4 research outputs found

    Komunikimi politik nĂ«pĂ«rmjet editorialit nĂ« gazetĂ«n “Koha jonĂ«â€ (1997)

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    Komunikimi politik nĂ«pĂ«rmjet editorialit nĂ« gazetĂ«n ”Koha JonĂ«â€ (1997) Studimi do tĂ« synojĂ« tĂ« thellohet mbi komunikimin politik dhe mesazhin qĂ« ka shkuar tek lexuesi, nĂ«pĂ«rmjet editorialit nĂ« gazetĂ«n ‘’Koha Jonë’’ gjatĂ« periudhĂ«s shkurt-mars 1997. QĂ«llim i rĂ«ndĂ«sishĂ«m do tĂ« jetĂ« kuptimi i rolit tĂ« medies pĂ«r komunikimin e ideve politike nĂ« masĂ« tek publiku, duke ditur impaktin qĂ« kjo gazetĂ« ka patur asokohe nĂ« publikun e ShqipĂ«risĂ«. Mendoj tĂ« realizoj njĂ« analizĂ« tĂ« hollĂ«sishme tĂ« kĂ«tij lloj artikulli gazetaresk, lidhur edhe me stilistikĂ«n, tonin, figuracionin etj. Po kĂ«shtu do synoj tĂ« sjell rolin e editorialit si katalizator i zhvillimeve politike, duke qenĂ« se hipoteza kryesore do tĂ« jetĂ« kjo. PĂ«rvec analizĂ«s sĂ« mesazhit (editorialit) kam pĂ«r qĂ«llim tĂ« bĂ«j edhe njĂ« analizĂ« tĂ« autorit tĂ« mesazhit (botuesi, drejtori i gazetĂ«s ose kryeredaktori) dhe lidhjes me tĂ« qenit njĂ« komunikues politik, duke marrĂ« edhe rolin e njĂ« ‘’partie politike’’. PĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« analizĂ« mendoj tĂ« shfrytĂ«zoj literaturĂ«n e teorive tĂ« komunikimit politik, pĂ«rvec punĂ«s me monitorimin e gazetĂ«s pĂ«r kĂ«tĂ« periudhĂ«. Gazeta ‘’Koha Jonë’’ e vitit 1997 mund tĂ« shenjojĂ« njĂ« nga periudhat e fundit nĂ« ShqipĂ«ri pĂ«r lulĂ«zimin e medieve lineare, vend qĂ« e zunĂ« mĂ« pas me kalimin e viteve mediet e reja

    Political communication through “Koha jonĂ«â€ editorial (1997)

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    This study will fully analyze and elaborate the political communication and message carried over to all newspaper readers, from Feb-March 1997 through “Koha Jonë’’ editorial. My main goal will be the understanding of the media’s role in conveying political messages to the public masses, considering the impact that this newspaper, in particular, had on the Albanian public at the time. Through a detailed analysis I will aim to bring a closer view to the style, tone, figuration and all elements used by this type of journalism. A considerable part of the same analysis, will be the role of this editorial as a catalyst of the political developments. As I will analyze the message, I will also intend to analyze its author (i.e., editor, director of the newspaper and the like) as a political information communicator and in some stances even as a key player taking over the role of a political party. My analysis will be based on political communication literature and peer reviews. The 1997 newspaper “Koha Jonë’’ marked the last period of this linear media that flourished at the time

    Political Communication through editorial in „‟Koha JonĂ«â€Ÿâ€Ÿ newspaper (1997)

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    The study will aim to investigate and deepen the political communication and message, that is published and is being send to the reader through editorial in ''Koha Jonë’ newspaper from February to March 1997. Important goal will be exploring for the role of media in political communication ideas send to the public, knowing the impact that this newspaper had in albanian public. I will finalize a detailed analysis of this kind of journalistic article, also associated with stylistics analysis, tone analysis, ect. I will tend to bring the editorial role as a catalyst role in political developments, because that is the main hypothesis of the paper. Besides analyzing the message (editorial) I aim to make a analysis of the author of the message (the publisher, newspaper director or editor) and connectivity with them, as being a political communicator, taking the role of a ''political party ''. For this analysis I will be focused on political communication theories, in addition of monitoring the daily editorial of this period. Newspaper 'Koha Jone’’ in 1997, is developed in the latest blooming period of linear media in Albania, the place that is been taken from new media

    Political communication through “Koha jonĂ«â€ editorial (1997)

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    This study will fully analyze and elaborate the political communication and message carried over to all newspaper readers, from Feb-March 1997 through “Koha Jonë’’ editorial. My main goal will be the understanding of the media’s role in conveying political messages to the public masses, considering the impact that this newspaper, in particular, had on the Albanian public at the time. Through a detailed analysis I will aim to bring a closer view to the style, tone, figuration and all elements used by this type of journalism. A considerable part of the same analysis, will be the role of this editorial as a catalyst of the political developments. As I will analyze the message, I will also intend to analyze its author (i.e., editor, director of the newspaper and the like) as a political information communicator and in some stances even as a key player taking over the role of a political party. My analysis will be based on political communication literature and peer reviews. The 1997 newspaper “Koha Jonë’’ marked the last period of this linear media that flourished at the time