99 research outputs found

    Activation sites involved in human lymphocyte mediated tumor cell lysis

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    NK cells and subsets of CTL normally lyse target cells after signal transduction via particular surface receptor(s) for target cell recognition. The cytotoxic activity of NK or CTL cells can be manipulated using mAb (either mono- or bispecific) directed against such lymphocyte receptors or against lymphocyte accessory molecules. The present study was initiated to determine 1) the requirements for selective in vitro generation and expansion of distinct cytotoxic lymphocyte subsets; 2) their proportions and cytotoxic capacities in tumor patients; 3) the requirements for activation of NK cells and CTL subsets via CD2, CD3 and CD16; and 4) the role of LFA-1/ICAM-1 interactions in the cytolytic process. These in vitro studies provide information relevant to the application of such cytotoxic lymphocytes and bispecific mAb in immunotherapy of cancer

    Dendritic cell subsets and implications for cancer immunotherapy

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) play a central role in the orchestration of effective T cell responses against tumors. However, their functional behavior is context-dependent. DC type, transcriptional program, location, intratumoral factors, and inflammatory milieu all impact DCs with regard to promoting or inhibiting tumor immunity. The following review introduces important facets of DC function, and how subset and phenotype can affect the interplay of DCs with other factors in the tumor microenvironment. It will also discuss how current cancer treatment relies on DC function, and survey the myriad ways with which immune therapy can more directly harness DCs to enact antitumor cytotoxicity

    ICAM- melanoma cells are relatively resistant to CD3-mediated T-cell lysis

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    Abstract The primary activation pathway of T cells is via the T-cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 complex, which is functionally interrelated with various accessory molecules. We examined the contribution of the lymphocyte-function-associated antigenI/intercellular adhesion molecule I (LFA-I/ICAM-I) interaction to CD3/TCR-mediated lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We used ICAM-I-or+ tumor cell lines as target cells and anti-CD3- or anti-LFA-I containing hetero-cross-linked monoclonal antibody (MAb) to bridge CTL and target cells and simultaneously to activate CTL. The ICAM-I- melanoma-derived cell line lgR39 was relatively resistant to CD3-mediated lysis by both TCRαβ+ and TCRγdL+ CTL, when compared with ICAM-I+ cell lines. Induction of ICAM-I on the membrane of lgR39 cells by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) rendered these cells more susceptible to CD3-mediated lysis. Anti-ICAM-I MAb inhibited this TNF-enhanced susceptibility to lysis, directly demonstrating that the induction of ICAM-I was critical in the TNF-induced increase in susceptibility to lysis of lgR39 cells. CTL formed less efficient conjugates with the ICAM-I- cells as compared to ICAM-I+ cells. Both spontaneous and CD3-induced conjugate formation as well as CD3-mediated lysis of ICAM-I- tumor cells by CTL were enhanced by the addition of anti-LFA-I containing heterocross-linked MAb, thereby mimicking the LFA-I/ICAM-I interaction between CTL and target cells. Soluble anti-CD18 MAb inhibited CD3-mediated lysis of ICAM-I- target cells by CTL without affecting their conjugate formation. Anti-LFA-I MAb added after conjugate formation still inhibited lysis of both ICAM-I+or- tumor cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that the LFA-I/ICAM-I interaction co-activates CD3/TCR-mediated lysis by CTL through both an enhanced CTL-target cell binding and the delivery of post-conjugate costimulatory signals

