scale-free networks is much more serious than that in Euclidean lattices. Further more, we have studied how to reduce the catastrophes' degree, and have schemed out an effective strategy, called targeted safeguard-strategy for scale-free networks.Comment: 4 pages, 6 eps figure