213 research outputs found

    Cellular management of zinc in group B Streptococcus supports bacterial resistance against metal intoxication and promotes disseminated infection

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    Zinc is an essential trace element for normal bacterial physiology but, divergently, can intoxicate bacteria at high concentrations. Here, we define the molecular systems for Zn detoxification in Streptococcus agalactiae, also known as group B streptococcus, and examine the effects of resistance to Zn stress on virulence. We compared the growth of wild-type bacteria and mutants deleted for the Zn exporter, czcD, and the response regulator, sczA, using Zn-stress conditions in vitro. Macrophage antibiotic protection assays and a mouse model of disseminated infection were used to assess virulence. Global bacterial transcriptional responses to Zn stress were defined by RNA sequencing and quantitative reverse transcription-PCR. czcD and sczA enabled S. agalactiae to survive Zn stress, with the putative CzcD efflux system activated by SczA. Additional genes activated in response to Zn stress encompassed divalent cation transporters that contribute to regulation of Mn and Fe homeostasis. In vivo, the czcD-sczA Zn management axis supported virulence in the blood, heart, liver, and bladder. Additionally, several genes not previously linked to Zn stress in any bacterium, including, most notably, arcA for arginine deamination, also mediated resistance to Zn stress, representing a novel molecular mechanism of bacterial resistance to metal intoxication. Taken together, these findings show that S. agalactiae responds to Zn stress by sczA regulation of czcD, with additional novel mechanisms of resistance supported by arcA, encoding arginine deaminase. Cellular management of Zn stress in S. agalactiae supports virulence by facilitating bacterial survival in the host during systemic infection. Importance Streptococcus agalactiae, also known as group B streptococcus, is an opportunistic pathogen that causes various diseases in humans and animals. This bacterium has genetic systems that enable zinc detoxification in environments of metal stress, but these systems remain largely undefined. Using a combination of genomic, genetic, and cellular assays, we show that this pathogen controls Zn export through CzcD to manage Zn stress and utilizes a system of arginine deamination never previously linked to metal stress responses in bacteria to survive metal intoxication. We show that these systems are crucial for survival of S. agalactiae in vitro during Zn stress and also enhance virulence during systemic infection in mice. These discoveries establish new molecular mechanisms of resistance to metal intoxication in bacteria; we suggest these mechanisms operate in other bacteria as a way to sustain microbial survival under conditions of metal stress, including in host environments

    The copper resistome of group B Streptococcus reveals insight into the genetic basis of cellular survival during metal ion stress

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    In bacteria, copper (Cu) can support metabolic processes as an enzymatic cofactor but can also cause cell damage if present in excess, leading to intoxication. In group B Streptococcus (GBS), a system for control of Cu efflux based on the prototypical cop operon supports survival during Cu stress. In some other bacteria, genetic systems additional to the cop operon are engaged during Cu stress and also contribute to the management of cellular Cu homeostasis. Here, we examined genetic systems beyond the cop operon in GBS for regions that contribute to survival of GBS in Cu stress using a forward genetic screen and probe of the entire bacterial genome. A high-density mutant library, generated using pGh9-ISS1, was used to expose GBS to Cu stress and compare it to nonexposed controls en masse. Eight genes were identified as essential for GBS survival in Cu stress, whereas five genes constrained GBS growth in Cu stress. The genes encode varied factors including enzymes for metabolism, cell wall synthesis, transporters, and cell signaling factors. Targeted mutation of the genes validated their roles in GBS resistance to Cu stress. Excepting copA, the genes identified are new to the area of bacterial metal ion intoxication. We conclude that a discrete and limited suite of genes beyond the cop operon in GBS contributes to a repertoire of mechanisms used to survive Cu stress in vitro and achieve cellular homeostasis

