441 research outputs found

    Quintessential Kination and Thermal Production of SUSY e-WIMPs

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    The impact of a kination-dominated phase generated by a quintessential exponential model on the thermal abundance of Supersymmetric (SUSY) extremely Weekly Interacting Massive Particles (e-WIMPs) is investigated. For values of the quintessential energy-density parameter on the eve of nucleosynthesis close to its upper bound, we find that: (i) the gravitino constraint is totally evaded for unstable gravitinos; (ii) the thermal abundance of stable gravitinos is not sufficient to account for the cold dark matter of the universe; (iii) the thermal abundance of axinos can satisfy the cold dark matter constraint for values of the initial (``reheating'') temperature well above those required in the standard cosmology.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 4th International Workshop On The Dark Side Of The Universe (DSU 2008) 1-5 Jun 2008, Cairo, Egyp

    Dark Matter and Yukawa Unification with Massive Neutrinos

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    We revisit the WMAP dark matter constraints on Yukawa Unification in the presence of massive neutrinos. The large neutrino mixing indicated by the data modifies the predictions for the bottom quark mass, and enables Yukawa also for large tanā”Ī²\tan\beta, and for positive Ī¼\mu that were previously disfavoured. As a result, the allowed parameter space for neutralino dark matter also increases, particularly for areas with resonant enhancement of the neutralino relic density.Comment: Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on the Dark Side of the Universe (DSU 2008), Cairo, June 2008. 7 pages, 4 figure

    PercepcioĢn de esfuerzo, diversioĢn y aprendizaje en alumnos de educacioĢn secundaria en las clases de EducacioĢn FiĢsica durante una Unidad DidaĢctica de CrossFit

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    This research aims to know the enjoyment, learning and intensity level perception in Physical Education lessons during a CrossFit Educational Component and the relationship among gender and educational level. In order to that, a total of 104 secondary students whose ages vary from 12 to 16 years old have filled in two questionnaires about enjoyment, learning and effort perception. The results have shown high levels of enjoyment, effort and learning perception in the students thought CrossFit practice. Thus, boys perceive higher enjoyment and intensity than girls, and it has found that students in upper secondary perceive physical education lessons as more intense and less fun.Esta investigacioĢn pretende conocer la percepcioĢn de diversioĢn, aprendizaje y nivel de intensidad de las clases de EducacioĢn FiĢsica durante una Unidad DidaĢctica de CrossFit y su relacioĢn con el geĢnero y el nivel educativo. Para ello, un total de 104 estudiantes de EducacioĢn Secundaria de entre 12 y 16 anĢƒos completaron dos cuestionarios de percepcioĢn de diversioĢn, aprendizaje y esfuerzo. Los resultados obtenidos han mostrado unos valores altos de percepcioĢn de diversioĢn, esfuerzo y aprendizaje en los estudiantes a traveĢs de la praĢctica de CrossFit. Por otro lado, los chicos perciben una mayor diversioĢn e intensidad que las chicas, y se ha encontrando que los alumnos de segundo ciclo de secundaria perciben las clases de EducacioĢn FiĢsica como maĢs intensas y menos divertidas

    Chiral extrapolation of the sigma and rho mesons from dispersion relations and Chiral Perturbation Theory

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    We review our recent study of the pion mass dependence of the rho and sigma resonances, generated from one-loop SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) with the Inverse Amplitude Method (IAM). In order to properly account for the Adler zero region, we also review the recently obtained modified version of the IAM; which is based on analyticity, elastic unitarity and ChPT at low energies, thus yielding the correct pion mass dependence of the resonance pole positions up to next-to-leading order in ChPT. As main results we find that the rho-pi-pi coupling constant is almost pion mass independent and that the rho mass shows a smooth pion mass dependence while that of the sigma shows a strong non-analyticity. These findings are important for studies of the meson spectrum on the lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the "Scalar Mesons and Related Topics" workshop. Lisbon, February 11-16, 200
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