1,064 research outputs found

    The algorithmic regulation of security: An infrastructural perspective

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    This article contributes to debates on algorithmic regulation by focusing on the domain of security. It develops an infrastructural perspective, by analyzing how algorithmic regulation is enacted through the custom‐built transatlantic data infrastructures of the EU‐U.S. Passenger Name Records and Terrorism Financing Tracking Program programs. Concerning regulation through algorithms, this approach analyzes how specific, commercial data are rendered transferable and meaningful in a security context. Concerning the regulation of algorithms, an infrastructural perspective examines how public values like privacy and accountability are built into international data infrastructures. The creation of data infrastructures affects existing modes of governance and fosters novel power relations among public and private actors. We highlight emergent modes of standard setting, thus enriching Yeung's (2018) taxonomy, and question the practical effects of operationalizing public values through infrastructural choices. Ultimately, the article offers a critical reading of algorithmic security, and how it materially, legally, and politically supports specific ways of doing security

    Co-Producing Security: Platform Content Moderation and European Security Integration

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    The European Union (EU) seeks to play a leading role in steering the private work of online content moderation, as demonstrated by numerous policy and legislative initiatives in the domain. Two initiatives, in particular, are shaping terrorist content moderation: the creation of a EU Internet Referral Unit and the adoption of a Regulation on preventing the online dissemination of terrorist content (TERREG). This article analyses these initiatives and their practical effects. In particular, it unpacks the legal and technological mechanisms at the core of EU regulation in the realm of online terrorist content moderation, and how they co-produce security decisions across public and private spheres. Based on interviews, fieldwork observations and document analysis, we show how processes of referral and removal, and processes of flagging and filtering are key to EU-directed content moderation. In conclusion, we reflect on content moderation as a novel form of European security integration

    Reflecting on the use of project-based learning for 21st Century competencies in an it extended programme

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    Employment in the information technology (IT) industry will most often result in project-based environments or project-based objectives. Preparing IT students for this industry is recommended through project-based learning (PBL). PBL has become increasingly popular over the past two decades for skills development in IT-related curriculum. The use of traditional pedagogies should be critically reviewed due to the noticeable skills gap in IT graduates’ lack of 21st century competencies. This suggests that PBL should be implemented earlier in an IT degree. Literature reviews are offered on PBL and promoting reflective practice in PBL. A PBL strategy followed in an IT extended programme is presented. 30 student participants completed a reflective sheet towards the end of a module to provide insights on their 21st century competencies developed via PBL instruction. An interpretive approach is taken towards data analysis with the aim of understanding their experiences.Institute for Science and Technology Education (ISTE

    SL2: an interactive webtool for modeling of missing segments in proteins

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    SuperLooper2 (SL2) (http://proteinformatics.charite.de/sl2) is the updated version of our previous web-server SuperLooper, a fragment based tool for the prediction and interactive placement of loop structures into globular and helical membrane proteins. In comparison to our previous version, SL2 benefits from both a considerably enlarged database of fragments derived from high-resolution 3D protein structures of globular and helical membrane proteins, and the integration of a new protein viewer. The database, now with double the content, significantly improved the coverage of fragment conformations and prediction quality. The employment of the NGL viewer for visualization of the protein under investigation and interactive selection of appropriate loops makes SL2 independent of third-party plug-ins and additional installations

    Формалізація основних принципів взаємодії інвестора (кредитора) та позичальника (господарюючого суб’єкта)

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    Здійснено аналіз питань пов’язаних з організацією раціонального інвестування як з точки зору позичальника (господарюючого суб’єкта) так і з точки зору інвестора (кредитора). Проблему узгодження інтересів інвестора та позичальника сформульовано як багатокритеріальну задачу математичного програмування. Запропонована формалізація взаємодії господарюючого суб’єкта та інвестора за допомогою дослідження дискретного Марковського процесу, стани якого задаються вектором інтегральних показників діяльності кредитора та позичальника.This work comprises the rational investment organizationrelated issues analysis from the borrower’s (managing entity), as well as from the investor’s (creditor’s) point of view. The borrower and investor’s interests’ coordination issue is formulated as a mathematical programming multicriterion problem. The borrower and investor cooperation formalization with help of discreet Markov’s process study is introduced. The Markov’s process’ states are determined by the investor and borrower’s integral activities’ rates vector

    Mutation of TBCK causes a rare recessive developmental disorder

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    OBJECTIVE: To characterize the underlying genetic defect in a family with 3 siblings affected by a severe, yet viable, congenital disorder. METHODS: Extensive genetic and metabolic investigations were performed, and the affected children were imaged at different ages. Whole-genome genotyping and whole-exome sequencing were undertaken. A single large region (>8 Mb) of homozygosity in chromosome 4 (chr4:100,268,553-108,609,628) was identified that was shared only in affected siblings. Inspection of genetic variability within this region led to the identification of a novel mutation. Sanger sequencing confirmed segregation of the mutation with disease. RESULTS: All affected siblings share homozygosity for a novel 4-bp deletion in the gene TBCK (NM_033115:c.614_617del:p.205_206del). CONCLUSIONS: This finding provides the genetic cause of a severe inherited disease in a family and extends the number of mutations and phenotypes associated with this recently identified disease gene