    Regulatory cross-talk supports resistance to Zn intoxication in Streptococcus

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    Metals such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) are important trace elements that can affect bacterial cell physiology but can also intoxicate bacteria at high concentrations. Discrete genetic systems for management of Cu and Zn efflux have been described in several bacterial pathogens, including streptococci. However, insight into molecular cross-talk between systems for Cu and Zn management in bacteria that drive metal detoxification, is limited. Here, we describe a biologically consequential cross-system effect of metal management in group B Streptococcus (GBS) governed by the Cu-responsive copY regulator in response to Zn. RNAseq analysis of wild-type (WT) and copY-deficient GBS subjected to metal stress revealed unique transcriptional links between the systems for Cu and Zn detoxification. We show that the Cu-sensing role of CopY extends beyond Cu and enables CopY to regulate Cu and Zn stress responses that effect changes in gene function for central cellular processes, including riboflavin synthesis. CopY also supported GBS intracellular survival in human macrophages and virulence during disseminated infection in mice. In addition, we show a novel role for CovR in modulating GBS resistance to Zn intoxication. Identification of the Zn resistome of GBS using TraDIS revealed a suite of genes essential for GBS growth in metal stress. Several of the genes identified are novel to systems that support bacterial survival in metal stress and represent a diverse set of mechanisms that underpin microbial metal homeostasis during cell stress. Overall, this study reveals a new and important mechanism of cross-system complexity driven by CopY in bacteria to regulate cellular management of metal stress and survival

    Hemolytic activity and biofilm-formation among clinical isolates of group B streptococcus causing acute urinary tract infection and asymptomatic bacteriuria

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    Streptococcus agalactiae, also known as group B Streptococcus, is an aetiological agent of urinary tract infection (UTI) in adults, including cystitis, pyelonephritis and asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU). Whereas ABU-causing S. agalactiae (ABSA) have been shown to grow and achieve higher culture denstity in human urine compared to uropathogenic S. agalactiae (UPSA) other phenotypic distinctions between S. agalactiae isolated from different forms of UTI are not known. Here, we define the hemolytic activities and biofilm-formation of a collection of clinical isolates of UPSA, ABSA and recurrent S. agalactiae bacteriuria (rSAB) strains to explore these phenotypes in the context of clinical history of isolates. A total of 61 UPSA, 184 ABSA, and 47 rSAB isolates were analyzed for relative hemolytic activity by spot assay on blood agar, which was validated using a erythrocyte lysis suspension assay. Biofilm formation was determined by microtiter plate assay with Lysogeny and Todd-Hewitt broths supplemented with 1% glucose to induce biofilm formation. We also used multiplex PCR to analyze isolates for the presence of genes encoding adhesive pili, which contribute to biofilm formation. Comparing the hemolytic activities of 292 isolates showed, surprisingly, that ABSA strains were significantly more likely to be highly hemolytic compared to other strains. In contrast, there were no differences between the relative abilities of strains from the different clinical history groups to form biofilms. Taken together, these findings demonstrate a propensity of S. agalactiae causing ABU to be highly hemolytic but no link between clinical history of UTI strains and ability to form biofilm

    A novel method of serum resistance by Escherichia coli that causes urosepsis

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    Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) is the most common cause of urinary tract infection, which in some patients can develop into life-threatening urosepsis. Serum resistance is a key virulence trait of strains that cause urosepsis. Recently, we identified a novel method of serum resistance in patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa lung infections, where patients possessed antibodies that inhibited complement-mediated killing (instead of protecting against infection). These inhibitory antibodies were of the IgG2 subtype, specific to the O-antigen component of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and coated the bacterial surface, preventing bacterial lysis by complement. As this mechanism could apply to any Gram-negative bacterial infection, we hypothesized that inhibitory antibodies may represent an uncharacterized mechanism of serum resistance in UPEC. To test this, 45 urosepsis patients with paired blood culture UPEC isolates were screened for serum titers of IgG2 specific for their cognate strain’s LPS. Eleven patients had sufficiently high titers of the antibody to inhibit serum-mediated killing of UPEC isolates by pooled healthy control sera. Depletion of IgG or removal of O-antigen restored sensitivity of the isolates to the cognate patient serum. Importantly, the isolates from these 11 patients were more sensitive to killing by serum than isolates from patients with no inhibitory antibodies. This suggests the presence of inhibitory antibodies may have allowed these strains to infect the bloodstream. The high prevalence of patients with inhibitory antibodies (24%) suggests that this phenomenon is an important mechanism of UPEC serum resistance. LPS-specific inhibitory antibodies have now been identified against three Gram-negative pathogens that cause disparate diseases.Despite improvements in the early detection and management of sepsis, morbidity and mortality are still high. Infections of the urinary tract are one of the most frequent sources of sepsis with Escherichia coli the main causative agent. Serum resistance is vital for bacteria to infect the bloodstream. Here we report a novel method of serum resistance found in patients with UPEC-mediated sepsis. Antibodies in sera usually protect against infection, but here we found that 24% of patients expressed “inhibitory antibodies” capable of preventing serum-mediated killing of their infecting isolate. Our data suggest that these antibodies would allow otherwise serum-sensitive UPEC strains to cause sepsis. The high prevalence of patients with inhibitory antibodies in this cohort suggests that this is a widespread mechanism of resistance to complement-mediated killing in urosepsis patients, invoking the potential for the application of new methods to prevent and treat sepsis