    Lysosomal membrane permeabilization is an early event in sigma-2 receptor ligand mediated cell death in pancreatic cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Sigma-2 receptor ligands have been studied for treatment of pancreatic cancer because they are preferentially internalized by proliferating cells and induce apoptosis. This mechanism of apoptosis is poorly understood, with varying reports of caspase-3 dependence. We evaluated multiple sigma-2 receptor ligands in this study, each shown to decrease tumor burden in preclinical models of human pancreatic cancer. RESULTS: Fluorescently labeled sigma-2 receptor ligands of two classes (derivatives of SW43 and PB282) localize to cell membrane components in Bxpc3 and Aspc1 pancreatic cancer cells and accumulate in lysosomes. We found that interactions in the lysosome are critical for cell death following sigma-2 ligand treatment because selective inhibition of a protective lysosomal membrane glycoprotein, LAMP1, with shRNA greatly reduced the viability of cells following treatment. Sigma-2 ligands induced lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) and protease translocation triggering downstream effectors of apoptosis. Subsequently, cellular oxidative stress was greatly increased following treatment with SW43, and the hydrophilic antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) gave greater protection against this than a lipophilic antioxidant, α-tocopherol (α-toco). Conversely, PB282-mediated cytotoxicity relied less on cellular oxidation, even though α-toco did provide protection from this ligand. In addition, we found that caspase-3 induction was not as significantly inhibited by cathepsin inhibitors as by antioxidants. Both NAC and α-toco protected against caspase-3 induction following PB282 treatment, while only NAC offered protection following SW43 treatment. The caspase-3 inhibitor DEVD-FMK offered significant protection from PB282, but not SW43. CONCLUSIONS: Sigma-2 ligand SW43 commits pancreatic cancer cells to death by a caspase-independent process involving LMP and oxidative stress which is protected from by NAC. PB282 however undergoes a caspase-dependent death following LMP protected by DEVD-FMK and α-toco, which is also known to stabilize the mitochondrial membrane during apoptotic stimuli. These differences in mechanism are likely dependent on the structural class of the compounds versus the inherent sigma-2 binding affinity. As resistance of pancreatic cancers to specific apoptotic stimuli from chemotherapy is better appreciated, and patient-tailored treatments become more available, ligands with high sigma-2 receptor affinity should be chosen based on sensitivities to apoptotic pathways

    Precision delivery of RAS-inhibiting siRNA to KRAS driven cancer via peptide-based nanoparticles

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    Over 95% of pancreatic adenocarcinomas (PDACs), as well as a large fraction of other tumor types, such as colorectal adenocarcinoma, are driven by KRAS activation. However, no direct RAS inhibitors exist for cancer therapy. Furthermore, the delivery of therapeutic agents of any kind to PDAC in particular has been hindered by the extensive desmoplasia and resultant drug delivery challenges that accompanies these tumors. Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a promising modality for anti-neoplastic therapy due to its precision and wide range of potential therapeutic targets. Unfortunately, siRNA therapy is limited by low serum half-life, vulnerability to intracellular digestion, and transient therapeutic effect. We assessed the ability of a peptide based, oligonucleotide condensing, endosomolytic nanoparticle (NP) system to deliver siRNA to KRAS-driven cancers. We show that this peptide-based NP is avidly taken up by cancer cell

    The novel sigma-2 receptor ligand SW43 stabilizes pancreas cancer progression in combination with gemcitabine

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sigma-2 receptors are over-expressed in proliferating cancer cells, making an attractive target for the targeted treatment of pancreatic cancer. In this study, we investigated the role of the novel sigma-2 receptor ligand SW43 to induce apoptosis and augment standard chemotherapy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The binding affinity for sigma-2 ligands is high in pancreas cancer, and they induce apoptosis with a rank order of SV119 < SW43 < SRM <it>in vitro</it>. Combining these compounds with gemcitabine further increased apoptosis and decreased viability. Our <it>in vivo </it>model showed that sigma-2 ligand treatment decreased tumor volume to the same extent as gemcitabine. However, SW43 combination treatment with gemcitabine was superior to the other compounds and resulted in stabilization of tumor volume during treatment, with minimal toxicities.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study shows that the sigma-2 ligand SW43 has the greatest capacity to augment gemcitabine in a pre-clinical model of pancreas cancer and has provided us with the rationale to move this compound forward with clinical investigations for patients with pancreatic cancer.</p

    Tumor-on-chip modeling of organ-specific cancer and metastasis

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    Every year, cancer claims millions of lives around the globe. Unfortunately, model systems that accurately mimic human oncology - a requirement for the development of more effective therapies for these patients - remain elusive. Tumor development is an organ-specific process that involves modification of existing tissue features, recruitment of other cell types, and eventual metastasis to distant organs. Recently, tissue engineered microfluidic devices have emerged as a powerful in vitro tool to model human physiology and pathology with organ-specificity. These organ-on-chip platforms consist of cells cultured in 3D hydrogels and offer precise control over geometry, biological components, and physiochemical properties. Here, we review progress towards organ-specific microfluidic models of the primary and metastatic tumor microenvironments. Despite the field\u27s infancy, these tumor-on-chip models have enabled discoveries about cancer immunobiology and response to therapy. Future work should focus on the development of autologous or multi-organ systems and inclusion of the immune system