1 research outputs found

    The Pattern Of Neurological Manifestations Of Tuberculosis Among Adult Sudanese Patients

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    Objective: To study the pattern of neurological manifestations of tuberculosis among adult Sudanese tuberculous patients seen at El-Shaab Teaching Hospital (Sudan). Methods: This study was performed on 179 Sudanese patients with tuberculosis admitted at El-Shaab Teaching Hospital during the period from May 2005 to January 2006. Demographic and clinical data were obtained. Investigations including CXR, sputum for acid alcohol fast bacilli [AAFB], Mantoux test, complete haemogram were done. Screening for HIV, NC Study, EMG, CT, MRI of the brain or spinal cord were performed when indicated. Results: Fifty seven out of 179 tuberculous patients had neurological complications. 22 presented with Pott\'s paraplegia, 18 with peripheral neuropathy, six had tubercloma, three with tuberculous meningitis, three had quadriplegia, two had hemiplegia, two had proximal myopathy and one had multiple cranial nerves palsies CONCULSION: The study revealed high incidence of Potts paraplegia and peripheral neuropathy, this is most probably due to late presentation. Keywords: Pott\'s paraplegia, peripheral neuropathy, tubercloma, tuberculous meningitis, quadriplegia, hemiplegia, proximal myopathy Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences Vol. 3 (3) 2008: pp. 221-22