    Variable resistance to zinc intoxication among Streptococcus agalactiae reveals a novel IS1381 insertion element within the zinc efflux transporter gene czcD

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    Streptococcus agalactiae, also known as group B Streptococcus, is an important human and animal pathogen. Zinc (Zn) is an essential trace element for normal bacterial physiology but intoxicates bacteria at high concentrations. Molecular systems for Zn detoxification exist in S. agalactiae, however the degree to which Zn detoxification may vary among different S. agalactiae isolates is not clear. We measured resistance to Zn intoxication in a diverse collection of clinical isolates of S. agalactiae by comparing the growth of the bacteria in defined conditions of Zn stress. We found significant differences in the ability of different S. agalactiae isolates to resist Zn intoxication; some strains such as S. agalactiae 18RS21 were able to survive and grow at 3.8-fold higher levels of Zn stress compared to other reference strains such as BM110 (6.4mM vs 1.68mM Zn as inhibitory, respectively). We performed in silico analysis of the available genomes of the S. agalactiae isolates used in this study to examine the sequence of czcD, which encodes an efflux protein for Zn that supports resistance in S. agalactiae. Interestingly, this revealed the presence of a mobile insertion sequence (IS) element, termed IS1381, in the 5′ region of czcD in S. agalactiae strain 834, which was hyper-resistant to Zn intoxication. Interrogating a wider collection of S. agalactiae genomes revealed identical placement of IS1381 in czcD in other isolates from the clonal-complex-19 (CC19) 19 lineage. Collectively, these results show a resistance spectrum among S. agalactiae isolates enables survival in varying degrees of Zn stress, and this phenotypic variability has implications for understanding bacterial survival in metal stress

    Dual RNA sequencing of group B Streptococcus-infected human monocytes reveals new insights into host–pathogen interactions and bacterial evasion of phagocytosis

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    Streptococcus agalactiae, also known as Group B Streptococcus (GBS) is a frequent cause of infections, including bacteraemia and other acute diseases in adults and immunocompromised individuals. We developed a novel system to study GBS within human monocytes to define the co-transcriptome of intracellular GBS (iGBS) and host cells simultaneously using dual RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) to better define how this pathogen responds to host cells. Using human U937 monocytes and genome-sequenced GBS reference strain 874,391 in antibiotic protection assays we validated a system for dual-RNA seq based on measures of GBS and monocyte viability to ensure that the bacterial and host cell co-transcriptome reflected mainly intracellular (iGBS) rather than extracellular GBS. Elucidation of the co-transcriptome revealed 1119 dysregulated transcripts in iGBS with most genes, including several that encode virulence factors (e.g., scpB, hvgA, ribD, pil2b) exhibiting activation by upregulated expression. Infection with iGBS resulted in significant remodelling of the monocyte transcriptome, with 7587 transcripts differentially expressed including 7040 up-regulated and 547 down-regulated. qPCR confirmed that the most strongly activated genes included sht, encoding Streptococcal Histidine Triad Protein. An isogenic GBS mutant strain deficient in sht revealed a significant effect of this gene on phagocytosis of GBS and survival of the bacteria during systemic infection in mice. Identification of a novel contribution of sht to GBS virulence shows the co-transcriptome responses elucidated in GBS-infected monocytes help to shape the host–pathogen interaction and establish a role for sht in the response of the bacteria to phagocytic uptake. This study provides comprehension of concurrent transcriptional responses that occur in GBS and human monocytes that shape the host–pathogen interaction

    Streptococcus agalactiae glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) elicits multiple cytokines from human cells and has a minor effect on bacterial persistence in the murine female reproductive tract

