408 research outputs found

    Society's Debt to the Engineer

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    Book Reviews

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    The purpose of this book is, to quote from the preface, to present a clear, accurate, and impartial study of the law in the hope of offering assistance to those who are attempting to choose a career or who are about to enter upon the profession. This necessitates a review of the nature of the law, present day legal conditions, personal and educational requirements, the dangers and disadvantages incident to practice, the high professional demands made upon the lawyer, the varied fields of service open to him, his probable earnings and emoluments,--in a word, all that has a distinct and important bearing upon the law as a vocation

    Note and Comment

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    Deeds Delivered Conditionally to the Grantee - Generally courts have shown a commendable disposition to get away from the formalism, which in the past played such a large part in determination of questions of delivery. While the actual tradition of the instrument to the grantee or to someone on his behalf, on the one hand, or its retention in the hands of the maker, on the other, is still very important evidentially, such facts are not by any means controlling. Thus it is entirely possible for a deed to be delivered though it never has been out of the grantor\u27s hands; likewise a deed may be undelivered though in the hands of the grantee by the voluntary act of the grantor. See the discussion by Professor Tiffany ir I7 MCHc. L. Rv. 1o4, et seq., citing many cases. This result has come from the growing appreciation by the courts that delivery after all is simply the manifestation of the grantor\u27s intent that, as to him, the instrument is a completed legal act. This intent is normally shown by a handing over of the deed to the grantee or to someone- for him, but there are other ways of showing such intent. A deed in the hands of the grantor prima fade has been delivered; if in the hands of the grantor, prima facie, it has not been delivered

    Book Reviews

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    A collection of book reviews by multiple authors

    Recent Legal Literature

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    Pomeroy: Equity Jurisprudence and Equitable Remedies, 3rd ed.; Ware: Roman Water Law, translated from the Pandects of Justinian; Scott (ed.): Cases on Quasi-Contracts; Woodruff: Selected Cases on the Law of Quasi-Contracts; Clark and Skyles: A Treatise on the Law of Agency; Clark and Marshall: A Treatise on the Law of Crimes; Hill: Lincoln the Lawye

    Optics Considerations for the PS2

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    CERN envisages replacing the existing Proton Synchrotron (PS) with a larger synchrotron (PS2) capable of injecting at higher energy into the SPS. Since it should increase the performance not only of the LHC but also CNGS and other users of beams from CERN's hadron injector complex, the new accelerator must retain much of the flexibility of the present complex. A number of candidate optics, with and without transition crossing, have been evaluated systematically and compared

    Recent Legal Literature

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    Lawson: The Principles of the American Law of Contracts at Law and in Equity; Hartsbhorne: Courts and Procedure in England and New Jersey; Schouler: The Law of Bailments, Including Pledge, Innkeepers and Carriers; Freeman: The American State Reports. Containing cases of general value and authority, etc.; Bowlby, Lloyd, Amory, Emerson, and Abbe (Eds.): Wharton and Still\u27s Medical Jurisprudenc

    Linear Optics Design for PS2

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    The design considerations and key parameters for the replacement of the CERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) with a new ring (PS2), as part of the upgrade of the LHC injector complex are summarized. Classical linear optics solutions including standard FODO, doublet and triplet cells with real transition energy, are studied. Particular emphasis is given to the tuning and optimisation of Negative Momentum Compaction (NMC) cells with imaginary transition energy. The optics of the high energy transfer line is also presented

    Book Reviews

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    Professor Husband\u27s book deals with two problems, the date of the trial and crucifixion of Jesus, and the legal aspects of the proceedings against him. In both divisions of the subject his conclusions are novel and are supported by able argumentation

    The effects of LHC civil engineering on the SPS and LEP machines

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    The LHC will utilise much of the existing LEP infrastructure but will require many new surface buildings and several smaller underground structures, two new transfer tunnels from the SPS to the LHC an d two huge cavern complexes to house the ATLAS and CMS experiments. Excavation for the underground structures will start while LEP and SPS are running, causig the existing tunnels in close proximity t o move. The predicted movements are of sufficient amplitude to prevent machine oepration if no precautions are taken
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