108 research outputs found

    Patterning and polarization of cells by intracellular flows

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    Beginning with Turing's seminal work [1], decades of research have demonstrated the fundamental ability of biochemical networks to generate and sustain the formation of patterns. However, it is increasingly appreciated that biochemical networks also both shape and are shaped by physical and mechanical processes [2, 3, 4]. One such process is fluid flow. In many respects, the cytoplasm, membrane and actin cortex all function as fluids, and as they flow, they drive bulk transport of molecules throughout the cell. By coupling biochemical activity to long-range molecular transport, flows can shape the distributions of molecules in space. Here, we review the various types of flows that exist in cells, with the aim of highlighting recent advances in our understanding of how flows are generated and how they contribute to intracellular patterning processes, such as the establishment of cell polarity

    Membrane invaginations reveal cortical sites that pull on mitotic spindles in one-cell C. elegans embryos.

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    Asymmetric positioning of the mitotic spindle in C. elegans embryos is mediated by force-generating complexes that are anchored at the plasma membrane and that pull on microtubules growing out from the spindle poles. Although asymmetric distribution of the force generators is thought to underlie asymmetric positioning of the spindle, the number and location of the force generators has not been well defined. In particular, it has not been possible to visualize individual force generating events at the cortex. We discovered that perturbation of the acto-myosin cortex leads to the formation of long membrane invaginations that are pulled from the plasma membrane toward the spindle poles. Several lines of evidence show that the invaginations, which also occur in unperturbed embryos though at lower frequency, are pulled by the same force generators responsible for spindle positioning. Thus, the invaginations serve as a tool to localize the sites of force generation at the cortex and allow us to estimate a lower limit on the number of cortical force generators within the cell

    A Mycobacterial Enzyme Essential for Cell Division Synergizes with Resuscitation-Promoting Factor

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    The final stage of bacterial cell division requires the activity of one or more enzymes capable of degrading the layers of peptidoglycan connecting two recently developed daughter cells. Although this is a key step in cell division and is required by all peptidoglycan-containing bacteria, little is known about how these potentially lethal enzymes are regulated. It is likely that regulation is mediated, at least partly, through protein–protein interactions. Two lytic transglycosylases of mycobacteria, known as resuscitation-promoting factor B and E (RpfB and RpfE), have previously been shown to interact with the peptidoglycan-hydrolyzing endopeptidase, Rpf-interacting protein A (RipA). These proteins may form a complex at the septum of dividing bacteria. To investigate the function of this potential complex, we generated depletion strains in M. smegmatis. Here we show that, while depletion of rpfB has no effect on viability or morphology, ripA depletion results in a marked decrease in growth and formation of long, branched chains. These growth and morphological defects could be functionally complemented by the M. tuberculosis ripA orthologue (rv1477), but not by another ripA-like orthologue (rv1478). Depletion of ripA also resulted in increased susceptibility to the cell wall–targeting β-lactams. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RipA has hydrolytic activity towards several cell wall substrates and synergizes with RpfB. These data reveal the unusual essentiality of a peptidoglycan hydrolase and suggest a novel protein–protein interaction as one way of regulating its activity

    Regulated Activation of the PAR Polarity Network Ensures a Timely and Specific Response to Spatial Cues

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    How do cells polarize at the correct time and in response to the correct cues? In the C. elegans zygote, the timing and geometry of polarization rely on a single dominant cue-the sperm centrosome-that matures at the end of meiosis and specifies the nascent posterior. Polarization requires that the conserved PAR proteins, which specify polarity in the zygote, be poised to respond to the centrosome. Yet, how and when PAR proteins achieve this unpolarized, but responsive, state is unknown. We show that oocyte maturation initiates a fertilization-independent PAR activation program. PAR proteins are initially not competent to polarize but gradually acquire this ability following oocyte maturation. Surprisingly, this program allows symmetry breaking even in unfertilized oocytes lacking centrosomes. Thus, if PAR proteins can respond to multiple polarizing cues, how is specificity for the centrosome achieved? Specificity is enforced by Polo-like and Aurora kinases (PLK-1 and AIR-1 in C. elegans), which impose a delay in the activation of the PAR network so that it coincides with maturation of the centrosome cue. This delay suppresses polarization by non-centrosomal cues, which can otherwise trigger premature polarization and multiple or reversed polarity domains. Taken together, these findings identify a regulatory program that enforces proper polarization by synchronizing PAR network activation with cell cycle progression, thereby ensuring that PAR proteins respond specifically to the correct cue. Temporal control of polarity network activity is likely to be a common strategy to ensure robust, dynamic, and specific polarization in response to developmentally deployed cues