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    Streptococcus agalactiae glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), encoded by gapC, is a glycolytic enzyme that is associated with virulence and immune-mediated protection. However, the role of GAPDH in cellular cytokine responses to S. agalactiae, bacterial phagocytosis and colonization of the female reproductive tract, a central host niche, is unknown. We expressed and studied purified recombinant GAPDH (rGAPDH) of S. agalactiae in cytokine elicitation assays with human monocyte-derived macrophage, epithelial cell, and polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) co-culture infection models. We also generated a S. agalactiae mutant that over-expresses GAPDH (oeGAPDH) from gapC using a constitutively active promoter, and analyzed the mutant in murine macrophage antibiotic protection assays and in virulence assays in vivo, using a colonization model that is based on experimental infection of the reproductive tract in female mice. Human cell co-cultures produced interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and IL-10 within 24 h of exposure to rGAPDH. PMNs were required for several of these cytokine responses. However, over-expression of GAPDH in S. agalactiae did not significantly affect measures of phagocytic uptake compared to an empty vector control. In contrast, oeGAPDH-S. agalactiae showed a small but statistically significant attenuation for persistence in the reproductive tract of female mice during the chronic phase of infection (10–28 days post-inoculation), relative to the vector control. We conclude that S. agalactiae GAPDH elicits production of multiple cytokines from human cells, and over-expression of GAPDH renders the bacterium more susceptible to host clearance in the female reproductive tract. One-sentence summary: This study shows Streptococcus agalactiae glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase, an enzyme that functions in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis and virulence, modifies phagocytosis outcomes, including cytokine synthesis, and affects bacterial persistence in the female reproductive tract

    Differential Afa/Dr fimbriae expression in the multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli ST131 clone

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    Many antibiotic resistant uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains belong to clones defined by their multilocus sequence type (ST), with ST131 being the most dominant. Although we have a good understanding of resistance development to fluoroquinolones and third-generation cephalosporins by ST131, our understanding of the virulence repertoire that has contributed to its global dissemination is limited. Here we show that the genes encoding Afa/Dr fimbriae, a group of adhesins strongly associated with UPEC that cause gestational pyelonephritis and recurrent cystitis, are found in approximately one third of all ST131 strains. Sequence comparison of the AfaE adhesin protein revealed a unique allelic variant carried by 82.9% of afa-positive ST131 strains. We identify the afa regulatory region as a hotspot for the integration of insertion sequence (IS) elements, all but one of which alter afa transcription. Close investigation demonstrated that the integration of an IS1 element in the afa regulatory region leads to increased expression of Afa/Dr fimbriae, promoting enhanced adhesion to kidney epithelial cells and suggesting a mechanism for altered virulence. Finally, we provide evidence for a more widespread impact of IS1 on ST131 genome evolution, suggesting that IS dynamics contribute to strain level microevolution that impacts ST131 fitness. IMPORTANCE E. coli ST131 is the most common antibiotic resistant UPEC clone associated with human urinary tract and bloodstream infections. Understanding the features of ST131 that have driven its global dissemination remains a critical priority if we are to counter its increasing antibiotic resistance. Here, we utilized a large collection of ST131 isolates to investigate the prevalence, regulation, and function of Afa/ Dr fimbriae, a well-characterized UPEC colonization and virulence factor. We show that the afa genes are found frequently in ST131 and demonstrate how the integration of IS elements in the afa regulatory region modulates Afa expression, presenting an example of altered virulence capacity. We also exploit a curated set of ST131 genomes to map the integration of the antibiotic resistance-associated IS1 element in the ST131 pangenome, providing evidence for its widespread impact on ST131 genome evolution

    A convergent evolutionary pathway attenuating cellulose production drives enhanced virulence of some bacteria

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    Bacteria adapt to selective pressure in their immediate environment in multiple ways. One mechanism involves the acquisition of independent mutations that disable or modify a key pathway, providing a signature of adaptation via convergent evolution. Extra-intestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) belonging to sequence type 95 (ST95) represent a global clone frequently associated with severe human infections including acute pyelonephritis, sepsis, and neonatal meningitis. Here, we analysed a publicly available dataset of 613 ST95 genomes and identified a series of loss-of-function mutations that disrupt cellulose production or its modification in 55.3% of strains. We show the inability to produce cellulose significantly enhances ST95 invasive infection in a rat model of neonatal meningitis, leading to the disruption of intestinal barrier integrity in newborn pups and enhanced dissemination to the liver, spleen and brain. Consistent with these observations, disruption of cellulose production in ST95 augmented innate immune signalling and tissue neutrophil infiltration in a mouse model of urinary tract infection. Mutations that disrupt cellulose production were also identified in other virulent ExPEC STs, Shigella and Salmonella, suggesting a correlative association with many Enterobacteriaceae that cause severe human infection. Together, our findings provide an explanation for the emergence of hypervirulent Enterobacteriaceae clones
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