    Anterior-enriched filopodia create appearance of asymmetric membrane microdomains in polarizing C. elegans zygotes

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    The association of molecules within membrane microdomains is critical for the intracellular organization of cells. During polarization of the C. elegans zygote, both polarity proteins and actomyosin regulators associate within dynamic membrane-associated foci. Recently, a novel class of asymmetric PIP2 membrane-associated structures was described, suggesting that PIP2 domains could constitute signaling hubs to promote cell polarization and actin nucleation. Here we probe the nature of these domains using a variety of membrane- and actin cortex-associated probes. These data demonstrate that these domains are filopodia, which are stimulated transiently during polarity establishment and accumulate in the zygote anterior. The resulting membrane protrusions create local membrane topology that quantitatively accounts for observed local increases in fluorescence signal of membrane-associated molecules, suggesting molecules are not selectively enriched in these domains relative to bulk membrane and that the PIP2 pool as revealed by PHPLCδ1 simply reflects plasma membrane localization. Given the ubiquity of 3D membrane structures in cells, including filopodia, microvilli, and membrane folds, similar caveats are likely to apply to analysis of membrane-associated molecules in a broad range of systems

    Novel Role of Phosphorylation-Dependent Interaction between FtsZ and FipA in Mycobacterial Cell Division

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    The bacterial divisome is a multiprotein complex. Specific protein-protein interactions specify whether cell division occurs optimally, or whether division is arrested. Little is known about these protein-protein interactions and their regulation in mycobacteria. We have investigated the interrelationship between the products of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis gene cluster Rv0014c-Rv0019c, namely PknA (encoded by Rv0014c) and FtsZ-interacting protein A, FipA (encoded by Rv0019c) and the products of the division cell wall (dcw) cluster, namely FtsZ and FtsQ. M. smegmatis strains depleted in components of the two gene clusters have been complemented with orthologs of the respective genes of M. tuberculosis. Here we identify FipA as an interacting partner of FtsZ and FtsQ and establish that PknA-dependent phosphorylation of FipA on T77 and FtsZ on T343 is required for cell division under oxidative stress. A fipA knockout strain of M. smegmatis is less capable of withstanding oxidative stress than the wild type and showed elongation of cells due to a defect in septum formation. Localization of FtsQ, FtsZ and FipA at mid-cell was also compromised. Growth and survival defects under oxidative stress could be functionally complemented by fipA of M. tuberculosis but not its T77A mutant. Merodiploid strains of M. smegmatis expressing the FtsZ(T343A) showed inhibition of FtsZ-FipA interaction and Z ring formation under oxidative stress. Knockdown of FipA led to elongation of M. tuberculosis cells grown in macrophages and reduced intramacrophage growth. These data reveal a novel role of phosphorylation-dependent protein-protein interactions involving FipA, in the sustenance of mycobacterial cell division under oxidative stress

    Protein Pattern Formation

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    Protein pattern formation is essential for the spatial organization of many intracellular processes like cell division, flagellum positioning, and chemotaxis. A prominent example of intracellular patterns are the oscillatory pole-to-pole oscillations of Min proteins in \textit{E. coli} whose biological function is to ensure precise cell division. Cell polarization, a prerequisite for processes such as stem cell differentiation and cell polarity in yeast, is also mediated by a diffusion-reaction process. More generally, these functional modules of cells serve as model systems for self-organization, one of the core principles of life. Under which conditions spatio-temporal patterns emerge, and how these patterns are regulated by biochemical and geometrical factors are major aspects of current research. Here we review recent theoretical and experimental advances in the field of intracellular pattern formation, focusing on general design principles and fundamental physical mechanisms.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, review articl

    aPKC Cycles between Functionally Distinct PAR Protein Assemblies to Drive Cell Polarity

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    The conserved polarity effector proteins PAR-3, PAR-6, CDC-42, and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) form a core unit of the PAR protein network, which plays a central role in polarizing a broad range of animal cell types. To functionally polarize cells, these proteins must activate aPKC within a spatially defined membrane domain on one side of the cell in response to symmetry-breaking cues. Using the Caenorhabditis elegans zygote as a model, we find that the localization and activation of aPKC involve distinct, specialized aPKC-containing assemblies: a PAR-3-dependent assembly that responds to polarity cues and promotes efficient segregation of aPKC toward the anterior but holds aPKC in an inactive state, and a CDC-42-dependent assembly in which aPKC is active but poorly segregated. Cycling of aPKC between these distinct functional assemblies, which appears to depend on aPKC activity, effectively links cue-sensing and effector roles within the PAR network to ensure robust establishment of polarity.This work was supported by a Faculty Fellowship from Newcastle University and a Royal Society Research Grant (RG2015R2 to J. Rodriguez), a BBSRC PhD fellowship (J.M.), a PhD fellowship from Newcastle University (A.G.G.), Wellcome Trust Senior and Principal Research Fellowships (054523, to J.A.; 080007, to D.StJ.), a University of Cambridge Studentship via the Wellcome Trust PhD Program in Developmental Biology (A.R.F.), and the Francis Crick Institute (N.W.G.), which receives its core funding from Cancer Research UK (FC001086), the UK Medical Research Council (FC001086), and the Wellcome Trust (FC001086). N.W.G. and J. Rodriguez are members of the GENiE network supported by COST Action BM1408 and EMBO

    Evolutionary tradeoffs in cellular composition across diverse bacteria

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    One of the most important classic and contemporary interests in biology is the connection between cellular composition and physiological function. Decades of research have allowed us to understand the detailed relationship between various cellular components and processes for individual species, and have uncovered common functionality across diverse species. However, there still remains the need for frameworks that can mechanistically predict the tradeoffs between cellular functions and elucidate and interpret average trends across species. Here we provide a comprehensive analysis of how cellular composition changes across the diversity of bacteria as connected with physiological function and metabolism, spanning five orders of magnitude in body size. We present an analysis of the trends with cell volume that covers shifts in genomic, protein, cellular envelope, RNA and ribosomal content. We show that trends in protein content are more complex than a simple proportionality with the overall genome size, and that the number of ribosomes is simply explained by cross-species shifts in biosynthesis requirements. Furthermore, we show that the largest and smallest bacteria are limited by physical space requirements. At the lower end of size, cell volume is dominated by DNA and protein content—the requirement for which predicts a lower limit on cell size that is in good agreement with the smallest observed bacteria. At the upper end of bacterial size, we have identified a point at which the number of ribosomes required for biosynthesis exceeds available cell volume. Between these limits we are able to discuss systematic and dramatic shifts in cellular composition. Much of our analysis is connected with the basic energetics of cells where we show that the scaling of metabolic rate is surprisingly superlinear with all cellular components

    Functional Analysis of the Cytoskeleton Protein MreB from Chlamydophila pneumoniae

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    In rod-shaped bacteria, the bacterial actin ortholog MreB is considered to organize the incorporation of cell wall precursors into the side-wall, whereas the tubulin homologue FtsZ is known to tether incorporation of cell wall building blocks at the developing septum. For intracellular bacteria, there is no need to compensate osmotic pressure by means of a cell wall, and peptidoglycan has not been reliably detected in Chlamydiaceae. Surprisingly, a nearly complete pathway for the biosynthesis of the cell wall building block lipid II has been found in the genomes of Chlamydiaceae. In a previous study, we discussed the hypothesis that conservation of lipid II biosynthesis in cell wall-lacking bacteria may reflect the intimate molecular linkage of cell wall biosynthesis and cell division and thus an essential role of the precursor in cell division. Here, we investigate why spherical-shaped chlamydiae harbor MreB which is almost exclusively found in elongated bacteria (i.e. rods, vibrios, spirilla) whereas they lack the otherwise essential division protein FtsZ. We demonstrate that chlamydial MreB polymerizes in vitro and that polymerization is not inhibited by the blocking agent A22. As observed for MreB from Bacillus subtilis, chlamydial MreB does not require ATP for polymerization but is capable of ATP hydrolysis in phosphate release assays. Co-pelleting and bacterial two-hybrid experiments indicate that MreB from Chlamydophila (Chlamydia) pneumoniae interacts with MurF, MraY and MurG, three key components in lipid II biosynthesis. In addition, MreB polymerization is improved in the presence of MurF. Our findings suggest that MreB is involved in tethering biosynthesis of lipid II and as such may be necessary for maintaining a functional divisome machinery in Chlamydiaceae
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